1 Kings 18:34
1 Kings 18:34
"Do it again," he said, and they did it again. "Do it a third time," he ordered, and they did it the third time.

After they had done this, he said, "Do the same thing again!" And when they were finished, he said, "Now do it a third time!" So they did as he said,

And he said, “Do it a second time.” And they did it a second time. And he said, “Do it a third time.” And they did it a third time.

And he said, "Fill four pitchers with water and pour it on the burnt offering and on the wood." And he said, "Do it a second time," and they did it a second time. And he said, "Do it a third time," and they did it a third time.

And he said, Do it the second time. And they did it the second time. And he said, Do it the third time. And they did it the third time.

Then he said, "A second time!" and they did it a second time. And then he said, "A third time!" and they did it a third time.

"Do it a second time," he ordered. So they did it a second time. "Do it a third time," he said. So they did it a third time.

Then he said, "Fill four water jars and pour the water on the offering and the wood." When they had done so, he said, "Do it again." So they did it again. Then he said, "Do it a third time." So they did it a third time.

He said, "Fill four jars with water. Pour the water on the offering and on the wood." Then he said, "Do it again," and they did it again. Then he said, "Do it a third time," and they did it a third time.

And he said, Do it the second time, and they did it the second time. And he said, Do it the third time, and they did it the third time.

And he said, Do it the second time. And they did it the second time. And he said, Do it the third time. And they did it the third time.

And he said, Do it the second time. And they did it the second time. And he said, Do it the third time. And they did it the third time.

And he said, Do it the second time; and they did it the second time. And he said, Do it the third time; and they did it the third time.

And he said: Fill four buckets with water, and pour it upon the burnt offering, and upon the wood. And again he said: Do the same the second time. And when they had done it the second time, he said: Do the same also the third time. And they did so the third time.

And he said, Do it the second time. And they did it the second time. And he said, Do it the third time. And they did it the third time.

And he said, Do it the second time; and they did it the second time. And he said, Do it the third time; and they did it the third time.

And he said, Do it the second time. And they did it the second time. And he said, Do it the third time. And they did it the third time.

He said, "Do it a second time;" and they did it the second time. He said, "Do it a third time;" and they did it the third time.

and he saith, 'Do it a second time;' and they do it a second time; and he saith, 'Do it a third time;' and they do it a third time;

1 i Mbretërve 18:34
Përsëri tha: "Bëjeni një herë të dytë". Dhe ata e bënë një herë të dytë. Ai tha akoma: "Bëjeni për të tretën herë". Dhe ata e bënë për të tretën herë.

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 18:34
ثم قال ثنوا فثنوا وقال ثلثوا فثلثوا.

De Künig A 18:34
Ietz befalh yr: "Ietz machtß non vier Krüeg mit Wasser voll und giesstß is über s Opfer und Holz überhin!" - "Und non aynmaal", gsait yr. Daa kaamend s non aynmaal. "Und ayn dritts Maal!" Daa gschütnd s wider öbbs drüber.

3 Царе 18:34
И рече: Повторете. И повториха. Рече още: Потретете. И потретиха.

列 王 紀 上 18:34
又 說 : 倒 第 二 次 。 他 們 就 倒 第 二 次 ; 又 說 : 倒 第 三 次 。 他 們 就 倒 第 三 次 。

又 说 : 倒 第 二 次 。 他 们 就 倒 第 二 次 ; 又 说 : 倒 第 三 次 。 他 们 就 倒 第 三 次 。



1 Kings 18:34
Tada reče: "Napunite vodom četiri vrča i izlijte na paljenicu i na drva!" Učiniše tako. Zapovjedi im: "Ponovite", i oni ponoviše. Tada reče: "Učinite i treći put." Oni tako i treći put.

První Královská 18:34
A řekl: Naplňte čtyři stoudve vodou, a vylíte na obět zápalnou i na dříví. Řekl opět: Učiňtež to po druhé. I učinili po druhé.Řekl ještě: Po třetí učiňte. I učinili po třetí,

Første Kongebog 18:34
Saa sagde han: »Fyld fire Krukker med Vand og hæld det ud over Brændofferet og Brændet!« Og da de havde gjort det, sagde han: »Een Gang til!« Og da de havde gjort det anden Gang, sagde han: »Een Gang til!« Og de gjorde det endnu en Gang.

