Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
Job Examines Wisdom and Knowledge |
28:2 4604 28:2 σίδηρος 28:2 [2iron |
2998 λατομείται 1is quarried]. |
28:3 5010 28:3 τάξιν 28:3 [2an order |
5087 έθετο 1He established] |
1812.2 εξακριβάζεται determines exactly; |
3037 λίθος [5 is as a stone |
28:4 1249.1 28:4 διακοπή 28:4 There is a breach |
5493 χειμάρρου of the rushing stream |
1950 επιλανθανόμενοι forgetting |
770 ησθένησαν are weakened; |
4531 εσαλεύθησαν they are shaken. |
28:5 1093 28:5 γη 28:5 As for the earth, |
1831 εξελεύσεται shall come forth |
28:6 5117 28:6 τόπος 28:6 [2 are the place |
4552 σαπφείρου 3of the sapphire |
3037 λίθοι αυτής 1Her stones]; |
28:7 5147 28:7 τρίβος 28:7 There is a road |
28:8 3756 28:8 ουκ 28:8 [5not |
213 αλαζόνων 2of ostentatious ones]; |
28:9 1722 28:9 εν 28:9 [3in |
206.2 ακροτόμω 4a chiseled place |
1614 εξέτεινε 1He stretched forth |
1784 έντιμον 6valuable thing |
28:11 899-1161 28:11 βάθη δε 28:11 And the depths |
343 ανεκάλυψεν he uncovered, |
4159 πόθεν 1from what place] |
1989.1 επιστήμης higher knowledge? |
28:13 3756-1492 28:13 ουκ οίδε 28:13 [2knows not |
28:14 12 28:14 άβυσσος 28:14 The abyss |
28:15 3756-1325 28:15 ου δώσει 28:15 One shall not give |
4787.4 συγκλεισμόν an investment |
465 αντάλλαγμα as a bargain |
28:16 2532 28:16 και 28:16 And |
4821.1 συμβασταχθήσεται be compared with |
28:17 3756 28:17 ουκ 28:17 [4shall not |
28:18 3349.2 28:18 μετέωρα 28:18 Meteorites |
3403 μνησθήσεται be mentioned; |
2081.1 εσώτατα innermost things. |
28:19 3756 28:19 ουκ 28:19 [3shall not |
4821.1 συμβασταχθήσεται 2be compared with]. |
28:20 3588-1161 28:20 η δε 28:20 But concerning |
2147 ευρέθη shall she be found? |
4907 συνέσεως understanding? |
28:21 2990 28:21 λέληθε 28:21 She has escaped notice |
191 ακηκόαμεν We have heard |
28:25 3956 28:25 πάντα 28:25 all |
4712.4 σταθμόν 1 even the weight], |
3358 μέτρα 1 and the measures]. |
28:26 3753 28:26 ότε 28:26 When |
4160 εποίησεν he made them, |
705 ηρίθμησε he counted them, |
28:27 5119 28:27 τότε 28:27 Then |
1834 εξηγήσατο he described |
1840.1 εξιχνίασεν he tracked it out. |
28:28 2036-1161 28:28 είπε δε 28:28 And he said |
566 απέχεσθαι being at a distance |
1989.1 επιστήμη higher knowledge. |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.