Yielding to Arrest: the betrayal -- protecting the disciples -- checking Peter's violence -- the arrest -- the disciples forsake Him -- except two, John 18:15, 16. The Real Jewish Ruler: Annas the intriguer -- an unrebuked insult -- the case settled at once -- before Caiaphas -- difficulty in fixing a charge -- the dramatic question and solemn answer -- second condemnation -- gross insults. Held Steady by Great Love: Peter gains entrance through John, John 18:16. -- the stammering denial -- the bolder -- with oaths and curses -- Jesus' look -- Peter's tears. An Obstinate Roman: before the senate -- trying to make a case -- the formal condemnation -- before Pilate -- an unexpected set-back -- alone with Pilate -- acquitted -- shrill protests -- off to Herod. A Savage Duel: before Herod -- no word for him -- more insults -- a second acquittal -- back to Pilate -- his character -- his summing up -- their protests -- his wife's message -- Barabbas or Jesus -- Pilate weakening -- the scourging and coarse mocking -- Pilate's surprise -- a new charge -- the governor startled -- alone again with Pilate -- the use of Caesar's name -- renunciation of national hopes -- the defeated governor's small revenge -- the duel over. Victory: out to Calvary -- the pitying women -- crucified -- praying for the soldiers -- pitching dice for His clothes -- the inscription -- coarse taunts and jests -- winning a man at the very last -- providing for His mother the darkness -- the agonizing cry -- the shout of victory. |