1 Kings 21:23
1 Kings 21:23
"And also concerning Jezebel the LORD says: 'Dogs will devour Jezebel by the wall of Jezreel.'

"And regarding Jezebel, the LORD says, 'Dogs will eat Jezebel's body at the plot of land in Jezreel.'

And of Jezebel the LORD also said, ‘The dogs shall eat Jezebel within the walls of Jezreel.’

"Of Jezebel also has the LORD spoken, saying, 'The dogs will eat Jezebel in the district of Jezreel.'

And of Jezebel also spake the LORD, saying, The dogs shall eat Jezebel by the wall of Jezreel.

The LORD also speaks of Jezebel: The dogs will eat Jezebel in the plot of land at Jezreel:

The LORD also has this to say about Jezebel: 'Dogs will eat Jezebel within the outer ramparts of Jezreel.

The LORD says this about Jezebel, 'Dogs will devour Jezebel by the outer wall of Jezreel.'

Then the LORD also spoke [through Elijah] about Jezebel: "The dogs will eat Jezebel inside the walls of Jezreel.

And of Jezebel, the LORD has also spoken, saying, The dogs shall eat Jezebel by the rampart of Jezreel.

And of Jezebel also spoke the LORD, saying, The dogs shall eat Jezebel by the wall of Jezreel.

And of Jezebel also spoke the LORD, saying, The dogs shall eat Jezebel by the wall of Jezreel.

And of Jezebel also spake Jehovah, saying, The dogs shall eat Jezebel by the rampart of Jezreel.

And of Jezabel also the Lord spoke, saying: The dogs shall eat Jezabel in the field of Jezrahel.

And of Jezebel also spoke Jehovah saying, The dogs shall eat Jezebel by the moat of Jizreel.

And of Jezebel also spake the LORD, saying, The dogs shall eat Jezebel by the rampart of Jezreel.

And of Jezebel also spoke the LORD, saying, the dogs shall eat Jezebel by the wall of Jezreel.

Yahweh also spoke of Jezebel, saying, "The dogs shall eat Jezebel by the rampart of Jezreel.

'And also of Jezebel hath Jehovah spoken, saying, The dogs do eat Jezebel in the bulwark of Jezreel;

1 i Mbretërve 21:23
Edhe për sa i përket Jezebelit, Zoti flet dhe thotë: "Qentë do ta hanë Jezebelin poshtë mureve të Jezreelit".

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 21:23
وتكلم الرب عن ايزابل ايضا قائلا ان الكلاب تاكل ايزابل عند مترسة يزرعيل.

De Künig A 21:23
Und für d Elsbett haat dyr Trechtein aau non öbbs: D Hundd gaand s bei dyr Mauer von Jesryheel auffrössn.

3 Царе 21:23
Също и за Езавел говори Господ, казвайки: Кучетата ще изядат Езавел при рова на Езраел.

列 王 紀 上 21:23
論 到 耶 洗 別 , 耶 和 華 也 說 : 狗 在 耶 斯 列 的 外 郭 必 吃 耶 洗 別 的 肉 。

论 到 耶 洗 别 , 耶 和 华 也 说 : 狗 在 耶 斯 列 的 外 郭 必 吃 耶 洗 别 的 肉 。



1 Kings 21:23
I nad Izebelom reče Jahve: psi će proždrijeti Izebelu na Jizreelskom polju.

První Královská 21:23
Ano i proti Jezábel mluvil Hospodin, řka: Psi žráti budou Jezábel mezi zdmi Jezreelskými.

Første Kongebog 21:23
Men ogsaa om Jesabel har HERREN talet og sagt: Hundene skal æde Jesabel paa Jizre'els Mark!

1 Koningen 21:23
Verder ook over Izebel sprak de HEERE, zeggende: De honden zullen Izebel eten, aan den voorwal van Jizreel.

מלכים א 21:23
וְגַ֨ם־לְאִיזֶ֔בֶל דִּבֶּ֥ר יְהוָ֖ה לֵאמֹ֑ר הַכְּלָבִ֛ים יֹאכְל֥וּ אֶת־אִיזֶ֖בֶל בְּחֵ֥ל יִזְרְעֶֽאל׃

כג וגם לאיזבל--דבר יהוה לאמר  הכלבים יאכלו את איזבל בחל יזרעאל

וגם־לאיזבל דבר יהוה לאמר הכלבים יאכלו את־איזבל בחל יזרעאל׃

1 Királyok 21:23
És Jézabel felõl is szóla az Úr, mondván: Az ebek eszik meg Jézabelt Jezréel kõfala elõtt;

Reĝoj 1 21:23
Kaj ankaux pri Izebel parolis la Eternulo, dirante:La hundoj formangxos Izebelon apud la murego de Jizreel.