1 Koningen 18:34
En hij zeide: Vult vier kruiken met water, en giet het op het brandoffer en op het hout. En hij zeide: Doet het ten tweeden male. En zij deden het ten tweeden male. Voorts zeide hij: Doet het ten derden male. En zij deden het ten derden male;

מלכים א 18:34
וַיֹּ֗אמֶר מִלְא֨וּ אַרְבָּעָ֤ה כַדִּים֙ מַ֔יִם וְיִֽצְק֥וּ עַל־הָעֹלָ֖ה וְעַל־הָעֵצִ֑ים וַיֹּ֤אמֶר שְׁנוּ֙ וַיִּשְׁנ֔וּ וַיֹּ֥אמֶר שַׁלֵּ֖שׁוּ וַיְשַׁלֵּֽשׁוּ׃

לד ויאמר מלאו ארבעה כדים מים ויצקו על העלה ועל העצים ויאמר שנו וישנו ויאמר שלשו וישלשו

ויאמר מלאו ארבעה כדים מים ויצקו על־העלה ועל־העצים ויאמר שנו וישנו ויאמר שלשו וישלשו׃

1 Királyok 18:34
És monda: Töltsetek meg négy vedret vízzel, és öntsétek az égõáldozatra és a fára. Monda ismét: Tegyétek ezt még egyszer! És másodszor is azt tevék. Monda még is: Harmadszor is tegyétek meg! És harmadszor is azt mívelék;

Reĝoj 1 18:34
Kaj li diris:Plenigu kvar sitelojn per akvo, kaj oni versxu tion sur la bruloferon kaj sur la lignon. Poste li diris:Ripetu. Kaj oni ripetis. Kaj li diris:Faru same la trian fojon. Kaj oni faris same la trian fojon.

Ja sanoi: täyttäkäät neljä kadia vedellä ja kaatakaat se polttouhrin ja puiden päälle; ja hän sanoi: tehkäät se vielä toinen kerta; ja he tekivät sen toisen kerran; ja hän sanoi: tehkäät se vielä kolmas kerta; ja he tekivät sen kolmannen kerran.

1 Rois 18:34
Et il dit: Remplissez d'eau quatre cruches, et versez-les sur l'holocauste et sur le bois. Et il dit: Faites-le une seconde fois; et ils le firent une seconde fois. Et il dit: Faites-le une troisième fois; et il le firent une troisième fois.

Il dit: Faites-le une seconde fois. Et ils le firent une seconde fois. Il dit: Faites-le une troisième fois. Et ils le firent une troisième fois.

Puis il dit : Emplissez quatre cruches d'eau, et les versez sur l'holocauste, et sur le bois. Puis il leur dit : Faites-le encore pour la deuxième fois; et ils le firent pour la deuxième fois. De nouveau il leur dit : Faites-le encore pour la troisième fois; et ils le firent pour la troisième fois;

1 Koenige 18:34
Und sprach: Holet vier Kad Wasser voll und gießet es auf das Brandopfer und auf das Holz. Und sprach: Tut es noch einmal. Und sie taten es noch einmal. Und er sprach: Tut es zum drittenmal. Und sie taten es zum drittenmal.

und sprach: Holt vier Kad Wasser voll und gießt es auf das Brandopfer und aufs Holz! Und sprach: Tut's noch einmal! Und sie taten's noch einmal. Und er sprach: Tut's zum drittenmal! Und sie taten's zum drittenmal.

Hierauf gebot er: Füllet vier Eimer mit Wasser und gießt es auf das Brandopfer und auf die Scheite! Und sie thaten also. Hierauf befahl er: Thut es noch einmal! und sie thaten es noch einmal. Da gebot er: Thut es zum dritten Male! und sie thaten es zum dritten Male.

1 Re 18:34
E disse: "Empite quattro vasi d’acqua, e versatela sull’olocausto e sulle legna". Di nuovo disse: "Fatelo una seconda volta". E quelli lo fecero una seconda volta. E disse ancora: "Fatelo per la terza volta". E quelli lo fecero per la terza volta.

E disse: empiete quattro vasi d’acqua, e spandetela sopra l’olocausto, e sopra le legne. Poi disse: Fatelo la seconda volta. Ed essi lo fecero la seconda volta. Poi disse: Fatelo la terza volta. Ed essi lo fecero la terza volta;

1 RAJA-RAJA 18:34
Maka katanya: Isilah oleh kamu akan empat buah buyung dengan air, curahkanlah dia kepada korban bakaran dan kepada kayu api itu. Lalu katanya: Perbuatlah begitu pada kedua kali. Maka diperbuatnya begitu pada kedua kalinya. Setelah itu maka katanya: Perbuatlah begitu pada ketiga kali. Maka diperbuatnya begitu pada ketiga kalinya.

