Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
The Philistines War with Israel |
29:1 2532 29:1 και 29:1 And |
4867 συναθροίζουσιν [2gathered |
246 αλλόφυλοι 1Philistines] |
29:2 2532 29:2 και 29:2 And |
3899 παρεπορεύοντο came near |
29:3 2532 29:3 και 29:3 And |
246 αλλοφύλων 4Philistines], |
1279 διαπορευόμενοι ούτοι these traveling? |
2036-* είπεν Ακχίς Achish said |
29:4 2532 29:4 και 29:4 And |
2373 εθυμώθησαν [5were enraged |
246 αλλοφύλων 4Philistines], |
654 αποστραφήτω let him return |
3960-* επάταξε Σαούλ Saul struck |
29:6 2532 29:6 και 29:6 And |
2564-* εκάλεσεν Ακχίς Achish called |
29:7 2532 29:7 και 29:7 And |
29:8 2532 29:8 και 29:8 And |
2036-* είπε Δαυίδ David said |
4170 πολεμήσαι to wage war against |
29:9 2532 29:9 και 29:9 And |
611-* απεκρίθη Ακχίς Achish answered |
29:10 2532 29:10 και 29:10 And |
4404 τοπρωϊ in the morning, |
2240 ήκοντες ones having come |
3719 ορθρίσατε you rise early |
5461 φωτισάτω when it gives light |
29:11 2532 29:11 και 29:11 And |
3719-* ώρθρισε Δαυίδ David rose early, |
4404 τοπρωϊ in the morning, |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.