Patience: Suffering With, for Well-Doing, is Acceptable With God
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A Faithful Undershepherd
... was to meet the transgressor with patience, sympathy, and ... the will of God, that with
well-doing ye may ... conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully ...
/.../white/the acts of the apostles/lesson 51 a faithful undershepherd.htm

Upon Our Lord's SermonOn the Mount
... Now although this, as it implies resignation to God, or patience in pain and ... And
your patient continuance in well-doing, your meek suffering all things ...
/.../wesley/sermons on several occasions/sermon 24 upon our lords.htm

Third Sunday after Easter
... is the will of God, that by well-doing ye should ... the divine calling of Christ, through
the suffering of your ... writes (ch.29, 10): "Ye must have patience, for ye ...
/.../luther/epistle sermons vol ii/third sunday after easter.htm

V. ...
... man to endure all injustice with patience, and not ... have it so, it is better that
ye suffer for well-doing. ... Outwardly, they have suffering; but inwardly, comfort ...
/.../the epistles of st peter and st jude preached and explained/chapter iii v .htm

Homilies on the Statues.
... 1504]342; in perseverance, [1505]342; takes interest in everything, [1506]356; of
God absent, causes fear of death, [1507]374; glories in suffering, [1508]448 ...
/.../ the priesthood/homilies on the statues.htm

... after he had been speaking of the suffering and martyrdom ... us; and let us run with
patience the race ... faith; that by patient continuance in well doing, you may ...
/.../penn/a sermon preached at the quakers meeting house/sermon.htm

Christian Behavior
... be not gluttons, nor drunkards; not suffering either thy ... 2. Bear with patience his
unruly and unconverted behaviour ... for that is good and acceptable before God ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/christian behavior.htm

John Bunyan on the Terms of Communion and Fellowship of Christians ...
... to believe (1 John 5:13), [and be] encouraged to patience and hope ... inclined, let
us shew our Christianity in a patient suffering, for well doing, what it ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/john bunyan on the terms.htm

Seasonable Counsel: Or, Advice to Sufferers.
... man may suffer with a great deal of patience, and yet ... of God be so, that ye suffer
for well-doing, than for ... God, we may be exposed to shame and suffering for it ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/seasonable counsel or advice to.htm

Instruction for the Ignorant:
... sin against the patience, long-suffering, and forbearance ... hast sinned, against how
much patience and forbearance ... it without sense of sin cannot be acceptable. ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/instruction for the ignorant .htm

Torrey's Topical Textbook
1 Peter 2:20
For what glory is it, if, when you be buffeted for your faults, you shall take it patiently? but if, when you do well, and suffer for it, you take it patiently, this is acceptable with God.
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Patience: Abraham

Patience: Christ, an Example of

Patience: Commended

Patience: David

Patience: Enjoined

Patience: Exercise, Towards All

Patience: General Scriptures Concerning

Patience: God, is the God of

Patience: Illustrated

Patience: Isaac Toward the People of Gerar

Patience: Job

Patience: John

Patience: Ministers Approved By

Patience: Ministers should Follow After

Patience: Moses

Patience: Necessary to the Inheritance of the Promises

Patience: Paul

Patience: Produces Experience

Patience: Produces Hope

Patience: Prophets

Patience: Saints Strengthened to All

Patience: should be Accompanied by Faith

Patience: should be Accompanied by Godliness

Patience: should be Accompanied by Joyfulness

Patience: should be Accompanied by Long-Suffering

Patience: should be Accompanied by Temperance

Patience: should Have Its Perfect Work

Patience: Simeon

Patience: Suffering With, for Well-Doing, is Acceptable With God

Patience: The Congregation at Ephesus

Patience: The Congregation at Thyatira

Patience: The Prophets

Patience: The Thessalonian Christians

Patience: They Who are in Authority, should Exercise

Patience: To be Exercised: Bearing the Yoke

Patience: To be Exercised: Bringing Forth Fruits

Patience: To be Exercised: Running the Race Set Before Us

Patience: To be Exercised: Tribulation

Patience: To be Exercised: Waiting for Christ

Patience: To be Exercised: Waiting for God

Patience: To be Exercised: Waiting for God's Salvation

Patience: To be Exercised: Waiting for the Hope of the Gospel

Patience: To be Exercised: Well-Doing

Patience: Trials of Saints Lead To

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