1 Corinthians 7:40
1 Corinthians 7:40
In my judgment, she is happier if she stays as she is--and I think that I too have the Spirit of God.

But in my opinion it would be better for her to stay single, and I think I am giving you counsel from God's Spirit when I say this.

Yet in my judgment she is happier if she remains as she is. And I think that I too have the Spirit of God.

But in my opinion she is happier if she remains as she is; and I think that I also have the Spirit of God.

But she is happier if she so abide, after my judgment: and I think also that I have the Spirit of God.

But she is happier if she remains as she is, in my opinion. And I think that I also have the Spirit of God.

However, in my opinion she will be happier if she stays as she is. And in saying this, I think that I, too, have God's Spirit.

But in my opinion, she will be happier if she remains as she is--and I think that I too have the Spirit of God!

But she is blessed if she remains in this way, according to my mind, but I think also that The Spirit of God is in me.

However, she will be more blessed if she stays as she is. That is my opinion, and I think that I, too, have God's Spirit.

But she shall be more blessed if she so abides, after my counsel, and I think also that I have the Spirit of God.

But she is happier if she so abide, after my judgment: and I think also that I have the Spirit of God.

But she is happier if she so abide, after my judgment: and I think also that I have the Spirit of God.

But she is happier if she abide as she is, after my judgment: and I think that I also have the Spirit of God.

But more blessed shall she be, if she so remain, according to my counsel; and I think that I also have the spirit of God.

But she is happier if she so remain, according to my judgment; but I think that I also have God's Spirit.

But she is happier if she abide as she is, after my judgment: and I think that I also have the Spirit of God.

But she is happier if she so remain, after my judgment; and I think also that I have the Spirit of God.

But in my judgement, her state is a more enviable one if she remains as she is; and I also think that I have the Spirit of God.

But she is happier if she stays as she is, in my judgment, and I think that I also have God's Spirit.

and she is happier if she may so remain -- according to my judgment; and I think I also have the Spirit of God.

1 e Korintasve 7:40
Por, sipas gjykimit tim, ajo është më e lumtur, po mbeti ashtu; dhe mendoj se edhe unë kam Frymën e Perëndisë.

ﻛﻮﺭﻧﺜﻮﺱ ﺍﻻﻭﻝ 7:40
ولكنها اكثر غبطة ان لبثت هكذا بحسب رأيي. واظن اني انا ايضا عندي روح الله

Սակայն իմ դատումովս՝ ան աւելի երջանիկ կ՚ըլլայ եթէ մնայ այդպէս. եւ կը կարծեմ թէ ե՛ս ալ ունիմ Աստուծոյ Հոգին:

1 Corinthianoetara. 7:40
Baina dohatsuago da baldin hala badago, ene conseilluaren araura: eta estimatzen dut nic-ere Iaincoaren Spiritua badudala.

De Krenter A 7:40
Bösser aber ist s dran, main i, wenn s niemer heirett; und i main +schoon, däß i önn Geist Gottes haan.

1 Коринтяни 7:40
Но, по моето мнение, по-щастлива е, ако си остане така; а мисля, че и аз имам Божия Дух.

歌 林 多 前 書 7:40
然 而 按 我 的 意 見 , 若 常 守 節 更 有 福 氣 。 我 也 想 自 己 是 被 神 的 靈 感 動 了 。

然 而 按 我 的 意 见 , 若 常 守 节 更 有 福 气 。 我 也 想 自 己 是 被 神 的 灵 感 动 了 。





Prva poslanica Korinæanima 7:40
Bit će ipak blaženija ostane li onako, po mojem savjetu. A mislim da i ja imam Duha Božjega.

První Korintským 7:40
Ale blahoslavenější jest, zůstala-li by tak, podle mého soudu. Mámť pak za to, žeť i já mám Ducha Božího.

1 Korinterne 7:40
Men lykkeligere er hun, om hun forbliver saaledes, som hun er, efter min Mening; men ogsaa jeg mener at have Guds Aand.

