1 Corinthians 7:10
1 Corinthians 7:10
To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband.

But for those who are married, I have a command that comes not from me, but from the Lord. A wife must not leave her husband.

To the married I give this charge (not I, but the Lord): the wife should not separate from her husband

But to the married I give instructions, not I, but the Lord, that the wife should not leave her husband

And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband:

I command the married--not I, but the Lord--a wife is not to leave her husband.

To married people I give this command (not really I, but the Lord): A wife must not leave her husband.

To the married I give this command--not I, but the Lord--a wife should not divorce a husband

But those who have wives, I command, not I but my Lord: A wife should not depart from her husband.

I pass this command along (not really I, but the Lord): A wife shouldn't leave her husband.

And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife separate from her husband;

And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband:

And to the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband:

But unto the married I give charge, yea not I, but the Lord, That the wife depart not from her husband

But to them that are married, not I but the Lord commandeth, that the wife depart not from her husband.

But to the married I enjoin, not I, but the Lord, Let not wife be separated from husband;

But unto the married I give charge, yea not I, but the Lord, That the wife depart not from her husband

And to the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband:

But to those already married my instructions are--yet not mine, but the Lord's--that a wife is not to leave her husband;

But to the married I command--not I, but the Lord--that the wife not leave her husband

and to the married I announce -- not I, but the Lord -- let not a wife separate from a husband:

1 e Korintasve 7:10
Kurse të martuarve u urdhëroj, jo unë, por Zoti, që gruaja të mos ndahet nga burri,

ﻛﻮﺭﻧﺜﻮﺱ ﺍﻻﻭﻝ 7:10
واما المتزوجون فاوصيهم لا انا بل الرب ان لا تفارق المرأة رجلها.

Իսկ ամուսնացածներուն կը հրամայեմ, ո՛չ թէ ես, հապա՝ Տէրը. «Կինը թող չզատուի իր ամուսինէն,

1 Corinthianoetara. 7:10
Eta ezconduey denuntiatzen drauet, ez nic baina Iaunac, Emaztea senharraganic eztadin parti.

De Krenter A 7:10
Yn de Verheirettn gebiet nit i, sundern dyr Herr, däß si s Weib von n Man nit schaidn sollt.

1 Коринтяни 7:10
А на жените заръчвам, и то не аз, но Господ: Жена да не оставя мъжа си;

歌 林 多 前 書 7:10
至 於 那 已 經 嫁 娶 的 , 我 吩 咐 他 們 ; 其 實 不 是 我 吩 咐 , 乃 是 主 吩 咐 說 : 妻 子 不 可 離 開 丈 夫 ,

至 於 那 已 经 嫁 娶 的 , 我 吩 咐 他 们 ; 其 实 不 是 我 吩 咐 , 乃 是 主 吩 咐 说 : 妻 子 不 可 离 开 丈 夫 ,





Prva poslanica Korinæanima 7:10
A oženjenima zapovijedam, ne ja, nego Gospodin: žena neka se od muža ne rastavlja -

První Korintským 7:10
Vdaným pak přikazuji ne já, ale Pán, řka: Manželka od muže neodcházej.

1 Korinterne 7:10
Men de gifte byder ikke jeg, men Herren, at en Hustru ikke skal skille sig fra sin Mand;

1 Corinthiërs 7:10
Doch den getrouwden gebiede niet ik, maar de Heere, dat de vrouw van den man niet scheide.

τοῖς δὲ γεγαμηκόσιν παραγγέλλω, οὐκ ἐγὼ ἀλλὰ ὁ Κύριος, γυναῖκα ἀπὸ ἀνδρὸς μὴ χωρισθῆναι,—

Τοῖς δὲ γεγαμηκόσιν παραγγέλλω, οὐκ ἐγὼ ἀλλὰ ὁ κύριος, γυναῖκα ἀπὸ ἀνδρὸς μὴ χωρισθῆναι,

Τοῖς δὲ γεγαμηκόσιν παραγγέλλω, οὐκ ἐγὼ ἀλλὰ ὁ κύριος, γυναῖκα ἀπὸ ἀνδρὸς μὴ χωρισθῆναι

Tοῖς δὲ γεγαμηκόσιν παραγγέλλω, οὐκ ἐγώ, ἀλλ’ ὁ κύριος, γυναῖκα ἀπὸ ἀνδρὸς μὴ χωρισθῆναι·

τοῖς δὲ γεγαμηκόσι παραγγέλλω, οὐκ ἐγώ, ἀλλ’ ὁ Κύριος, γυναῖκα ἀπὸ ἀνδρὸς μὴ χωρισθῆναι·

