Decision: Joshua
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The Great Confession - the Great Commission - the Great ...
DECISION. ... It was there, that Joshua had fought the last and decisive battle ...
/.../the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter xxxvii the great confession.htm

Book vi
... respecting class and other collections; influence of this decision; deaths of ... the
principal; embarrassed state of the Concern; revives under Joshua Soule and ...
/.../bangs/a history of the methodist episcopal church volume iv/book vi.htm

The Sermon on the Mount.
... Compare Numbers 35:15, 24, 25 with Joshua 20:4. And in determining his case this
court might certify it for decision to the Sanhedrin, or they might themselves ...
/.../mcgarvey/the four-fold gospel/xlii the sermon on the 4.htm

Letter Xcviii. From the Synod of Chalcedon to Leo.
... doctrinal fabric of the Church, even as Zerubbabel invited Joshua to rebuild ... They
announce their decision that Constantinople should take precedence next to ...
/.../leo/writings of leo the great/letter xcviii from the synod.htm

The Formation of the Old Testament Canon
... The Pentateuch and its immediate sequel, Joshua, is the result. ... was probably due
to the fact that each was based upon a divine torah or decision, received from ...
/.../xiii the formation of the.htm

Weighed, and Found Wanting
... the assembly of the congregation of the children of Israel.6. And Joshua the son ...
they were now on the very frontier of Canaan, and that the decision now taken ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture k/weighed and found wanting.htm

Knox and Queen Mary (Continued), 1564-1567
... He forgot, or did not choose to remember, a previous decision of his own, as ... God
have pronounced a curse and malediction, as in the history of Joshua is plain ...
/.../lang/john knox and the reformation/chapter xvii knox and queen.htm

The Charge to the Soldier of the Lord
... Joshua was a very small man in comparison with his predecessor. ... He was only a plain,
fiery soldier, with energy, swift decision, promptitude, self-command, and ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture f/the charge to the soldier.htm

The Symbols of the Republic.
... present time, there are other nations to which the words of Joshua might be ... as
conscience has chosen, and his position in life to the decision of circumstances ...
/.../chapin/humanity in the city/discourse iv the symbols of.htm

God's Sovereignty and the Human Will
... But some one may reply, Did not Joshua say to Israel, "Choose you ... But there is something
which influences the choice; something which determines the decision. ...
/.../pink/the sovereignty of god/chapter seven gods sovereignty and.htm

Nave's Topical Index
Joshua 24:15,18-24
And if it seem evil to you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom you will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.
Nave's Topical Index



Decision Making

Decision: A Prophet

Decision: Abel

Decision: Abigail

Decision: Abraham

Decision: Asa

Decision: Balaam

Decision: Caleb

Decision: Church of Sardis

Decision: David

Decision: Elijah

Decision: Enoch

Decision: Ephesians

Decision: Esther

Decision: Exhibited in Being on the Lord's Side

Decision: Exhibited in Blessedness of

Decision: Exhibited in Following God Fully

Decision: Exhibited in Keeping the Commandments of God

Decision: Exhibited in Loving God Perfectly

Decision: Exhibited in Seeking God With the Heart

Decision: Exhibited in Serving God

Decision: Exhortation To

Decision: Exhortations To

Decision: General Scriptures Concerning

Decision: Gideon

Decision: Hezekiah

Decision: Israelites

Decision: Jacob

Decision: Jehoshaphat

Decision: Jehu

Decision: Joash

Decision: Job

Decision: Joseph

Decision: Joshua

Decision: Martha

Decision: Matthew

Decision: Mordecai

Decision: Moses

Decision: Naaman

Decision: Nathaniel

Decision: Necessary to the Service of God

Decision: Nehemiah

Decision: Noah

Decision: Opposed to a Divided Service

Decision: Opposed to Double-Mindedness

Decision: Opposed to Halting Between Two Opinions

Decision: Opposed to not Setting the Heart Aright

Decision: Opposed to Turning to the Right or Left

Decision: Paul

Decision: Peter

Decision: Phinehas

Decision: Ruth

Decision: Saints

Decision: The Disciples

Valley of Decision: General Scriptures Concerning

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