1 Corinthiërs 7:40
Maar zij is gelukkiger, indien zij alzo blijft, naar mijn gevoelen. En ik meen ook den Geest Gods te hebben.

μακαριωτέρα δέ ἐστιν ἐὰν οὕτως μείνῃ, κατὰ τὴν ἐμὴν γνώμην· δοκῶ δὲ κἀγὼ Πνεῦμα Θεοῦ ἔχειν.

μακαριωτέρα δέ ἐστιν ἐὰν οὕτως μείνῃ, κατὰ τὴν ἐμὴν γνώμην, δοκῶ γὰρ κἀγὼ πνεῦμα θεοῦ ἔχειν.

μακαριωτέρα δέ ἐστιν ἐὰν οὕτως μείνῃ, κατὰ τὴν ἐμὴν γνώμην, δοκῶ γὰρ / δὲ κἀγὼ πνεῦμα θεοῦ ἔχειν.

Μακαριωτέρα δέ ἐστιν ἐὰν οὕτως μείνῃ, κατὰ τὴν ἐμὴν γνώμην· δοκῶ δὲ κἀγὼ πνεῦμα θεοῦ ἔχειν.

μακαριωτέρα δέ ἐστιν ἐὰν οὕτω μείνῃ, κατὰ τὴν ἐμὴν γνώμην· δοκῶ δὲ κἀγὼ Πνεῦμα Θεοῦ ἔχειν.

μακαριωτέρα δέ ἐστιν ἐὰν οὕτως μείνῃ, κατὰ τὴν ἐμὴν γνώμην, δοκῶ δὲ κἀγὼ πνεῦμα θεοῦ ἔχειν.

μακαριωτέρα δέ ἐστιν ἐὰν οὕτω μείνῃ, κατὰ τὴν ἐμὴν γνώμην· δοκῶ δὲ κἀγὼ Πνεῦμα Θεοῦ ἔχειν.

μακαριωτέρα δέ ἐστιν ἐὰν οὕτως μείνῃ κατὰ τὴν ἐμὴν γνώμην· δοκῶ δὲ κἀγὼ πνεῦμα θεοῦ ἔχειν

μακαριωτερα δε εστιν εαν ουτως μεινη κατα την εμην γνωμην δοκω γαρ καγω πνευμα θεου εχειν

μακαριωτερα δε εστιν εαν ουτως μεινη κατα την εμην γνωμην δοκω δε καγω πνευμα θεου εχειν

μακαριωτερα δε εστιν εαν ουτως μεινη κατα την εμην γνωμην δοκω δε καγω πνευμα θεου εχειν

μακαριωτερα δε εστιν εαν ουτως μεινη, κατα την εμην γνωμην· δοκω δε καγω Πνευμα Θεου εχειν.

μακαριωτερα δε εστιν εαν ουτως μεινη κατα την εμην γνωμην δοκω δε καγω πνευμα θεου εχειν

μακαριωτερα δε εστιν εαν ουτως μεινη κατα την εμην γνωμην δοκω {VAR1: γαρ } {VAR2: δε } καγω πνευμα θεου εχειν

makariōtera de estin ean houtōs meinē, kata tēn emēn gnōmēn; dokō de kagō Pneuma Theou echein.

makariotera de estin ean houtos meine, kata ten emen gnomen; doko de kago Pneuma Theou echein.

makariōtera de estin ean houtōs meinē, kata tēn emēn gnōmēn, dokō gar kagō pneuma theou echein.

makariotera de estin ean houtos meine, kata ten emen gnomen, doko gar kago pneuma theou echein.

