1 Kings 2:9
1 Kings 2:9
But now, do not consider him innocent. You are a man of wisdom; you will know what to do to him. Bring his gray head down to the grave in blood."

But that oath does not make him innocent. You are a wise man, and you will know how to arrange a bloody death for him."

Now therefore do not hold him guiltless, for you are a wise man. You will know what you ought to do to him, and you shall bring his gray head down with blood to Sheol.”

"Now therefore, do not let him go unpunished, for you are a wise man; and you will know what you ought to do to him, and you will bring his gray hair down to Sheol with blood."

Now therefore hold him not guiltless: for thou art a wise man, and knowest what thou oughtest to do unto him; but his hoar head bring thou down to the grave with blood.

So don't let him go unpunished, for you are a wise man. You know how to deal with him to bring his gray head down to Sheol with blood."

But don't let him off unpunished, since you're a wise man and you'll know what you need to do to him. Find a way that he dies in his old age by shedding his blood."

But now don't treat him as if he were innocent. You are a wise man and you know how to handle him; make sure he has a bloody death."

Now, don't let him go unpunished. You are wise and know what to do to him: Put that gray-haired, old man into his grave by slaughtering him."

Now therefore do not hold him guiltless, for thou art a wise man and knowest what thou should do with him, but thou shalt bring his hoar head down to Sheol with blood.

Now therefore hold him not guiltless: for you are a wise man, and know what you ought to do unto him; but his gray head bring you down to the grave with blood.

Now therefore hold him not guiltless: for you are a wise man, and know what you ought to do to him; but his hoar head bring you down to the grave with blood.

Now therefore hold him not guiltless, for thou art a wise man; and thou wilt know what thou oughtest to do unto him, and thou shalt bring his hoar head down to Sheol with blood.

Do not thou hold him guiltless. But thou art a wise man, and knowest what to do with him, and thou shalt bring down his grey hairs with blood to hell.

And now hold him not guiltless; for thou art a wise man, and thou shalt know what thou oughtest to do to him; but bring his hoar head down to Sheol with blood.

Now therefore hold him not guiltless, for thou art a wise man; and thou wilt know what thou oughtest to do unto him, and thou shalt bring his hoar head down to the grave with blood.

Now therefore hold him not guiltless: for thou art a wise man, and knowest what thou oughtest to do to him; but his hoary head do thou bring down to the grave with blood.

Now therefore don't hold him guiltless, for you are a wise man; and you will know what you ought to do to him, and you shall bring his gray head down to Sheol with blood."

and now, acquit him not, for a wise man thou art, and thou hast known that which thou dost to him, and hast brought down his old age with blood to Sheol.'

1 i Mbretërve 2:9
Tani, pra, mos e lër të pandëshkuar, sepse ti je njeri i urtë dhe di atë që duhet të bësh. Bëj që flokët e tij të bardha të zbresin të lyera me gjak në Sheol".

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 2:9
والآن فلا تبرره لانك انت رجل حكيم فاعلم ما تفعل به واحدر شيبته بالدم الى الهاوية.

De Künig A 2:9
Aber ietz sollt yr niemer auskemmen! Dös deichsltst schoon iewignwie. Aau wenn yr non so altgschaffen ist, ghoert yr nit gschoont."

3 Царе 2:9
Сега, прочее, да го не считаш за невинен; защото си мъдър човек и ще знаеш, що трябва да му направиш за да сведеш белите му коси с кръв в гроба.

列 王 紀 上 2:9
現 在 你 不 要 以 他 為 無 罪 。 你 是 聰 明 人 , 必 知 道 怎 樣 待 他 , 使 他 白 頭 見 殺 , 流 血 下 到 陰 間 。

现 在 你 不 要 以 他 为 无 罪 。 你 是 聪 明 人 , 必 知 道 怎 样 待 他 , 使 他 白 头 见 杀 , 流 血 下 到 阴 间 。



1 Kings 2:9
Ali mu ti toga ne opraštaj, jer si čovjek razborit, i već ćeš znati kako treba da postupiš te mu sijedu kosu s krvlju u Podzemlje spremiš."

