1 Corinthians 7:26
1 Corinthians 7:26
Because of the present crisis, I think that it is good for a man to remain as he is.

Because of the present crisis, I think it is best to remain as you are.

I think that in view of the present distress it is good for a person to remain as he is.

I think then that this is good in view of the present distress, that it is good for a man to remain as he is.

I suppose therefore that this is good for the present distress, I say, that it is good for a man so to be.

Therefore I consider this to be good because of the present distress: It is fine for a man to remain as he is.

In view of the present crisis, I think it is prudent for a man to stay as he is.

Because of the impending crisis I think it best for you to remain as you are.

And I think that this is fair because of the distress of the time, that it is useful for a man to be so.

Because of the present crisis I believe it is good for people to remain as they are.

I hold, therefore, this to be good because of the present distress, that it is good for a man to be thus:

I suppose therefore that this is good for the present distress, I say, that it is good for a man so to be.

I suppose therefore that this is good for the present distress, I say, that it is good for a man so to be.

I think therefore that this is good by reason of the distress that is upon us, namely, that it is good for a man to be as he is.

I think therefore that this is good for the present necessity, that it is good for a man so to be.

I think then that this is good, on account of the present necessity, that it is good for a man to remain so as he is.

I think therefore that this is good by reason of the present distress, namely, that it is good for a man to be as he is.

I suppose therefore that this is good for the present distress, I say, that it is good for a man so to be.

I think then that, taking into consideration the distress which is now upon us, it is well for a man to remain as he is.

I think that it is good therefore, because of the distress that is on us, that it is good for a man to be as he is.

I suppose, therefore, this to be good because of the present necessity, that it is good for a man that the matter be thus: --

1 e Korintasve 7:26
Mendoj se është mirë për njeriun të jetë kështu siç është, për shkak të ngushticës së tanishme.

ﻛﻮﺭﻧﺜﻮﺱ ﺍﻻﻭﻝ 7:26
فاظن ان هذا حسن لسبب الضيق الحاضر انه حسن للانسان ان يكون هكذا.

Ուրեմն ես կը կարծեմ թէ սա՛ լաւ է ներկայ հարկադրանքին պատճառով, այսինքն լաւ է մարդու մը՝ որ մնայ ինչպէս որ է՝՝:

1 Corinthianoetara. 7:26
Estimatzen dut bada haour on dela presenteco necessitateagatic, ecen on dela guiçonarendaco hunela içatea.

De Krenter A 7:26
I main, däß wögn dyr Hartsal von dyr Endzeit, was eyn s Haus steet, d Lödigkeit ayn Vortl ist.

1 Коринтяни 7:26
И тъй, поради настоящата неволя, ето какво мисля за добро, че е добре за човека така да остане както си е.

歌 林 多 前 書 7:26
因 現 今 的 艱 難 , 據 我 看 來 , 人 不 如 守 素 安 常 才 好 。

因 现 今 的 艰 难 , 据 我 看 来 , 人 不 如 守 素 安 常 才 好 。





Prva poslanica Korinæanima 7:26
Smatram dakle: dobro je to zbog sadašnje nevolje, dobro je čovjeku tako biti.

První Korintským 7:26
Za toť pak mám, že jest to dobré pro nastávající potřebu, totiž že jest dobré člověku tak býti.

1 Korinterne 7:26
Jeg mener altsaa dette, at det paa Grund af den forhaandenværende Nød er godt for et Menneske at være saaledes, som han er.

1 Corinthiërs 7:26
Ik houde dan dit goed te zijn, om den aanstaanden nood, dat het, zeg ik, den mens goed is alzo te zijn.

Νομίζω οὖν τοῦτο καλὸν ὑπάρχειν διὰ τὴν ἐνεστῶσαν ἀνάγκην, ὅτι καλὸν ἀνθρώπῳ τὸ οὕτως εἶναι.

Νομίζω οὖν τοῦτο καλὸν ὑπάρχειν διὰ τὴν ἐνεστῶσαν ἀνάγκην, ὅτι καλὸν ἀνθρώπῳ τὸ οὕτως εἶναι.

Νομίζω οὖν τοῦτο καλὸν ὑπάρχειν διὰ τὴν ἐνεστῶσαν ἀνάγκην, ὅτι καλὸν ἀνθρώπῳ τὸ οὕτως εἶναι.

Νομίζω οὖν τοῦτο καλὸν ὑπάρχειν διὰ τὴν ἐνεστῶσαν ἀνάγκην, ὅτι καλὸν ἀνθρώπῳ τὸ οὕτως εἴναι.

νομίζω οὖν τοῦτο καλὸν ὑπάρχειν διὰ τὴν ἐνεστῶσαν ἀνάγκην, ὅτι καλὸν ἀνθρώπῳ τὸ οὕτως εἶναι.