makariōtera de estin ean outōs meinē kata tēn emēn gnōmēn dokō de kagō pneuma theou echein

makariOtera de estin ean outOs meinE kata tEn emEn gnOmEn dokO de kagO pneuma theou echein

makariōtera de estin ean outōs meinē kata tēn emēn gnōmēn dokō de kagō pneuma theou echein

makariOtera de estin ean outOs meinE kata tEn emEn gnOmEn dokO de kagO pneuma theou echein

makariōtera de estin ean outōs meinē kata tēn emēn gnōmēn dokō de kagō pneuma theou echein

makariOtera de estin ean outOs meinE kata tEn emEn gnOmEn dokO de kagO pneuma theou echein

makariōtera de estin ean outōs meinē kata tēn emēn gnōmēn dokō de kagō pneuma theou echein

makariOtera de estin ean outOs meinE kata tEn emEn gnOmEn dokO de kagO pneuma theou echein

makariōtera de estin ean outōs meinē kata tēn emēn gnōmēn dokō gar kagō pneuma theou echein

makariOtera de estin ean outOs meinE kata tEn emEn gnOmEn dokO gar kagO pneuma theou echein

makariōtera de estin ean outōs meinē kata tēn emēn gnōmēn dokō {WH: gar } {UBS4: de } kagō pneuma theou echein

makariOtera de estin ean outOs meinE kata tEn emEn gnOmEn dokO {WH: gar} {UBS4: de} kagO pneuma theou echein

1 Korintusi 7:40
De boldogabb, ha úgy marad, az én véleményem szerint; pedig hiszem, hogy bennem is Istennek lelke van.

Al la korintanoj 1 7:40
Sed laux mia opinio sxi estas pli felicxa, se sxi restas samstate; kaj mi opinias, ke mi ankaux havas la Spiriton de Dio.

Ensimmäinen kirje korinttilaisille 7:40
Vaan hän on autuaampi, minun luullakseni, jos hän sillänsä pysyy; sillä minä luulen, että minullakin on Jumalan Henki.

1 Corinthiens 7:40
mais elle est, à mon avis, plus heureuse si elle demeure ainsi: or j'estime que moi aussi j'ai l'Esprit de Dieu.

Elle est plus heureuse, néanmoins, si elle demeure comme elle est, suivant mon avis. Et moi aussi, je crois avoir l'Esprit de Dieu.

Elle est néanmoins plus heureuse si elle demeure ainsi, selon mon avis; or j'estime que j'ai aussi l'Esprit de Dieu.

1 Korinther 7:40
Seliger ist sie aber, wo sie also bleibet, nach meiner Meinung. Ich halte aber, ich habe auch den Geist Gottes.

Seliger ist sie aber, wo sie also bleibt, nach meiner Meinung. Ich halte aber dafür, ich habe auch den Geist Gottes.

Seliger aber ist sie, wenn sie so bleibt, nach meiner Meinung: ich denke aber auch den Geist Gottes zu haben.

1 Corinzi 7:40
Nondimeno ella è più felice, a parer mio, se rimane com’è; e credo d’aver anch’io lo Spirito di Dio.

Nondimeno, ella è più felice, secondo il mio avviso, se rimane così; or penso d’avere anch’io lo Spirito di Dio.

1 KOR 7:40
Tetapi pada pemandanganku, ia lebih senang jikalau ia tinggal sebagaimana memang ada. Maka pada pikiranku, bahwa aku juga ada Roh Allah.

1 Corinthians 7:40
Meɛna ɣef wakken walaɣ ma teqqim akken tella axiṛ-as, akken ara tesɛu lehna. Wagi d ṛṛay-iw nekk, ẓriɣ ula d nekk sɛiɣ Ṛṛuḥ n Sidi Ṛebbi.

고린도전서 7:40
그러나 내 뜻에는 그냥 지내는 것이 더욱 복이 있으리로다 나도 또한 하나님의 영을 받은 줄로 생각하노라

I Corinthios 7:40
beatior autem erit si sic permanserit secundum meum consilium puto autem quod et ego Spiritum Dei habeo

Korintiešiem 1 7:40
Bet svētīgāka viņa būs, ja saskaņā ar manu padomu paliks tāpat. Es esmu pārliecināts, ka arī man ir Dieva Gars.

