Calf of Gold: Sacrifices offered To
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Fifth Sunday in Lent
... sacrifice on the cross, was not adorned with silk and gold and precious ... Then the
goat or calf, the flesh and blood, were material sacrifices visibly offered ...
// sermons vol ii/fifth sunday in lent.htm

Whether There Can be any Suitable Cause for the Sacraments of the ...
... At their consecration the following sacrifices were offered: a calf ... Aaron's sin in
fashioning the molten calf; a ram ... girdle; and it was made of gold, and violet ...
/...// theologica/whether there can be any 2.htm

Political Religion
... took counsel, and made two calves of gold, and said ... that sort is ever made against
the calf worship ... high places, and himself to whom the sacrifices were offered ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture f/political religion.htm

Whether Sufficient Reason Can be Assigned for the Ceremonies ...
... full of wisdom and charity, which are betokened by gold. ... of idolaters who used to
offer sacrifices to the ... God forgave the people's sin of worshipping the calf. ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether sufficient reason can be.htm

Here Next Followeth the History of Moses
... The people did as he bade, and brought the gold to Aaron ... joy and mirth, and danced
and played tofore the calf, and offered and made sacrifices thereto. ...
/.../wells/bible stories and religious classics/here next followeth the history.htm

Book iv. --Of Marcion's Antitheses.
... In the calf's type Christ destined bodily. ... [1583] The ark was overlaid with gold
without as well as within. ... [1592] Terræ. [1593] "Operæ," ie, sacrifices. ...
/.../book iv of marcions antitheses.htm

On Idolatry
... they forbade images to be made of gold and silver ... images upon altars; or by offering
sacrifices, burning incense ... an image, as Jehovah was in the calf which Aaron ...
/.../arminius/the works of james arminius vol 1/disputation 23 on idolatry.htm

Pagan Shrines and Temples.
... a water jug; a linen costume with gold trimmings and ... vow for the annual celebration
of expiatory sacrifices, on altars ... sacrifice on this altar a red calf and a ...
/.../lanciani/pagan and christian rome/chapter ii pagan shrines and.htm

The History of Saul
... our Lord in Shilo and sacrificed that calf and offered ... house shall not be made clean
with sacrifices ne gifts ... of the Philistines, five pieces of gold and five ...
/.../wells/bible stories and religious classics/the history of saul.htm

Treatise viii. On Works and Alms.
... by fire; that you may be pure gold, with your ... the sight of God, there wanted not
daily sacrifices wherewith the ... of them, and for their sins one calf." [3571] If ...
/.../cyprian/the treatises of cyprian/treatise viii on works and.htm

Torrey's Topical Textbook
Exodus 32:6
And they rose up early on the morrow, and offered burnt offerings, and brought peace offerings; and the people sat down to eat and to drink, and rose up to play.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Acts 7:41
And they made a calf in those days, and offered sacrifice to the idol, and rejoiced in the works of their own hands.
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Calf Image

Calf of Gold was Made of the Ornaments of the Women

Calf of Gold was Made: After an Egyptian Model

Calf of Gold was Made: To Go Before the Congregation

Calf of Gold was Made: To Represent God

Calf of Gold: An Altar Built Before

Calf of Gold: Destroyed by Moses

Calf of Gold: Fashioned With a Graven Tool

Calf of Gold: Made on Account of the Delay of Moses in the Mount

Calf of Gold: Making of a Forgetting of God

Calf of Gold: Making of a Turning Aside from the Divine Command

Calf of Gold: Making of a Very Great Sin

Calf of Gold: Making of Caused Moses to Break the Tables of the Testimony

Calf of Gold: Making of Excited Wrath Against Aaron

Calf of Gold: Making of Excited Wrath Against Israel

Calf of Gold: Making of Israel Punished For

Calf of Gold: Molten in the Fire

Calf of Gold: Moses Interceded for Those Who Worshipped

Calf of Gold: Punishment of Those Who Worshipped a Warning to Others

Calf of Gold: Sacrifices offered To

Calf of Gold: Worshipped With Profane Revelry

Calf: "Calves of the Lips" a Metaphor Signifying Worship

Calf: Altars of, Destroyed

Calf: Golden, Made by Aaron

Calf: Images of, Set up in Beth-El and Dan by Jeroboam

Calf: Offered in Sacrifice

Calf: Prophecies Against the Golden Calves at Beth-El

Calf: Worshiped by Jehu

The Calf of a Year Old Best for Sacrifice

The Calf: Eaten in the Patriarchal Age

The Calf: Fattened in Stalls

The Calf: Fed On: Branches of Trees

The Calf: Fed On: Milk

The Calf: If First-Born not Redeemed

The Calf: Offered in Sacrifice

The Calf: Patient Endurance

The Calf: Playfulness of, Alluded To

The Calf: Sacrifices of Praise

The Calf: Saints Nourished by Grace

The Calf: The Young of the Herd

The Calf: when Fattened Considered a Delicacy

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