τοῖς δὲ γεγαμηκόσιν παραγγέλλω, οὐκ ἐγὼ ἀλλὰ ὁ κύριος, γυναῖκα ἀπὸ ἀνδρὸς μὴ χωρισθῆναι,

τοῖς δὲ γεγαμηκόσι παραγγέλλω, οὐκ ἐγὼ ἀλλ’ ὁ Κύριος, γυναῖκα ἀπὸ ἀνδρὸς μὴ χωρισθῆναι

τοῖς δὲ γεγαμηκόσιν παραγγέλλω οὐκ ἐγὼ ἀλλ' ὁ κύριος γυναῖκα ἀπὸ ἀνδρὸς μὴ χωρισθῆναι

τοις δε γεγαμηκοσιν παραγγελλω ουκ εγω αλλα ο κυριος γυναικα απο ανδρος μη χωρισθηναι

τοις δε γεγαμηκοσιν παραγγελλω ουκ εγω αλλα ο κυριος γυναικα απο ανδρος μη χωρισθηναι

τοις δε γεγαμηκοσιν παραγγελλω ουκ εγω αλλ ο κυριος γυναικα απο ανδρος μη χωρισθηναι

τοις δε γεγαμηκοσι παραγγελλω, ουκ εγω αλλ ο Κυριος, γυναικα απο ανδρος μη χωρισθηναι

τοις δε γεγαμηκοσιν παραγγελλω ουκ εγω αλλ ο κυριος γυναικα απο ανδρος μη χωρισθηναι

τοις δε γεγαμηκοσιν παραγγελλω ουκ εγω αλλα ο κυριος γυναικα απο ανδρος μη χωρισθηναι

tois de gegamēkosin parangellō, ouk egō alla ho Kyrios, gynaika apo andros mē chōristhēnai,—

tois de gegamekosin parangello, ouk ego alla ho Kyrios, gynaika apo andros me choristhenai,—

Tois de gegamēkosin parangellō, ouk egō alla ho kyrios, gynaika apo andros mē chōristhēnai,

Tois de gegamekosin parangello, ouk ego alla ho kyrios, gynaika apo andros me choristhenai,

tois de gegamēkosin parangellō ouk egō alla o kurios gunaika apo andros mē chōristhēnai

tois de gegamEkosin parangellO ouk egO alla o kurios gunaika apo andros mE chOristhEnai

tois de gegamēkosin parangellō ouk egō all o kurios gunaika apo andros mē chōristhēnai

tois de gegamEkosin parangellO ouk egO all o kurios gunaika apo andros mE chOristhEnai

tois de gegamēkosin parangellō ouk egō all o kurios gunaika apo andros mē chōristhēnai

tois de gegamEkosin parangellO ouk egO all o kurios gunaika apo andros mE chOristhEnai

tois de gegamēkosin parangellō ouk egō all o kurios gunaika apo andros mē chōristhēnai

tois de gegamEkosin parangellO ouk egO all o kurios gunaika apo andros mE chOristhEnai

tois de gegamēkosin parangellō ouk egō alla o kurios gunaika apo andros mē chōristhēnai

tois de gegamEkosin parangellO ouk egO alla o kurios gunaika apo andros mE chOristhEnai

tois de gegamēkosin parangellō ouk egō alla o kurios gunaika apo andros mē chōristhēnai

tois de gegamEkosin parangellO ouk egO alla o kurios gunaika apo andros mE chOristhEnai

1 Korintusi 7:10
Azoknak pedig, a kik házasságban vannak, hagyom nem én, hanem az Úr, hogy az asszony férjétõl el ne váljék.

Al la korintanoj 1 7:10
Sed al geedzoj mi ordonas (tamen ne mi, sed la Sinjoro):Ke edzino ne forigxu de sia edzo

Ensimmäinen kirje korinttilaisille 7:10
Mutta naineelle käsken, en minä, vaan Herra, ettei vaimon pidä miehestänsä eriämän.

1 Corinthiens 7:10
Mais quant à ceux qui sont mariés, je leur enjoins, non pas moi, mais le Seigneur: que la femme ne soit pas séparée du mari;

A ceux qui sont mariés, j'ordonne, non pas moi, mais le Seigneur, que la femme ne se sépare point de son mari

Et quant à ceux qui sont mariés, je leur commande, non pas moi, mais le Seigneur, que la femme ne se sépare point du mari.

1 Korinther 7:10
Den Ehelichen aber gebiete nicht ich, sondern der HERR, daß das Weib sich nicht scheide von dem Manne.

Den Ehelichen aber gebiete nicht ich, sondern der HERR, daß sich das Weib nicht scheide von dem Manne;

Den Ehepaaren aber gebiete ich, vielmehr nicht ich, sondern der Herr: daß sich die Frau von ihrem Manne nicht trennen soll;

1 Corinzi 7:10
Ma ai coniugi ordino non io ma il Signore, che la moglie non si separi dal marito,

Ma a’ maritati ordino, non io, ma il Signore, che la moglie non si separi dal marito.

