Persia: Princes of
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Abgar Sends Princes to Marinus; These Deputies See Our Saviour ...
... V. Abgar sends princes to Marinus; these deputies see our Saviour Christ; beginning
of ... his whole body certain acute pains which he had got in Persia, more than ...
// decretals/v abgar sends princes to.htm

Letter Written by the Emperor Constantine to Sapor , the King of ...
... much, strengthens it by His aid, and guards the counsels of Princes with the ... how
exceedingly I rejoice to hear that the finest provinces of Persia are adorned ...
/.../the ecclesiastical history of theodoret/chapter xxiv letter written by the.htm

On Threefold Wisdom.
... Scriptures we find that there are princes over individual nations; as in Daniel
[2595] we read that there was a prince of the kingdom of Persia, and another ...
/.../origen/origen de principiis/chapter iii on threefold wisdom.htm

Esther, the Queen.
... In the third year of his reign he gave a royal feast to all the princes
and nobles of Persia and Medea, in Shushan, the royal city. ...
/.../lathbury/childs story of the bible/chapter xxxiv esther the queen.htm

In the Birth of the Son Light Dawned, --And Darkness Fled from the ...
... 8. The princes of Persia, exulting,"carried gifts from their region;"and they brought
to the Son of the Virgin"gold and myrrh and frankincense. ...
/.../ephraim/hymns and homilies of ephraim the syrian/hymn xv in the birth.htm

In the Lions' Den
... The princes, anticipating this effort on the part of the king, came to him with ... of
Daniel as a statesman in the kingdoms of Babylon and Medo-Persia reveals the ...
/.../white/the story of prophets and kings/chapter 44 in the lions.htm

How after the Death of Cambyses and the Slaughter of the Magi but ...
... should make their inquiries about these problems, he went to rest; but in the morning
he sent for his great men, his princes, and toparchs of Persia and Media ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 3 how after the.htm

Concerning Nebuchadnezzar and his Successors and How their ...
... both himself and the city were taken by Cyrus, the king of Persia, who fought ... ruin
him; so they came to Darius and told him that the princes and governors had ...
/.../the antiquities of the jews/chapter 11 concerning nebuchadnezzar and.htm

On Reading this Epistle, Marcellus, with the Kindest Consideration ...
... of the princes, he summoned together all the foremost of the princes, and took ... situated
on the other side of the river Stranga, between Persia and Mesopotamia. ...
/.../6 on reading this epistle.htm

The Church and the Heathen
... The other embassy, composed of four Dominicans, visited Persia; but they showed
so much want ... written in the name of the Great Khan, in which all princes of the ...
/.../medley/the church and the empire/chapter xiv the church and.htm

Nave's Topical Index
Esther 1:14
And the next to him was Carshena, Shethar, Admatha, Tarshish, Meres, Marsena, and Memucan, the seven princes of Persia and Media, which saw the king's face, and which sat the first in the kingdom;)
Nave's Topical Index



Medo-Persian Kingdom: Achmetha or Ecbatana a Chief City of

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Babylon Taken by the King of

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Celebrated for Wise Men

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Divided Into Many Provinces

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Extended from India to Ethiopia

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Illustrated by a Bear

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Illustrated by a Ram With Two Horns

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Illustrated by Silver Part of Image in Nebuchadnezzar's Dream

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Kings of Called Kings of Assyria

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Kings of Called Kings of Babylon

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Kings of Dwelt in Royal Palaces

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Kings of Entertained Magnificently

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Kings of Held in Their Hand a Golden Sceptre

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Kings of Put to Death all Who Approached Them Without Permission

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Kings of Styled Themselves King of Kings

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Kings of Were Exceeding Rich

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Kings of, Mentioned in Scripture: Ahasuerus or Cambyses

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Kings of, Mentioned in Scripture: Artaxerxes Longimanus or Ahasuerus

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Kings of, Mentioned in Scripture: Artaxerxes Smerdis (An Usurper)

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Kings of, Mentioned in Scripture: Cyrus

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Kings of, Mentioned in Scripture: Darius Hystaspes

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Kings of, Mentioned in Scripture: Xerxes

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Laws of, Unalterable

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Peculiar Customs In

Medo-Persian Kingdom: People of, Warlike

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Peopled by Descendants of Eliam

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Predictions Respecting: Conquest of Babylon

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Predictions Respecting: Deliverance of the Jews

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Predictions Respecting: Downfall by Alexander

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Predictions Respecting: Extensive Conquest

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Predictions Respecting: Invasion of Greece Under Xerxes

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Ruled By, Absolute Kings

Medo-Persian Kingdom: Shushan a Chief City of

Medo-Persian Kingdom: The Jews Delivered from Captivity by Means of


Persia: An Empire Which Extended from India to Ethiopia, Comprising One-Hundred and Twenty-Seven Provinces

Persia: Artaxerxes I

Persia: Artaxerxes Ii

Persia: Captivity Foretold

Persia: Cyrus

Persia: Darius

Persia: Government of, Restricted by Constitutional Limitations

Persia: Israel Captive In

Persia: Men of, in the Tyrian Army

Persia: Municipal Governments In, Provided With Dual Governors

Persia: Princes of

Persia: Prophecies Concerning

Persia: Rulers of Ahasuerus

Persia: Status of Women In; Queen Sat on the Throne With the King

Persia: System of Justice

Persia: The Princes Were Advisors in Matters of Administration

Persia: Vashti Was Divorced for Refusing to Appear Before the King's Courtiers

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