Word of God: Expounded
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Prayer and the Word of God (Continued)
... to visit the house of God, to hear the Scriptures expounded. ... of some is," but because
in God's house, God's chosen minister declares His Word to dying ...
/.../bounds/the necessity of prayer/xiii prayer and the word.htm

What is the Power of Prayer, and Concerning the Blessed Hierotheus ...
... concerning reverence and covenant in the Word of God ... same elucidation of the Divine
text expounded by him ... depositing of the Life-springing and God-receptive body ...
/.../dionysius/dionysis on divine names/caput iii what is the.htm

Eighth Day. Submission to God's Word.
... We can not fail to be struck, in the course of the Saviour's public teaching, with
His constant appeal to the word of God. ... "He expounded unto them in all ...
/.../macduff/the mind of jesus/eighth day submission to gods.htm

John Chapter vi. 14-Jan
... the Lord is to be understood concerning Christ Himself, is clearly expounded and
read ... country." [484] The Lord is a prophet, and the Lord is God's Word, and no ...
/.../augustine/homilies on the gospel of john/tractate xxiv john chapter vi.htm

Whether the Union of the Incarnate Word Took Place in the Nature?
... authority of Cyril is expounded in the Fifth Synod (ie Constantinople II, coll.
viii, can.8) thus: "If anyone proclaiming one nature of the Word of God to be ...
//christianbookshelf.org/aquinas/summa theologica/whether the union of the.htm

... veneration," he says, "we ought indeed to entertain for the Word of God, that we ...
diminished, I know not how much, especially when not expounded with great ...
/.../calvin/the institutes of the christian religion/introduction.htm

That one God Formed all Things in the World, by Means of the Word ...
... of the prophets." [4082] But the apostle expounded this very ... nature and how great
He is, [God] is invisible ... for all things learn through His Word that there is ...
/.../irenaeus/against heresies/chapter xx that one god formed.htm

Spiritual Farming --No. 4 Sowing.
... the Master wished to take away the sadness from His disciples, as they walked to
Emmaus, "He expounded unto them ... Let us show from the word of God, that "By ...
/.../champness/broken bread/xi spiritual farmingno 4 sowing.htm

John Chapter vii. 14-18
... who sees not the question proposed, how can he understand what is expounded? ... his
Gospel, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the ...
/.../augustine/homilies on the gospel of john/tractate xxix john chapter vii.htm

The Importance of the Subject. The Arians Affect Scripture ...
... who thus expounded to them when they were at school [1860] ? ... and genuine, proper
to His essence, Wisdom Only-begotten, and Very and Only Word of God is He ...
/.../select works and letters or athanasius/chapter iii the importance of the.htm

Nave's Topical Index
Nehemiah 8:8
So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading.
Nave's Topical Index



Word of God

Word of God by Jesus

Word of God: Called: Book

Word of God: Called: Book of the Law

Word of God: Called: Book of the Lord

Word of God: Called: Good Word of God

Word of God: Called: Holy Scriptures

Word of God: Called: Law of the Lord

Word of God: Called: Oracles of God

Word of God: Called: Scriptures

Word of God: Called: Scriptures of Truth

Word of God: Called: Sword of the Spirit

Word of God: Called: The Word

Word of God: Called: Word of Christ

Word of God: Called: Word of God

Word of God: Called: Word of Life

Word of God: Called: Word of Truth

Word of God: Compared: To a Two-Edged Sword

Word of God: Compared: To Seed

Word of God: Conviction of Sin from Reading

Word of God: Expounded

Word of God: Fulfilled by Jesus

Word of God: Inspiration of

Word of God: Not to be Added To, or Taken From

Word of God: Not to be Handled Deceitfully

Word of God: Searched

Word of God: Searching of, Commanded

Word of God: Taught by the Apostles

Word of God: Testify of Jesus

Word of God: Texts of, to be Written on Door-Posts

Word of God: The People Stood and Responded by Saying "Amen"

Word of God: The Standard of the Judgment

Word of God: To be Read Publicly

Word of God: Unbelief In

Word of God: Unclassified Scriptures Relating To

Word of Truth

Word: A Title of Jesus

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