νομίζω οὖν τοῦτο καλὸν ὑπάρχειν διὰ τὴν ἐνεστῶσαν ἀνάγκην, ὅτι καλὸν ἀνθρώπῳ τὸ οὕτως εἶναι.

νομίζω οὖν τοῦτο καλὸν ὑπάρχειν διὰ τὴν ἐνεστῶσαν ἀνάγκην, ὅτι καλὸν ἀνθρώπῳ τὸ οὕτως εἶναι.

Νομίζω οὖν τοῦτο καλὸν ὑπάρχειν διὰ τὴν ἐνεστῶσαν ἀνάγκην ὅτι καλὸν ἀνθρώπῳ τὸ οὕτως εἶναι

νομιζω ουν τουτο καλον υπαρχειν δια την ενεστωσαν αναγκην οτι καλον ανθρωπω το ουτως ειναι

νομιζω ουν τουτο καλον υπαρχειν δια την ενεστωσαν αναγκην οτι καλον ανθρωπω το ουτως ειναι

νομιζω ουν τουτο καλον υπαρχειν δια την ενεστωσαν αναγκην οτι καλον ανθρωπω το ουτως ειναι

νομιζω ουν τουτο καλον υπαρχειν δια την ενεστωσαν αναγκην, οτι καλον ανθρωπω το ουτως ειναι.

νομιζω ουν τουτο καλον υπαρχειν δια την ενεστωσαν αναγκην οτι καλον ανθρωπω το ουτως ειναι

νομιζω ουν τουτο καλον υπαρχειν δια την ενεστωσαν αναγκην οτι καλον ανθρωπω το ουτως ειναι

Nomizō oun touto kalon hyparchein dia tēn enestōsan anankēn, hoti kalon anthrōpō to houtōs einai.

Nomizo oun touto kalon hyparchein dia ten enestosan ananken, hoti kalon anthropo to houtos einai.

Nomizō oun touto kalon hyparchein dia tēn enestōsan anankēn, hoti kalon anthrōpō to houtōs einai.

Nomizo oun touto kalon hyparchein dia ten enestosan ananken, hoti kalon anthropo to houtos einai.

nomizō oun touto kalon uparchein dia tēn enestōsan anankēn oti kalon anthrōpō to outōs einai

nomizO oun touto kalon uparchein dia tEn enestOsan anankEn oti kalon anthrOpO to outOs einai

nomizō oun touto kalon uparchein dia tēn enestōsan anankēn oti kalon anthrōpō to outōs einai

nomizO oun touto kalon uparchein dia tEn enestOsan anankEn oti kalon anthrOpO to outOs einai

nomizō oun touto kalon uparchein dia tēn enestōsan anankēn oti kalon anthrōpō to outōs einai

nomizO oun touto kalon uparchein dia tEn enestOsan anankEn oti kalon anthrOpO to outOs einai

nomizō oun touto kalon uparchein dia tēn enestōsan anankēn oti kalon anthrōpō to outōs einai

nomizO oun touto kalon uparchein dia tEn enestOsan anankEn oti kalon anthrOpO to outOs einai

nomizō oun touto kalon uparchein dia tēn enestōsan anankēn oti kalon anthrōpō to outōs einai

nomizO oun touto kalon uparchein dia tEn enestOsan anankEn oti kalon anthrOpO to outOs einai

nomizō oun touto kalon uparchein dia tēn enestōsan anankēn oti kalon anthrōpō to outōs einai

nomizO oun touto kalon uparchein dia tEn enestOsan anankEn oti kalon anthrOpO to outOs einai

1 Korintusi 7:26
Úgy ítélem azért, hogy jó ez a jelenvaló szükség miatt, hogy tudniillik jó az embernek úgy maradni.

Al la korintanoj 1 7:26
Mi opinias do, ke la jeno estas bona pro la nuna neceseco, nome, ke estas bone por viro samstate resti.

Ensimmäinen kirje korinttilaisille 7:26
Minä luulen siis sen hyväksi, nykyisen tuskan tähden, että ihmisen on niin hyvä olla.

1 Corinthiens 7:26
J'estime donc que ceci est bon, à cause de la nécessité présente, qu'il est bon, dis-je, à l'homme d'être tel qu'il est.

Voici donc ce que j'estime bon, à cause des temps difficiles qui s'approchent: il est bon à un homme d'être ainsi.

J'estime donc que cela est bon pour la nécessité présente, en tant qu'il est bon à l'homme d'être ainsi.

1 Korinther 7:26
So meine ich nun, solches sei gut um der gegenwärtigen Not willen, daß es dem Menschen gut sei, also zu sein.

So meine ich nun, solches sei gut um der gegenwärtigen Not willen, es sei dem Menschen gut, also zu sein.