První Královská 2:9
Nyní však neodpouštěj jemu. A poněvadž jsi muž opatrný, víš, jak bys k němu přistoupiti měl, abys uvedl šediny jeho se krví do hrobu.

Første Kongebog 2:9
Men du skal ikke lade ham ustraffet, thi du er en klog Mand og vil vide, hvorledes du skal handle med ham, og bringe hans graa Haar blodige ned i Dødsriget.«

1 Koningen 2:9
Maar nu, houd hem niet onschuldig, dewijl gij een wijs man zijt; en gij zult weten, wat gij hem doen zult, opdat gij zijn grauwe haar met bloed in het graf doet dalen.

מלכים א 2:9
וְעַתָּה֙ אַל־תְּנַקֵּ֔הוּ כִּ֛י אִ֥ישׁ חָכָ֖ם אָ֑תָּה וְיָֽדַעְתָּ֙ אֵ֣ת אֲשֶׁ֣ר תַּֽעֲשֶׂה־לֹּ֔ו וְהֹורַדְתָּ֧ אֶת־שֵׂיבָתֹ֛ו בְּדָ֖ם שְׁאֹֽול׃

ט ועתה אל תנקהו כי איש חכם אתה וידעת את אשר תעשה לו והורדת את שיבתו בדם שאול

ועתה אל־תנקהו כי איש חכם אתה וידעת את אשר תעשה־לו והורדת את־שיבתו בדם שאול׃

1 Királyok 2:9
Te azonban ne hagyd õt büntetés nélkül, és mivel eszes férfiú vagy, tudod, mit kelljen cselekedned vele, hogy az õ vénségét vérrel bocsássad a koporsóba.

Reĝoj 1 2:9
Sed nun ne lasu lin senpuna, cxar vi estas homo sagxa, kaj vi scias, kion vi devas fari al li, por malsuprenigi liajn grizajn harojn en sango en SXeolon.

Mutta älä sinä anna hänen viatoinna olla, sillä sinä olet toimellinen mies ja tiedät, mitäs teet hänelle, ettäs lähetät hänen harmaat karvansa verissä hautaan.

1 Rois 2:9
Et maintenant, ne le tiens pas pour innocent, car tu es un homme sage, et tu sais ce que tu as à lui faire; mais fais descendre, dans le sang, ses cheveux blancs au shéol.

Maintenant, tu ne le laisseras pas impuni; car tu es un homme sage, et tu sais comment tu dois le traiter. Tu feras descendre ensanglantés ses cheveux blancs dans le séjour des morts.

Maintenant donc tu ne le laisseras point impuni; car tu es sage, pour savoir ce que tu lui devras faire; et tu feras descendre ses cheveux blancs au sépulcre par une mort violente.

1 Koenige 2:9
Du aber laß ihn nicht unschuldig sein; denn du bist ein weiser Mann und wirst wohl wissen, was du ihm tun sollst, daß du seine grauen Haare mit Blut hinunter in die Hölle bringest.

Du aber laß ihn nicht unschuldig sein; denn du bist ein weiser Mann und wirst wohl wissen, was du ihm tun sollst, daß du seine grauen Haare mit Blut hinunter in die Grube bringst.

Du aber laß ihn nicht ungestraft; denn du bist ein weiser Mann und wirst wissen, was du ihm thun mußt, daß du seine grauen Haare mit Blut hinunter in die Unterwelt kommen lassest.

1 Re 2:9
Ma ora non lo lasciare impunito; poiché sei savio per conoscere quel che tu debba fargli, e farai scendere tinta di sangue la sua canizie nel soggiorno de’ morti".

Ma ora non lasciarlo impunito; perciocchè tu sei uomo savio; considera dunque ciò che tu gli avrai da fare, e fa’ scendere la sua canutezza nel sepolcro per morte sanguinosa.

Tetapi sekarang jangan engkau membilangkan dia suci dari pada salah, tegal engkaulah orang yang berakal budi, niscaya engkaupun mengetahui akan barang yang patut kauperbuat akan dia, supaya engkau menurunkan rambutnya yang putih itu ke dalam kubur dengan darahnya.

