Stones: Sawed
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How Solomon Built Himself a Royal Palace, Very Costly and Splendid ...
... Some of these Solomon built with stones of ten cubits, and wainscoted the walls
with other stones that were sawed, and were of great value, such as are dug out ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 5 how solomon built.htm

A Ruler who Wronged his People
... married. All these buildings were of costly stones, hewn according to
measurements, sawed with saws, both on the inside and outside. ...
/...// childrens bible/a ruler who wronged his.htm

The Absurdity and Shamefulness of the Images by which the Gods are ...
... For are they not to be wondered at who worship stones, and place ... inert, and senseless,
are bound, nailed, glued,"are melted, filed, sawed, polished, carved. ...
/.../exhortation to the heathen/chapter iv the absurdity and shamefulness.htm

Cruelty of Macedonius, and Tumults Raised by Him.
... They first pressed in a box, and then sawed off, the breasts of such women as ... of
the numerous persons engaged in it: one carried tiles, another stones, a third ...
/.../chapter xxxviii cruelty of macedonius and.htm

On Feast Days and Fast Days.
... but have also killed the stewards of the Lord of the vineyard, [3111] "one with
stones, another with the sword; one they sawed asunder, [3112] another they ...
/.../various/constitutions of the holy apostles/sec iii on feast days and.htm

Nave's Topical Index
1 Kings 7:9
All these were of costly stones, according to the measures of hewed stones, sawed with saws, within and without, even from the foundation to the coping, and so on the outside toward the great court.
Nave's Topical Index



Stones of Christ, "A Tested Stone" "A Precious Stone" "A Sure Foundation, "

Stones of Christ, the Water of Life

Stones of Christ's Rejection, the Rejected Conerstone

Stones of Temptation, "Stone of Stumbling"

Stones of the Impenitent Heart

Stones of the Witness of the Spirit, the White Stone

Stones used for Closing Graves

Stones used for Weighing (Margin)

Stones used in Building Altars

Stones: City Walls Built of

Stones: Commandments Engraved Upon

Stones: Ezel

Stones: Figurative

Stones: Great, As Landmarks (Some Hebrew Mss Have "Abel")

Stones: Great, in Solomon's Temple

Stones: Hewers (Stone-Cutters) of

Stones: Hewn (Cut)

Stones: Houses Built of

Stones: Idols Made of

Stones: Magnificent, in Herod the Great's Temple

Stones: Memorial Pillars of

Stones: Precious in the Breastplate and Ephod

Stones: Precious in the Crowns of Kings

Stones: Precious: Exported from Sheba

Stones: Precious: Ophir

Stones: Precious: Partial Catalogue of

Stones: Precious: Seen in the Foundation of the New Jerusalem in John's Apocalyptic Vision

Stones: Precious: Voluntary offerings of, by the Israelites for the Breastplate and Ephod

Stones: Prepared in the Quarries

Stones: Sawed

Stones: Skill in Throwing

Stones: Symbolical of the Kingdom of Christ

Stones: Temple Built of

Stones: The Law of Moses Written Upon

Stones: The True Foundation

Stones: Thrown Upon Accursed Ground

Stones: Tombs Hewn In

Stones: Zoheleth

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