Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
Divisions among the Brethren |
4152 πνευματικοίς to spiritual ones, |
4559 σαρκικοίς fleshly ones, |
3:2 1051 3:2 γάλα 3:2 [3milk |
4222 επότισα 1I gave 4to drink] |
1410 εδύνασθε were you able, |
3:3 2089 3:3 έτι 3:3 [3still |
4559 σαρκικοί 4fleshly ones |
4559 σαρκικοί 3fleshly ones |
4559 σαρκικοί 3fleshly ones |
4100 επιστεύσατε you believed, |
3:7 5620 3:7 ώστε 3:7 So that |
3:8 3588 3:8 ο 3:8 [2the one |
2983 λήψεται 1shall receive] |
3:9 2316 3:9 θεού 3:9 [4of God |
4904 συνεργοί 3fellow-workers], |
3619 οικοδομή 3construction |
3:10 2596 3:10 κατά 3:10 According to |
2310 θεμέλιον [2 the foundation |
991 βλεπέτω 2let] take heed |
2026 εποικοδομεί he builds! |
3:11 2310 3:11 θεμέλιον 3:11 [3foundation |
3:13 1538 3:13 εκάστου 3:13 [3of each |
1096 γενήσεται 4shall become]; |
1213 δηλώσει will manifest it. |
601 αποκαλύπτεται it is revealed; |
1381 δοκιμάσει 3shall prove]. |
3:14 1536 3:14 ει τινος 3:14 If anyone's |
2026 επωκοδόμησεν he built upon, |
2983 λήψεται 1he shall receive]. |
3:15 1536 3:15 ει τινος 3:15 If anyone's |
2618 κατακαήσεται shall be incinerated, |
2210-1473 ζημιωθήσεται αυτός he shall suffer loss; |
4982 σωθήσεται he shall be delivered; |
3:16 3756 3:16 ουκ 3:16 Do you not |
3:17 1536 3:17 ει τις 3:17 If anyone |
5351 φθερεί [2shall corrupt |
3:18 3367 3:18 μηδείς 3:18 [2no one |
1818 εξαπατάτω 1Let 3cheat]! |
1096 γενέσθω 1let him become]! |
1096 γένηται he should become |
1125-1063 γέγραπται γαρ For it has been written, |
3:20 2532 3:20 και 3:20 And |
3:21 5620 3:21 ώστε 3:21 So that |
3:22 1535 3:22 είτε 3:22 Whether |
1764 ενεστώτα things present, |
3195 μέλλοντα things about to be; |
5547 χριστού are of Christ, |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.