1 KOR 7:10
Tetapi kepada orang yang sudah kawin itu aku berpesan (yaitu bukannya aku ini melainkan Tuhan): Bahwa janganlah isteri itu undur daripada suaminya.

1 Corinthians 7:10
A d-fkeɣ lameṛ i imasiḥiyen izewǧen ; lameṛ-agi mačči s ɣuṛ-i i d-yekka meɛna s ɣuṛ Sidi Ṛebbi : tameṭṭut izewǧen ur ilaq ara aț-țeǧǧ argaz-is :

고린도전서 7:10
혼인한 자들에게 내가 명하노니 (명하는 자는 내가 아니요 주시라) 여자는 남편에게서 갈리지 말고

I Corinthios 7:10
his autem qui matrimonio iuncti sunt praecipio non ego sed Dominus uxorem a viro non discedere

Korintiešiem 1 7:10
Bet laulātajiem pavēlu ne es, bet Kungs: sieva lai nešķiras no vīra!

Pirmasis laiðkas korintieèiams 7:10
Susituokusiems įsakau ne aš, bet Viešpats, kad žmona nesiskirtų nuo vyro,

1 Corinthians 7:10
Ko taku whakahau ia tenei ki te hunga whai hoa, ehara i ahau, engari ko te Ariki, Aua te wahine e mawehe ke i tana tane:

1 Korintierne 7:10
De gifte byder jeg, dog ikke jeg, men Herren, at en hustru ikke skal skille sig fra sin mann;

1 Corintios 7:10
A los casados instruyo, no yo, sino el Señor: que la mujer no debe dejar al marido

A los casados instruyo, no yo, sino el Señor: que la mujer no debe dejar al (separarse del) marido.

Y a los casados mando, no yo, sino el Señor: Que la esposa no se separe de su marido;

Mas á los que están juntos en matrimonio, denuncio, no yo, sino el Señor: Que la mujer no se aparte del marido;

Mas a los que están juntos en matrimonio, denuncio, no yo, sino el Señor; Que la mujer no se aparte del marido;

1 Coríntios 7:10
Todavia, ordeno aos casados, não eu, mas o Senhor: Que a esposa não se separe do marido.

Todavia, aos casados, mando, não eu mas o Senhor, que a mulher não se aparte do marido;   

1 Corinteni 7:10
Celor căsătoriţi, le poruncesc nu eu, ci Domnul, ca nevasta să nu se despartă de bărbat.

1-е Коринфянам 7:10
А вступившим в брак не я повелеваю, а Господь: жене не разводиться с мужем, –

А вступившим в брак не я повелеваю, а Господь: жене не разводиться с мужем, --

1 Corinthians 7:10
Nuatnaikiarun antsu Tßjai, "Nuwa nuatkamuka ni aishrin ikiukchatniuiti" tajai. N·naka ii Uuntri Kristu akupkaiti aya winia chichampruchuiti.

1 Korinthierbrevet 7:10
Men dem som äro gifta bjuder jag -- dock icke jag, utan Herren; En hustru må icke skilja sig från sin man

1 Wakorintho 7:10
Kwa wale waliooa ninayo amri, tena si yangu, ila ni ya Bwana: mke asiachane na mumewe;

1 Mga Taga-Corinto 7:10
Datapuwa't sa mga may asawa ay aking ipinaguutos, Nguni't hindi ako, kundi ang Panginoon, na ang babae ay huwag humiwalay sa kaniyang asawa.

1 โครินธ์ 7:10
ส่วนคนที่แต่งงานแล้วข้าพเจ้าขอสั่ง มิใช่ข้าพเจ้าสั่งเอง แต่องค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้าทรงบัญชาว่า อย่าให้ภรรยาทิ้งสามี

1 Korintliler 7:10
Evlilereyse şunu buyuruyorum, daha doğrusu Rab buyuruyor: Kadın kocasından ayrılmasın.

1 Коринтяни 7:10
Жонатим же завітую не я, а Господь: Жінка нехай не розлучається з чоловіком.

1 Corinthians 7:10
Hi ompi' -ompi' to ncamoko-mi, ohe'i hawa' -ku-- aga bela aku' pue' lolita, Pue' Yesus-hana pue' lolita: tobine to motomanei, neo' -i mpogaa' -ki tomane-na.

1 Coâ-rinh-toâ 7:10
Về những kẻ đã cưới gả rồi, thì tôi, nhưng chẳng phải tôi, bèn là Chúa, truyền rằng vợ không nên lìa bỏ chồng,

1 Corinthians 7:9
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