열왕기상 18:34
또 이르되 다시 그리하라 하여 다시 그리하니 또 이르되 세번 그리하라 하여 세번 그리하니

I Regum 18:34
et ait implete quattuor hydrias aqua et fundite super holocaustum et super ligna rursumque dixit etiam secundo hoc facite qui cum fecissent et secundo ait etiam tertio id ipsum facite feceruntque et tertio

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 18:34
Po to jis tarė: “Pakartokite”. Jiems pakartojus, jis vėl tarė: “Darykite tai trečią kartą”. Jie padarė ir trečią kartą.

1 Kings 18:34
I mea ano ia, Tena ano. Na ka meatia ano e ratou. I mea hoki ia, Tuatorutia. Na ka tuatorutia e ratou.

1 Kongebok 18:34
Og han sa: Fyll fire krukker med vann og øs det ut over brennofferet og over veden! Så sa han: Gjør det en gang til! Og de gjorde det annen gang! Så sa han: Gjør det tredje gang! Og de gjorde det tredje gang.

1 Reyes 18:34
Y dijo: Llenad cuatro cántaros de agua y derramad la sobre el holocausto y sobre la leña. Después dijo: Hacedlo por segunda vez; y lo hicieron por segunda vez. Y añadió: Hacedlo por tercera vez; y lo hicieron por tercera vez.

Y dijo: "Llenen cuatro cántaros de agua y derrámenla sobre el holocausto y sobre la leña." Después dijo: "Háganlo por segunda vez; y lo hicieron por segunda vez." Y añadió: "Háganlo por tercera vez;" y lo hicieron por tercera vez.

Y dijo: Hacedlo otra vez; y otra vez lo hicieron. Dijo aún: Hacedlo la tercera vez; y lo hicieron la tercera vez.

Y dijo: Henchid cuatro cántaros de agua, y derramadla sobre el holocausto y sobre la leña. Y dijo: Hacedlo otra vez; y otra vez lo hicieron. Dijo aún: Hacedlo la tercera vez; é hiciéronlo la tercera vez.

Y dijo: Llenad cuatro cántaros de agua, y derramadla sobre el holocausto, y sobre la leña. Y dijo: Hacedlo otra vez; y otra vez lo hicieron. Y dijo: Hacedlo la tercera vez; y lo hicieron la tercera vez.

1 Reis 18:34
E acrescentou: “Repeti esse procedimento uma segunda vez!” E eles o fizeram segunda vez. De novo ordenou: “Fazei-o terceira vez!” E eles assim o fizeram pela terceira vez.

Disse ainda: fazei-o segunda vez; e o fizeram segunda vez. De novo disse: Fazei-o terceira vez; e o fizeram terceira vez.   

1 Imparati 18:34
Apoi a zis: ,,Mai faceţi lucrul acesta odată.`` Şi l-au făcut încă odată. Apoi a zis: ,,Mai faceţi -l şi a treia oară.`` Şi l-au făcut şi a treia oară.

3-я Царств 18:34
и сказал: наполните четыре ведра воды и выливайте на всесожигаемую жертву и на дрова. Потом сказал: повторите. И они повторили. И сказал: сделайте то же в третий раз. И сделали в третий раз,

и сказал: наполните четыре ведра воды и выливайте на всесожигаемую жертву и на дрова. Потом сказал: повторите. И они повторили. И сказал: сделайте [то же] в третий раз. И сделали в третий раз,[]

1 Kungaboken 18:34
Sedan sade han: »Fyllen fyra krukor med vatten, och gjuten ut vattnet över brännoffret och veden.» Han sade ytterligare: »Gören så ännu en gång.» Och de gjorde så för andra gången. Därefter sade han: »Gören så för tredje gången.» Och de gjorde så för tredje gången.

1 Kings 18:34
At kaniyang sinabi, Gawin ninyong ikalawa; at kanilang ginawang ikalawa. At kaniyang sinabi, Gawin ninyong ikaitlo; at kanilang ginawang ikaitlo.

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 18:34
และท่านกล่าวว่า "จงกระทำครั้งที่สอง" และเขาก็กระทำครั้งที่สอง และท่านกล่าวว่า "จงกระทำครั้งที่สาม" และเขาก็กระทำครั้งที่สาม

1 Krallar 18:34
Sonra, ‹‹Bir daha yapın›› dedi. Bir daha yaptılar. ‹‹Bir kez daha yapın›› dedi. Üçüncü kez aynı şeyi yaptılar.[]

1 Caùc Vua 18:34
Hãy múc đầy bốn bình nước, và đem đổ trên của lễ thiêu và củi. Người lại nói: Hãy làm lần thứ nhì; thì người ta làm lần thứ nhì. Người tiếp: Hãy làm lần thứ ba, và họ làm lần thứ ba,

1 Kings 18:33
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