Ja Herra puhui myös Isebelille ja sanoi: koirain pitää syömän Isebelin Jisreelin muurin tykönä.

1 Rois 21:23
Et aussi à l'égard de Jézabel, l'Éternel parla, disant: Les chiens mangeront Jézabel à l'avant-mur de Jizreël.

L'Eternel parle aussi sur Jézabel, et il dit: Les chiens mangeront Jézabel près du rempart de Jizreel.

L'Eternel parla aussi contre Izebel, disant : Les chiens mangeront Izebel près du rempart de Jizréhel.

1 Koenige 21:23
Und über Isebel redete der HERR auch und sprach: Die Hunde sollen Isebel fressen an der Mauer Jesreels.

Und über Isebel redete der HERR auch und sprach: Die Hunde sollen Isebel fressen an der Mauer Jesreels.

Auch über Isebel that Jahwe einen Ausspruch und zwar also: Die Hunde sollen Isebel fressen auf der Flur von Jesreel.

1 Re 21:23
Anche riguardo a Izebel l’Eterno parla e dice: I cani divoreranno Izebel sotto le mura d’Izreel.

Il Signore parlò eziandio contro ad Izebel, dicendo: I cani mangeranno Izebel all’antimuro d’Izreel.

1 RAJA-RAJA 21:23
Dan lagi akan hal Izebel firman Tuhan demikian: Bahwa Izebel itu akan dimakan anjing kelak pada sebelah dalam pagar tembok Yizriel.

열왕기상 21:23
이세벨에게 대하여도 여호와께서 말씀하여 가라사대 개들이 이스르엘 성 곁에서 이세벨을 먹을지라

I Regum 21:23
sed et de Hiezabel locutus est Dominus dicens canes comedent Hiezabel in agro Hiezrahel

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 21:23
Ir apie Jezabelę Viešpats taip pat kalbėjo: ‘Šunys ės Jezabelę Jezrahelio mieste.

1 Kings 21:23
I korerotia ano a Ietepere e Ihowa, i mea ia, Ka kainga a Ietepere e nga kuri ki te parepare o Ietepere.

1 Kongebok 21:23
Også om Jesabel har Herren talt og har sagt: Hundene skal fortære Jesabel ved Jisre'els voll.

1 Reyes 21:23
También de Jezabel ha hablado el SEÑOR, diciendo: ``Los perros comerán a Jezabel en la parcela de Jezreel.

"También de Jezabel ha hablado el SEÑOR: 'Los perros comerán a Jezabel en la parcela de Jezreel.'

De Jezabel también ha hablado Jehová, diciendo: Los perros comerán a Jezabel en el muro de Jezreel.

De Jezabel también ha hablado Jehová, diciendo: Los perros comerán á Jezabel en la barbacana de Jezreel.

De Jezabel también ha hablado el SEÑOR, diciendo: Los perros comerán a Jezabel en la barbacana de Jezreel.

1 Reis 21:23
Quanto a Jezabel, assim fala Yahweh, o SENHOR: ‘Os cães devorarão Jezabel junto ao muro de Jezreel!’

Também acerca de Jezabel falou o Senhor, dizendo: Os cães comerão Jezabel junto ao antemuro de Jizreel.   

1 Imparati 21:23
Domnul a vorbit şi despre Izabela, şi a zis: ,,Cînii vor mînca pe Izabela lîngă întăritura Izreelului.

3-я Царств 21:23
Также и о Иезавели сказал Господь: псы съедят Иезавель за стеною Изрееля.

Также и о Иезавели сказал Господь: псы съедят Иезавель за стеною Изрееля.[]

1 Kungaboken 21:23
Också om Isebel har HERREN talat och sagt: Hundarna skola äta upp Isebel invid Jisreels murar.

1 Kings 21:23
At tungkol kay Jezabel ay nagsalita naman ang Panginoon, na nagsabi, Lalapain ng mga aso si Jezabel sa tabi ng kuta ng Jezreel.

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 21:23
และส่วนเยเซเบล พระเยโฮวาห์ตรัสว่า `สุนัขจะกินเยเซเบลข้างกำแพงยิสเรเอล'

1 Krallar 21:23
‹‹RAB İzebel için de, ‹İzebeli Yizreel Kentinin surları dibinde köpekler yiyecek› diyor.[]

1 Caùc Vua 21:23
Ðức Giê-hô-va cũng phán về Giê-sa-bên, mà rằng: Chó sẽ ăn thịt Giê-sa-bên tại thành lũy Gít-rê-ên.

1 Kings 21:22
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