Prudence: Solomon
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Men Entrust their Safety Rather to a Just than to a Prudent Man. . ...
... was whom nothing escaped, and that there was nothing which the truth-loving Solomon
did not ... I heard in mine own land of thy words and of thy prudence, yet I ...
/.../ambrose/works and letters of st ambrose/chapter x men entrust their.htm

How Solomon Fortified the City of Jerusalem, and Built Great ...
... When this queen heard of the virtue and prudence of Solomon, she had a great mind
to see him; and the reports that went every day abroad induced her to come to ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 6 how solomon fortified.htm

The First Source of Duty is Prudence, from Whence Spring Three ...
... Wherefore does justice [186] abound unto the wicked?" [187] says Solomon. Nor, on
the other hand, can prudence exist without justice, for piety towards God is ...
/.../ambrose/works and letters of st ambrose/chapter xxvii the first source.htm

Thy Neck is as a Tower of ivory; Thine Eyes Like the Fish-Pools in ...
Song of Songs of Solomon. ... The nose is the symbol of prudence, which is become like
the tower of Lebanon, because it is strong and impregnable, being the very ...
// of songs of solomon/4 thy neck is as.htm

Nothing Has Greater Effect in Gaining Good-Will than Giving Advice ...
... gaining good-will than giving advice; but none can trust it unless it rests on justice
and prudence. How conspicuous these two virtues were in Solomon is shown ...
/.../ambrose/works and letters of st ambrose/chapter viii nothing has greater.htm

The History of Solomon
... God gave to Solomon much wisdom and prudence in his heart, like to the gravel that
is in the sea-side, and the sapience and wisdom of Solomon passed and went ...
/.../wells/bible stories and religious classics/the history of solomon.htm

True Prudence
... Solomon says, 'Better is he that ruleth his spirit, than he that taketh a city.'
Now ... but from the moment the battle began, he said, no mortal prudence was of ...
/.../kingsley/the good news of god/sermon xxx true prudence.htm

Of David's Reign and Merit; and of his Son Solomon, and that ...
... But as regards those three books which it is evident are Solomon's and held ... what
follows, "Forsake simplicity, that ye may live; and seek prudence, that ye may ...
/.../ of god/chapter 20 of davids reign and.htm

How Anger Should be Repressed.
... 2011] And therefore Scripture says of him who to his credit asked the gift of wisdom
from the Lord: "God gave Solomon wisdom and prudence exceeding much, and ...
/.../cassian/the conferences of john cassian/chapter xxvii how anger should.htm

Concerning the Wife of Solomon; Concerning his Wisdom and Riches ...
... that might have been expected from such as are aged, and of the greatest prudence. ...
So Solomon asked of God what was most excellent, and of the greatest worth ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 2 concerning the wife.htm

Torrey's Topical Textbook
2 Chronicles 2:12
Huram said moreover, Blessed be the LORD God of Israel, that made heaven and earth, who has given to David the king a wise son, endued with prudence and understanding, that might build an house for the LORD, and an house for his kingdom.
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Prudence in Avoiding his Enemies

Prudence in Charging Those Who Were Healed not to "Advertise" his Miracles

Prudence in Circumcising Timothy

Prudence in Performing Temple Rites

Prudence in Turning the Jewish Sects Against Each Other

Prudence in Walking "No Longer Openly"

Prudence of the Wicked: Defeated by God

Prudence of the Wicked: Denounced by God

Prudence of the Wicked: Fails in Times of Perplexity

Prudence of the Wicked: Keeps Them from the Knowledge of the Gospel

Prudence of the Wicked: Necessity For-Illustrated

Prudence: Abigail

Prudence: Abigail, in Averting David's Anger

Prudence: Achish, in Dismissing David

Prudence: Aged Counsellors of Rehoboam

Prudence: Avoiding Suspicion in Administering the Gifts of the Congregations

Prudence: Certain Elders of Israel

Prudence: Daniel

Prudence: David

Prudence: David, in his Conduct Toward Saul

Prudence: David, in Overthrowing Ahithophel's Shrewd Advice

Prudence: Elijah, in his Escape from Jezebel

Prudence: Exemplified by Christ

Prudence: Exhibited in the Manifestation of God's Grace

Prudence: Gamaliel

Prudence: General Scriptures Concerning

Prudence: Gideon

Prudence: Going to the Feast Secretly

Prudence: His Lack of

Prudence: Intimately Connected With Wisdom

Prudence: Jacob

Prudence: Jacob, in his Conduct Toward Esau

Prudence: Jacob, Toward his Sons, After Dinah's Defilement

Prudence: Jehoram, in Suspecting a Syrian Stratagem

Prudence: Jethro

Prudence: Jethro's Advice to Moses

Prudence: Joseph

Prudence: Joseph, in his Conduct Toward Mary

Prudence: Joseph, in the Affairs of Egypt

Prudence: Nehemiah

Prudence: Nehemiah, in Conduct of Affairs at Jerusalem

Prudence: Paul

Prudence: Paul and Barnabas, in Escaping Persecution

Prudence: Paul and Silas, in Escaping from Berea

Prudence: Peter, in Escaping from Herod Agrippa I

Prudence: Rehoboam's Advisers

Prudence: Saints Act With

Prudence: Saints should Especially Exercise, in Their Intercourse With

Prudence: Saul, in not Killing the Jabesh-Gileadites

Prudence: Sergius Paulus

Prudence: Solomon

Prudence: The Israelites, in the Threatened War With the Two and One-Half Tribes

Prudence: The Poor Wise Man

Prudence: The Scribe

Prudence: The Town Clerk of Ephesus, in Averting a Riot

Prudence: The Wise Celebrated For

Prudence: The Young should Cultivate

Prudence: They Who Have are Preserved by It

Prudence: They Who Have: Crowned With Knowledge

Prudence: They Who Have: Deal With Knowledge

Prudence: They Who Have: Foresee and Avoid Evil

Prudence: They Who Have: Get Knowledge

Prudence: They Who Have: Keep Silence in the Evil Time

Prudence: They Who Have: Look Well to Their Goings

Prudence: They Who Have: Not Ostentatious of Knowledge

Prudence: They Who Have: Regard Reproof

Prudence: They Who Have: Suppress Angry Feelings

Prudence: They Who Have: Understand the Ways of God

Prudence: They Who Have: Understand Their own Ways

Prudence: Virtuous Wives Act With

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