The Feet: Often Swift
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And Very Often a Translator, to whom the Meaning is not Well Known ...
... And very often a translator, to whom the meaning is ... As for example, some texts read:
"Their feet are sharp ... oxus" among the Greeks means both sharp and swift. ...
/.../augustine/on christian doctrine in four books/chapter 18 and very often.htm

The Story of David
... Saul must not hear of it, or his vengeance would be swift. ... His path was rough and
dangerous now, and sad to say his feet often slipped and he wandered far ...
// the shepherd boy/the story of david.htm

A Seraph's Wings
... as flashing with splendour, as full of swift energy, like a ... can at best run on His
service, and often find it ... with wings, or service with lame feet, it matters ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture h/a seraphs wings.htm

A Diversity of Interpretations is Useful. Errors Arising from ...
... And very often a translator, to whom the meaning is ... As for example, some texts read:
"Their feet are sharp ... hozus among the Greeks means both sharp and swift. ...
/.../chapter 12 a diversity of interpretations.htm

The Swift Destroyer
... leading, but Lot's feet are to be made as hinds' feet by the ... We have all of us one
human heart,' and this swift leap from ... Yes, and we are often quite as strange ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture k/the swift destroyer.htm

On Mutual Subjection {1} --(First Printed in 1744)
... so distant as our Saviour and those disciples, whose feet He vouchsafed ... the earth,
who, although perhaps intending well themselves, have often most abominable ...
/.../swift/three sermons three prayers/on mutual subjection 1first printed.htm

On the Wisdom of this World
... earth he rests upon while he has no support besides for his feet, but wants ... They
were often extremely gross and absurd in their conceptions, and those who made ...
/.../swift/three sermons three prayers/on the wisdom of this.htm

Petilianus Said: "David Also Spoke of You as Persecutors in the ...
... have yourselves said that the followers of Maximianus had feet swift to shed blood,
as is testified by the sentence of your plenary Council, so often quoted in ...
/.../chapter 15 34 petilianus.htm

A Miracle Needing Effort
... So swift and ready to flash into act is the fellow ... by the curt answer, 'Peace!' It
is often quoted as ... wish to check the convulsive grasp of the feet, which the ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture f/a miracle needing effort.htm

On Sleeping in Church
... and we may preach with as good success to the grave that is under his feet. ... for all
sermons and all preachers, and can be extremely witty as often as they ...
/.../swift/three sermons three prayers/on sleeping in church.htm

Torrey's Topical Textbook
2 Samuel 2:18
And there were three sons of Zeruiah there, Joab, and Abishai, and Asahel: and Asahel was as light of foot as a wild roe.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

2 Samuel 22:34
He makes my feet like hinds' feet: and sets me on my high places.
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Feet Washing

Feet: Bells Worn On

Feet: Sitting At

Feet: Washing of, As an Example, by Jesus

The Feet of Criminals: Bound With Fetters

The Feet of Criminals: Placed in Stocks

The Feet of Enemies often Maimed and Cut off

The Feet of Saints: At Liberty

The Feet of Saints: Established by God

The Feet of Saints: Guided by Christ

The Feet of Saints: Kept by God

The Feet of Strangers and Travellers Washed

The Feet of the Jews: Bare in Affliction

The Feet of the Jews: Neglected in Affliction

The Feet of the Jews: Washed Frequently

The Feet of the Wicked: Ensnared

The Feet of the Wicked: Swift to Mischief

The Feet of the Wicked: Swift to Shed Blood

The Feet of Women often Adorned With Tingling Ornaments

The Feet were Liable to Disease

The Feet were Liable to Injury from Stones

The Feet were Liable to Swelling from Walking

The Feet: (Dipped in Blood) of Victory

The Feet: (Set in a Large Place) Liberty

The Feet: (Set on a Rock) Stability

The Feet: (Sliding) Yielding to Temptation

The Feet: (Treading Under) Complete Destruction

The Feet: (Washed or Dipped in Oil) Abundance

The Feet: Condemnation Expressed by Shaking the Dust From

The Feet: Early Use of Shoes

The Feet: Necessary Members of the Body

The Feet: Neglect of Washing, Disrespectful to Guest

The Feet: Often Swift

The Feet: Origin of Uncovering in Consecrated Places

The Feet: Parts of, Mentioned in Scripture: Heel

The Feet: Parts of, Mentioned in Scripture: Sole

The Feet: Parts of, Mentioned in Scripture: Toes

The Feet: Path of, to be Pondered

The Feet: Respect Exhibited by Falling At

The Feet: Reverence Expressed by Kissing

The Feet: Sleep Expressed by Covering

The Feet: Stamped on the Ground in Extreme Joy or Grief

The Feet: Subjection Expressed by Licking the Dust of

The Feet: Subjugation of Enemies Expressed by Placing on Their Necks

The Feet: To be Directed by God's Word

The Feet: To be Guided by Wisdom and Discretion

The Feet: To be Refrained from Evil

The Feet: To be Turned to God's Testimonies

The Feet: Washing for Others, a Menial office

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