Pirmasis laiðkas korintieèiams 7:40
Bet, mano nuomone, ji bus laimingesnė netekėdama. Manau, kad ir aš turiu Dievo Dvasią.

1 Corinthians 7:40
Ki toku whakaaro ia, nui ke atu tona hari ki te kati tonu ia: a ki taku mahara kei ahau ano hoki te Wairua o te Atua.

1 Korintierne 7:40
Men lykkeligere er hun om hun blir som hun er, efter min mening; men jeg tror også å ha Guds Ånd.

1 Corintios 7:40
Pero en mi opinión, será más feliz si se queda como está; y creo que yo también tengo el Espíritu de Dios.

Pero en mi opinión, será más feliz si se queda como está. Y creo que yo también tengo el Espíritu de Dios.

Pero a mi parecer, será más dichosa si se queda así; y pienso que también yo tengo el Espíritu de Dios.

Empero más venturosa será si se quedare así, según mi consejo; y pienso que también yo tengo Espíritu de Dios.

Pero más bienaventurada será si se quedare así, según mi consejo; y pienso que también yo tengo el Espíritu de Dios.

1 Coríntios 7:40
Entretanto, segundo me parece melhor, ela será mais feliz se permanecer viúva. E nisso, penso também estar em acordo com o Espírito de Deus. Acerca dos alimentos oferecidos aos ídolos

Será, porém, mais feliz se permanecer como está, segundo o meu parecer, e eu penso que também tenho o Espírito de Deus.   

1 Corinteni 7:40
Dar, după părerea mea, va fi mai fericită dacă rămîne aşa cum este. Şi cred că şi eu am Duhul lui Dumnezeu.

1-е Коринфянам 7:40
Но она блаженнее, если останется так, по моему совету; а думаю, и я имею Духа Божия.

Но она блаженнее, если останется так, по моему совету; а думаю, и я имею Духа Божия.

1 Corinthians 7:40
tura tuke nuatnatskesha nu nankaamas nekas shiir pujustatui. T· Enentßimjai wikia tura Yusa Wakanφsha mΘtek Tßtsuash.

1 Korinthierbrevet 7:40
Men lyckligare är hon, om hon förbliver såsom hon är. Så är min mening, och jag tror att också jag har Guds Ande.

1 Wakorintho 7:40
Lakini, nionavyo mimi, atakuwa na heri zaidi kama akibaki hivyo alivyo. Hayo ni maoni yangu, na nafikiri mimi pia ninaye Roho wa Mungu.

1 Mga Taga-Corinto 7:40
Nguni't lalong maligaya siya kung manatili ng ayon sa kaniyang kalagayan, ayon sa aking akala: at iniisip ko na ako'y may Espiritu rin naman ng Dios.

1 โครินธ์ 7:40
แต่ตามความเห็นของข้าพเจ้าก็เห็นว่าถ้านางอยู่คนเดียวจะเป็นสุขกว่า และข้าพเจ้าคิดว่าพระวิญญาณของพระเจ้าทรงสถิตอยู่ฝ่ายข้าพเจ้าด้วย

1 Korintliler 7:40
Ama dul kadın, olduğu gibi kalırsa daha mutlu olur. Ben böyle düşünüyorum ve sanırım bende de Tanrı'nın Ruhu vardır.

1 Коринтяни 7:40
Щасливша ж, коли так пробувати ме по моїй радї; думаю ж, що й я маю Духа Божого.

1 Corinthians 7:40
Aga meliu kamorasi' -na ane uma-ipi motomanei. Toe, pomporataa-ku moto-wadi-hawo. Aga nau' wae, ku'uli' karia-na wo'o-kuwo Inoha' Alata'ala hi aku'.

1 Coâ-rinh-toâ 7:40
Nhưng, theo ý tôi, nếu cứ ở vậy, thì có phước hơn. Vả, tôi tưởng tôi cũng có Thánh Linh của Ðức Chúa Trời.

1 Corinthians 7:39
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