1 Kings 19:7
1 Kings 19:7
The angel of the LORD came back a second time and touched him and said, "Get up and eat, for the journey is too much for you."

Then the angel of the LORD came again and touched him and said, "Get up and eat some more, or the journey ahead will be too much for you."

And the angel of the LORD came again a second time and touched him and said, “Arise and eat, for the journey is too great for you.”

The angel of the LORD came again a second time and touched him and said, "Arise, eat, because the journey is too great for you."

And the angel of the LORD came again the second time, and touched him, and said, Arise and eat; because the journey is too great for thee.

Then the angel of the LORD returned for a second time and touched him. He said, "Get up and eat, or the journey will be too much for you."

Later, the angel of the LORD came a second time, grabbed him, and said "Get up! Eat! The journey ahead is too difficult for you!"

The LORD's angelic messenger came back again, touched him, and said, "Get up and eat, for otherwise you won't be able to make the journey."

The angel of the LORD came back and woke him up again. The angel said, "Get up and eat, or your journey will be too much for you."

And the angel of the LORD came again the second time and touched him and said, Arise and eat, for there is a great journey before thee.

And the angel of the LORD came again the second time, and touched him, and said, Arise and eat; because the journey is too great for you.

And the angel of the LORD came again the second time, and touched him, and said, Arise and eat; because the journey is too great for you.

And the angel of Jehovah came again the second time, and touched him, and said, Arise and eat, because the journey is too great for thee.

And the angel of the Lord came again the second time, and touched him, and said to him: Arise, eat: for thou hast yet a great way to go.

And the angel of Jehovah came again the second time, and touched him, and said, Arise, eat; for the journey is too great for thee.

And the angel of the LORD came again the second time, and touched him, and said, Arise and eat; because the journey is too great for thee.

And the angel of the LORD came again the second time, and touched him, and said, Arise and eat, because the journey is too great for thee.

The angel of Yahweh came again the second time, and touched him, and said, "Arise and eat, because the journey is too great for you."

And the messenger of Jehovah turneth back a second time, and cometh against him, and saith, 'Rise, eat, for the way is too great for thee;'

1 i Mbretërve 19:7
Engjëlli i Zotit u kthye për herë të dytë, e preku dhe i tha: "Çohu dhe ha, sepse rruga është tepër e gjatë për ty".

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 19:7
ثم عاد ملاك الرب ثانية فمسّه وقال قم وكل لان المسافة كثيرة عليك.

De Künig A 19:7
Doch yn n Trechtein sein Engl kaam ayn zwaitts Maal, gaglangt n an und gsait zo iem: "Stee auf und iß! Sünst werd dyr dyr Wög z weit."

3 Царе 19:7
А ангелът Господен дойде втори път та се допря до него, и рече: Стани, яж, защото пътят е много дълъг за тебе.

列 王 紀 上 19:7
耶 和 華 的 使 者 第 二 次 來 拍 他 , 說 : 起 來 吃 罷 ! 因 為 你 當 走 的 路 甚 遠 。

耶 和 华 的 使 者 第 二 次 来 拍 他 , 说 : 起 来 吃 罢 ! 因 为 你 当 走 的 路 甚 远 。



1 Kings 19:7
Ali se anđeo Jahvin javi i drugi put, dotače ga i reče: "Ustani i jedi, jer je pred tobom dalek put!"

První Královská 19:7
Opět vrátiv se anděl Hospodinův po druhé, dotekl se ho a řekl: Vstaň, pojez, nebo velmi dlouhou máš cestu před sebou.

Første Kongebog 19:7
Men HERRENS Engel kom atter og rørte ved ham og sagde: »Staa op og spis, ellers bliver Vejen dig for lang!«

1 Koningen 19:7
En de engel des HEEREN kwam ten anderen male weder, en roerde hem aan, en zeide: Sta op, eet, want de weg zou te veel voor u zijn.

מלכים א 19:7
וַיָּשָׁב֩ מַלְאַ֨ךְ יְהוָ֤ה ׀ שֵׁנִית֙ וַיִּגַּע־בֹּ֔ו וַיֹּ֖אמֶר ק֣וּם אֱכֹ֑ל כִּ֛י רַ֥ב מִמְּךָ֖ הַדָּֽרֶךְ׃

ז וישב מלאך יהוה שנית ויגע בו ויאמר קום אכל  כי רב ממך הדרך

וישב מלאך יהוה ׀ שנית ויגע־בו ויאמר קום אכל כי רב ממך הדרך׃

1 Királyok 19:7
És az Úr angyala eljött másodszor is és megilleté õt, és monda: Kelj fel, egyél; mert erõd felett való utad van.

Reĝoj 1 19:7
Kaj la angxelo de la Eternulo revenis duan fojon kaj ektusxis lin, kaj diris:Levigxu, mangxu, cxar vin atendas granda vojo.

Ja Herran enkeli palasi hänen tykönsä toisen kerran, tarttui häneen ja sanoi: nouse ja syö! sillä sinulla on pitkä matka.

