One Life to Live
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4102. pistis -- faith, faithfulness
... Hab 2:4: "Behold, as for the proud one,. ... But the righteous will live in his " (=
4102, "faith the Lord ... offers to inbirth faith in each scene of life ?�� so that ...
// - 18k
Strong's Hebrew
2416a. chay -- alive, living
... Definition alive, living NASB Word Usage alive (38), flowing (2), fresh (1), green
(1), life (7), live (44), lives (54), living (63), living one (4), living ...
/hebrew/2416a.htm - 5k

3117. yom -- day
... sunrise to sunset, or from one sunset to ... ever(-lasting, -more), X full, life, as
(so ... Live), (even) now, + old, + outlived, + perpetually, presently, + remaineth ...
/hebrew/3117.htm - 7k


How one Should Live an Interior and Godly Life.
... THE SECOND PART CHAPTER XXII. How One Should Live An Interior and Godly
Life. The Servant."Lord, many are the rules, many the ...
/.../suso/a little book of eternal wisdom/chapter xxii how one should.htm

Life on the Top Floor
... We can always live a high life. ... higher is the transition between the life of the
flesh and the life of the spirit, and the passing from the one region into ...
/.../stones rolled away and other addresses to young men/v life on the top.htm

Obedience to the Last Command
... We want to say, each one of us"If there be no one else, I, by His grace,
will give myself and my life to live for His kingdom. ...
/.../murray/the school of obedience/viii obedience to the last.htm

Question of the Division of Life into the Active and the ...
... man's life appears to be that in which he takes special pleasure, that with which
he is particularly occupied, that, in fine, in which each one wishes to live ...
/.../on prayer and the contemplative life/question clxxix of the division.htm

Christ Our Life.
... And so, if one wants to live a life of perfect trust, there must be the perfect
surrender of his life, and his will, even unto the very death. ...
// masters indwelling/vi christ our life.htm

The Self Life.
... Father, when He said: "I can do nothing of myself." We are called upon to live the
life of Christ, and Christ comes to live His life in us; but one thing must ...
// masters indwelling/ii the self life.htm

Gladden -- the Prince of Life
... Is not this the one thing needful ... We should know, if we shared His life, that we
were really living ... should know also that we wore helping others to live; that we ...
/.../kleiser/the worlds great sermons volume 8/gladden the prince of.htm

The Highway of Holiness
... One of the things that we must learn if we are to live the victorious Christian
life is its utter simplicity. How complicated we have made it! ...
// calvary road/chapter 4 the highway of.htm

The Right to Live with the People of My Choice
... With whom am I going to live and work for the next six months? For the next six
years? For the rest of my life? Who will be the one I will see the first thing ...
/...// we no rights/chapter 9 the right to.htm

Contradiction Between Our Life and Our Christian Conscience.
... all of us, Christians, not only profess to love one another, but do actually live
one common life; we whose social existence beats with one common pulse"we ...
/.../the kingdom of god is within you/chapter v contradiction between our.htm

Topical Bible Verses
Hebrews 9:28
So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and to them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin to salvation.





One God

One Life to Live

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