Daughter: Sold in Concubinage
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Fresh Troubles
... Carthage and its daughter dioceses were not only trembling ... sisters' in all but open
concubinage; coquettish virgins ... things, these men who have sold and bought ...
/.../chapter xxxviii fresh troubles.htm

Doctrinal and Moral Treatises. Index of Subjects.
... Concubinage, for offspring's sake unlawful, [904]406; was lawful among the ancient
fathers, [905]406; lawfulness of a certain kind of, doubtful, [906]407. ...
/.../on care to be had for the dead /doctrinal and moral treatises index.htm

Nave's Topical Index
Exodus 21:7-10
And if a man sell his daughter to be a maidservant, she shall not go out as the menservants do.
Nave's Topical Index



Daughter of Zion

Daughter used Also for Granddaughter

Daughter: Forbidden to be Wife of Her Mother's Husband

Daughter: Given in Marriage by Parents

Daughter: Property Rights of

Daughter: Sold in Concubinage

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