Peace-Offerings: The Priest: An offering Most Acceptable
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Of the Priesthood of Aaron.
... by those twelve stones which the high priest bare on ... old, for a whole burnt-offering,
as also ... brought also other sacrifices, called peace-offerings, for every ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 8 of the priesthood.htm

Separation to God.
... example of this was the sacrifice of peace-offerings made by ... the order of enumeration:
the burnt-offering is always ... of it was eaten by the priest who offered it ...
/.../taylor/separation and service/part i separation to god.htm

Whether a Suitable Cause Can be Assigned for the Ceremonies which ...
... In the peace-offerings, the breast-bone and the right ... This is also denoted the priest's
need of wisdom in ... The offering of turtledoves and doves was on account ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether a suitable cause can.htm

Scriptural Types.
... Thus the breast of the peace-offerings was always waved ... other prescribed services;
but the high priest alone was ... every year with the blood of the sin-offering. ...
/.../barrows/companion to the bible/chapter xxxvii scriptural types.htm

Princely Service.
... a princely offering for a sacrifice of peace-offerings; two oxen ... and in which the
sacrificing priest, the offerer ... And this, all this, was the offering of Nahshon ...
/.../taylor/separation and service/part iii princely service.htm

The Divine Liturgy of James the Holy Apostle and Brother of the ...
... priestly offices of Moses and Aaron, the peace-offerings of Samuel ... The offering of
peace, the sacrifice of praise. The Priest [A veil is now withdrawn from the ...
/...// liturgies/the divine liturgy of james.htm

"Lo, I Come": Exposition
... slew the sacrifices, and presented their peace-offerings; but the ... are priests, since
no apostle was a priest. ... we are sanctified through the offering of the ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 37 1891/lo i come exposition.htm

Of the Popish Mass. How it not Only Profanes, but Annihilates the ...
... libations, oblations, first-fruits, and peace offerings, referred. ... apostle, imitating
him, speaks of offering "the sacrifice ... he is our High Priest, who, having ...
/.../calvin/the institutes of the christian religion/chapter 18 of the popish.htm

Covenanting Provided for in the Everlasting Covenant.
... near to present an acceptable sacrifice; and as a priest, he makes ... which were never
merely voluntary: the burnt-offering: the peace-offerings, that were ...
/.../cunningham/the ordinance of covenanting/chapter vi covenanting provided for.htm

Sermons of St. Bernard on the Passing of Malachy
... in a humble spirit[1166] often brought peace-offerings to the ... With the departure
of the priest the rite of ... this world to a conflict, to whom offering His flesh ...
/.../sermons of st bernard on.htm

Torrey's Topical Textbook
Leviticus 3:5,16
And Aaron's sons shall burn it on the altar on the burnt sacrifice, which is on the wood that is on the fire: it is an offering made by fire, of a sweet smell to the LORD.
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Peace-Offerings by David After the Plague

Peace-Offerings by David on Bringing up the Ark

Peace-Offerings by Israel After Their Defeat

Peace-Offerings by Joshua After his Victories

Peace-Offerings by Manasseh on Repairing and Restoring the Altar

Peace-Offerings by Solomon Three Times a Year

Peace-Offerings for Confirming the Legal Covenant

Peace-Offerings for Reconciliation

Peace-Offerings for the People at Large

Peace-Offerings: A Male or Female of Herd or Flock

Peace-Offerings: As a Thanksgiving-Offering

Peace-Offerings: As a Votive offering

Peace-Offerings: At all the Festivals

Peace-Offerings: At Consecration of Priests

Peace-Offerings: At Coronation of Kings

Peace-Offerings: At Dedication of Tabernacle

Peace-Offerings: At Dedication of Temple

Peace-Offerings: At Expiration of Nazarite's Vow

Peace-Offerings: If a Thanksgiving offering to be Eaten the Day offered

Peace-Offerings: If a Votive offering to be Eaten the Same Day or the Next

Peace-Offerings: No Unclean Person to Eat of

Peace-Offerings: Required to be Perfect and Free from Blemish

Peace-Offerings: The offerer Required: To Bring It Himself

Peace-Offerings: The offerer Required: To Give It Freely

Peace-Offerings: The offerer Required: To Kill It at Tabernacle Door

Peace-Offerings: The offerer Required: To Lay his Hand Upon Its Head

Peace-Offerings: The Priest: An offering Most Acceptable

Peace-Offerings: The Priest: Generally Accompanied by a Burnt-Offering

Peace-Offerings: The Priest: had the Shoulder and Breast As his Portion

Peace-Offerings: The Priest: Heaved the Right Shoulder As an Heave-Offering

Peace-Offerings: The Priest: Laid It Upon the Daily Burnt offering to be Consumed With

Peace-Offerings: The Priest: Offered the Inside Fat by Fire

Peace-Offerings: The Priest: Often Accompanied by a Sin-Offering

Peace-Offerings: The Priest: Prepared

Peace-Offerings: The Priest: Sprinkled the Blood on the Altar

Peace-Offerings: The Priest: Waved the Breast As a Wave-Offering

Peace-Offerings: To be Eaten Before the Lord

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