So meine ich denn, es sei bei der Bedrängnis dieser Zeit eine gute Sache darum, nämlich daß es einem Menschen gut ist, so zu sein.

1 Corinzi 7:26
Io stimo dunque che a motivo della imminente distretta sia bene per loro di restar come sono; poiché per l’uomo in genere è bene di starsene così.

Io stimo adunque ciò esser bene per la soprastante necessità; perciocchè egli è bene per l’uomo di starsene così.

1 KOR 7:26
Maka pada pemandanganku, baiklah hal yang demikian oleh sebab kesukaran yang pada masa ini, yaitu baiklah orang tinggal sebagaimana ia memang ada.

1 Corinthians 7:26
Ɣuṛ-i d ayen yelhan i wergaz ma yeqqim akken yella ɣef ddemma n lweqt-agi iweɛṛen.

고린도전서 7:26
내 생각에는 이것이 좋으니 곧 임박한 환난을 인하여 사람이 그냥 지내는 것이 좋으니라

I Corinthios 7:26
existimo ergo hoc bonum esse propter instantem necessitatem quoniam bonum est homini sic esse

Korintiešiem 1 7:26
Tāpēc pašreizējo spaidu dēļ es atzīstu par labāku, ka cilvēkam labāk palikt tāpat.

Pirmasis laiðkas korintieèiams 7:26
Taigi manau, jog yra gerai, atsižvelgiant į šių laikų suspaudimus­gerai žmogui būti tokiam.

1 Corinthians 7:26
Na reira ki toku whakaaro he pai tenei mo te whakararu o tenei wa, ara he pai kia kati tonu te tangata i a ia nei.

1 Korintierne 7:26
Jeg mener da dette at det for den nærværende nøds skyld er godt for et menneske å leve således.

1 Corintios 7:26
Creo, pues, que esto es bueno en vista de la presente aflicción; es decir, que es bueno que el hombre se quede como está.

Creo, pues, que esto es bueno en vista de la presente aflicción; es decir, que es bueno que el hombre se quede como está.

Tengo, pues, esto por bueno a causa de la necesidad que apremia; que bueno es al hombre quedarse así.

Tengo, pues, esto por bueno á causa de la necesidad que apremia, que bueno es al hombre estarse así.

Tengo, pues, esto por bueno a causa de la necesidad que apremia, por lo cual bueno es al hombre estarse así:

1 Coríntios 7:26
Considero, portanto, que é saudável, devido aos problemas deste momento, que a pessoa permaneça em sua atual condição.

Acho, pois, que é bom, por causa da instante necessidade, que a pessoa fique como está.   

1 Corinteni 7:26
Iată dar ce cred eu că este bine, avînd în vedere strîmtorarea de acum: este bine pentru fiecare să rămînă aşa cum este.

1-е Коринфянам 7:26
По настоящей нужде за лучшее признаю, что хорошочеловеку оставаться так.

По настоящей нужде за лучшее признаю, что хорошо человеку оставаться так.

1 Corinthians 7:26
Tuma asamtai juna Tßjai. Ti iturchatnum Pujß asakrin shuar aya J·nisan nuattsuk pujustin pΘnkeraiti.

1 Korinthierbrevet 7:26
Jag menar alltså, med tanke på den nöd som står för dörren, att den människa gör väl, som förbliver såsom hon är.

1 Wakorintho 7:26
Basi, kutokana na shida iliyopo sasa nadhani ingefaa mtu abaki kama alivyo.

1 Mga Taga-Corinto 7:26
Inaakala ko ngang mabuti ito dahil sa kasalukuyang kahapisan, sa makatuwid baga'y mabuti ngang ang tao'y manatili ng ayon sa kaniyang kalagayan.

1 โครินธ์ 7:26
ฉะนั้นเพราะเหตุความยากลำบากที่มีอยู่ในเวลานี้ ข้าพเจ้าเห็นว่า ทุกคนควรจะอยู่อย่างที่เขาอยู่เดี๋ยวนี้

1 Korintliler 7:26
Öyle sanıyorum ki, şimdiki sıkıntılar nedeniyle insanın olduğu gibi kalması iyidir.

1 Коринтяни 7:26
Думаю, що се добре задля теперішньої нужди, щоб чоловіку так бути.

1 Corinthians 7:26
Jadi', ohe'i pomporataa-ku: hi tempo tohe'i, kita' to Kristen bate mponyanyo wori' nyala kaparia, toe pai' ku'uli' agina neo' tabalii' katuwu' -ta eo-eo-na hi rala dunia' toi.

1 Coâ-rinh-toâ 7:26
Vậy tôi tưởng vì cớ tai vạ hầu đến, một người nam cứ ở vậy là nên.

1 Corinthians 7:25
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