1 Rois 19:7
Et l'ange de l'Éternel revint une seconde fois, et le toucha, et dit: Lève-toi, mange, car le chemin est trop long pour toi.

L'ange de l'Eternel vint une seconde fois, le toucha, et dit: Lève-toi, mange, car le chemin est trop long pour toi.

Et l'Ange de l'Eternel retourna pour la seconde fois, et le toucha, et lui dit : Lève-toi, mange; car le chemin est trop long pour toi.

1 Koenige 19:7
Und der Engel des HERRN kam zum andernmal wieder und rührete ihn und sprach: Stehe auf und iß; denn du hast einen großen Weg vor dir.

Und der Engel des HERRN kam zum andernmal wieder und rührte ihn an und sprach: Steh auf und iß! denn du hast einen großen Weg vor dir.

Aber der Engel Jahwes kam zum zweiten Male wieder, rührte ihn an und sprach: Stehe auf und iß, sonst ist der Weg für dich zu weit!

1 Re 19:7
E l’angelo dell’Eterno tornò la seconda volta, lo toccò, e disse: "Alzati e mangia, poiché il cammino è troppo lungo per te".

E l’Angelo del Signore tornò, e lo toccò la seconda volta, e disse: Levati, mangia; perciocchè questo cammino è troppo grande per te.

1 RAJA-RAJA 19:7
Maka malaekat Tuhan itu datang pada kedua kalinya serta menjamah akan dia, sambil katanya: Bangunlah engkau, makanlah, karena perjalanan bagimu lagi sangat jauh.

열왕기상 19:7
여호와의 사자가 또 다시 와서 어루만지며 이르되 일어나서 먹으라 네가 길을 이기지 못할까 하노라 하는지라

I Regum 19:7
reversusque est angelus Domini secundo et tetigit eum dixitque illi surge comede grandis enim tibi restat via

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 19:7
Viešpaties angelas atėjo antrą kartą ir, jį palietęs, tarė: “Kelkis ir valgyk, nes tavęs laukia ilgas kelias”.

1 Kings 19:7
Na ka hoki mai ano te anahera a Ihowa, a ka papaki i a ia, ka mea, Maranga ki te kai; he roa rawa hoki te ara mou, e kore e taea e koe.

1 Kongebok 19:7
Men Herrens engel kom igjen annen gang og rørte ved ham og sa: Stå op og et! Ellers blir veien dig for lang.

1 Reyes 19:7
Y el ángel del SEÑOR volvió por segunda vez, lo tocó y le dijo: Levántate, come, porque es muy largo el camino para ti.

El ángel del SEÑOR volvió por segunda vez, lo tocó y le dijo: "Levántate, come, porque es muy largo el camino para ti."

Y volviendo el ángel de Jehová la segunda vez, le tocó y le dijo: Levántate y come, porque la jornada es muy grande para ti.

Y volviendo el ángel de Jehová la segunda vez, tocóle, diciendo: Levántate, come: porque gran camino te resta.

Y volviendo el ángel del SEÑOR la segunda vez, le tocó, diciendo: Levántate, come; porque gran camino te resta.

1 Reis 19:7
O Anjo do SENHOR veio pela segunda vez, tocou-o e lhe recomendou: “Levanta-te e come, porque a viagem será muito longa!”

O anjo do Senhor veio segunda vez, tocou-o, e lhe disse: Levanta-te e come, porque demasiado longa te será a viagem.   

1 Imparati 19:7
Îngerul Domnului a venit a doua oară, l -a atins, şi a zis: ,,Scoală-te şi mănîncă, fiindcă drumul pe care -l ai de făcut este prea lung pentru tine.``

3-я Царств 19:7
И возвратился Ангел Господень во второй раз, коснулся его и сказал: встань, ешь; ибо дальняя дорога пред тобою.

И возвратился Ангел Господень во второй раз, коснулся его и сказал: встань, ешь; ибо дальняя дорога пред тобою.[]

1 Kungaboken 19:7
Men HERRENS ängel rörde åter vid honom, för andra gången, och sade: »Stå upp och ät, ty eljest bliver vägen dig för lång.»

1 Kings 19:7
At ang anghel ng Panginoon ay nagbalik na ikalawa, at kinalabit siya, at sinabi, Ikaw ay bumangon at kumain; sapagka't ang paglalakbay ay totoong malayo sa ganang iyo.

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 19:7
และทูตสวรรค์ของพระเยโฮวาห์ก็มาอีกเป็นครั้งที่สอง ถูกต้องท่านแล้วว่า "ลุกขึ้นรับประทานซี เพราะว่าทางเดินนั้นเกินกำลังของท่าน"

1 Krallar 19:7
RABbin meleği ikinci kez geldi, ona dokunarak, ‹‹Kalk yemeğini ye. Gideceğin yol çok uzun›› dedi.[]

1 Caùc Vua 19:7
Thiên sứ của Ðức Giê-hô-va đến lần thứ nhì, đụng người và nói rằng: Hãy chổi dậy và ăn, vì đường xa quá cho ngươi. Vậy người chổi dậy, ăn và uống,

1 Kings 19:6
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