열왕기상 2:9
그러나 저를 무죄한 자로 여기지 말지어다 너는 지혜있는 사람인즉 저에게 행할 일을 알지니 그 백발의 피를 흘려 저로 음부에 내려가게 하라

I Regum 2:9
tu noli pati esse eum innoxium vir autem sapiens es et scies quae facias ei deducesque canos eius cum sanguine ad infernum

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 2:9
Nepalik jo nenubaudęs. Tu esi išmintingas vyras ir žinosi, kaip su juo pasielgti, kad jo žili plaukai kruvini į kapą nueitų”.

1 Kings 2:9
Na kaua ia e meinga he harakore, he tangata mohio hoki koe, a e matau ana ki tau e mea ai ki a ia; engari kia heke tona upoko hina ki te rua i runga i te toto.

1 Kongebok 2:9
Men la ham nu ikke bli ustraffet! Du er en vis mann og vil nok vite hvad du skal gjøre med ham, så du lar hans grå hår fare med blod ned i dødsriket.

1 Reyes 2:9
Pero ahora, no lo dejes sin castigo, porque eres hombre sabio; sabrás lo que debes hacer con él y harás que desciendan sus canas con sangre al Seol.

"Pero ahora, no lo dejes sin castigo, porque eres hombre sabio. Sabrás lo que debes hacer con él y harás que desciendan sus canas con sangre al Seol."

Pero ahora no lo absolverás; porque hombre sabio eres, y sabes lo que has de hacer con él; y harás descender sus canas con sangre a la sepultura.

Empero ahora no lo absolverás: que hombre sabio eres, y sabes cómo te has de haber con él: y harás descender sus canas con sangre á la sepultura.

Pero ahora no lo absolverás; que hombre sabio eres, y sabes cómo te has de haber con él; y harás descender sus canas con sangre a la sepultura.

1 Reis 2:9
Tu, porém, não o deixarás impune; sensato como és, saberás como tratá-lo para o fazer descer ao Sheol com seus cabelos brancos encharcados de sangue!”

Agora, porém, não o tenhas por inocente; pois és homem sábio, e bem saberás o que lhe hás de fazer; farás com que as suas cãs desçam à sepultura com sangue.   

1 Imparati 2:9
Acum, tu să nu -l laşi nepedepsit; căci eşti un om înţelept, şi ştii cum trebuie să te porţi cu el. Să -i pogori perii albi însîngeraţi în locuinţa morţilor.``

3-я Царств 2:9
Ты же не оставь его безнаказанным; ибо ты человек мудрый и знаешь, что тебе сделать с ним, чтобы низвести седину его в крови в преисподнюю.

Ты же не оставь его безнаказанным; ибо ты человек мудрый и знаешь, что тебе сделать с ним, чтобы низвести седину его в крови в преисподнюю.[]

1 Kungaboken 2:9
Men nu må du icke låta honom bliva ostraffad, ty du är en vis man och vet väl vad du bör göra med honom, så att du låter hans grå hår med blod fara ned i dödsriket.»

1 Kings 2:9
Ngayon nga'y huwag mong ariing walang sala, sapagka't ikaw ay lalaking pantas: at iyong maaalaman ang dapat gawin sa kaniya, at iyong ilusong na may dugo ang kaniyang uban sa ulo sa Sheol.

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 2:9
เพราะฉะนั้นบัดนี้เจ้าอย่าถือว่าเขาไม่มีความผิด เพราะเจ้าเป็นคนมีปัญญา เจ้าจะทราบว่าควรจะกระทำประการใดแก่เขา และเจ้าจงนำศีรษะหงอกของเขาลงไปสู่แดนคนตายพร้อมกับโลหิต"

1 Krallar 2:9
Ama sen sakın onu cezasız bırakma. Ona ne yapacağını bilecek kadar akıllısın. Onun ak saçlı başını ölüler diyarına kanlar içinde gönder.››[]

1 Caùc Vua 2:9
Bây giờ, con chớ để nó khỏi phạt, vì con là khôn ngoan, biết thế nào phải xử nó: con khá làm cho đầu bạc nó dính máu mà xuống âm phủ.

1 Kings 2:8
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