Language: Power of Speaking Different: A Gift of the Holy Spirit
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The Miracle of Tongues.
... the less marked manifestations of spiritual power. ... exhaustively that the person speaking
with tongues ... by the word ãëùôôáé, ie, tongues, hence language. ...
/.../kuyper/the work of the holy spirit/xxviii the miracle of tongues.htm

The Day of Pentecost.
... It is still more difficult to attain the power of speaking a foreign language fluently
and accurately; or to become so familiar with its words, as ...
/.../dick/lectures on the acts of the apostles/lecture ii the day of.htm

Whether those who Received the Gift of Tongues Spoke in Every ...
... to certain persons by the divine power is the ... either was possible, namely that, while
speaking in one ... Whereas if their one language were intelligible to all ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether those who received the.htm

The Holy Spirit and the Incarnation of the Word. ...
... We have now to ask whether the language of Irenæus ... everywhere in the Scriptures;
at one time speaking with Abraham ... Spirit came upon Mary, and the power of the ...
/.../the demonstration of the apostolic preaching/chapter 3 the holy spirit 2.htm

The Universal Gift
... Spirit of God, comes the language of my ... all know, accompanied with miracles, speaking
with tongues ... Power is duty; endowment is obligation; capacity prescribes ...
/.../maclaren/romans corinthians to ii corinthians chap v/the universal gift.htm

The Foundation of the Church among the Jews
... lowly birth was bestowed the power of speaking fluently and ... adopted Greek customs
and the Greek language so entirely ... the Jews by the boldness and power of his ...
/.../blunt/a key to the knowledge of church history/chapter i the foundation of.htm

... we, every man in our own language wherein we ... Cretans and Arabians, we hear them speaking
in our ... sustaining power in their temptations, a power conveyed through ...
// sermons vol ii/pentecost.htm

... the truths of the gospel abroad, speaking with accuracy ... every man heard them speak
in his own language. ... determined to account for the miraculous power of the ...
// acts of the apostles/lesson 4 pentecost.htm

On the Holy Spirit.
... another, to our attendance upon a Higher Power; out of ... [1232] "The Ancient Greek
Fathers, speaking of this ... The language of the above simile of Gregory would be ...
/.../gregory/gregory of nyssa dogmatic treatises etc/on the holy spirit.htm

The Personality of Power.
... life, and His presence unrestrained, means power unlimited ... of His personality to
notice the language Jesus uses ... Speaking to a kind-faced motherly looking woman ...
/.../ talks on power/the personality of power.htm

Torrey's Topical Textbook
1 Corinthians 12:10
To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Language of all Mankind One at First

Language of some Nations Difficult

Language of the New Testament

Language: Ancient Kingdoms often Comprehended Nations of Different

Language: Ashdod

Language: Called: Speech

Language: Called: Tongue

Language: Chaldee

Language: Confusion of

Language: Confusion of a Punishment for Presumption

Language: Confusion of Divided Men Into Separated Nations

Language: Confusion of Originated the Varieties In

Language: Confusion of Scattered Men Over the Earth

Language: Dialects of the Jews

Language: Egyptian

Language: Gift of

Language: Great Variety of, Spoken by Men

Language: Greek

Language: Interpretation of a Gift of the Holy Spirit

Language: Interpretation of Antiquity of Engaging Persons For

Language: Interpretation of Most Important in the Early Church

Language: Interpretation of The Jews Punished by Being Given up to People of a Strange

Language: Kinds of, Mentioned: Arabic

Language: Kinds of, Mentioned: Chaldea

Language: Kinds of, Mentioned: Egyptian

Language: Kinds of, Mentioned: Greek

Language: Kinds of, Mentioned: Hebrew

Language: Kinds of, Mentioned: Latin

Language: Kinds of, Mentioned: Lycaonian

Language: Kinds of, Mentioned: Syriack

Language: Latin

Language: Lycaonian

Language: Many Spoken at Jerusalem

Language: Parthian and Other Lands

Language: Power of Speaking Different: A Gift of the Holy Spirit

Language: Power of Speaking Different: A Sign to Unbelievers

Language: Power of Speaking Different: Ceased when the Written Bible Completed

Language: Power of Speaking Different: Conferred by Laying on of the Apostles' Hands

Language: Power of Speaking Different: Followed Receiving the Gospel

Language: Power of Speaking Different: Given on the Day of Pentecost

Language: Power of Speaking Different: Necessary to Spread of the Gospel

Language: Power of Speaking Different: Promised

Language: Power of Speaking Different: Sometimes Abused

Language: Speaking in Inspired "Tongues" Forbidden

Language: Syrian

Language: The Term Barbarian Applied to Those Who Spoke a Strange

Language: Unity of

Vulgar Language

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