Money Lending
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On the Fast of the Tenth Month, vi.
... that loves money, and wishes to multiply his wealth by immoderate profits, should
rather practise this holy usury and grow rich by such money-lending, in order ...
/.../leo/writings of leo the great/sermon xvii on the fast.htm

Whether it is Lawful to Ask for any Other Kind of Consideration ...
... Else if he wishes the gratuitous use of that thing in addition to repayment, it
is the same as if he took money for lending, and that is usury, unless perhaps ...
/...// theologica/whether it is lawful to 16.htm

Whether it is a Sin to Take Usury for Money Lent?
... said of Himself (Lk.19:23): "At My coming I might have exacted it," ie the money
lent, "with usury." Therefore it is not a sin to take usury for lending money. ...
// theologica/whether it is a sin.htm

Whether it is Lawful to Borrow Money under a Condition of Usury?
... usury gives the usurer an occasion, not for taking usury, but for lending; it is ...
Reply to Objection 3: If one were to entrust one's money to a usurer lacking ...
/...// theologica/whether it is lawful to 17.htm

... Cromwell, seeing the benefit which the Netherlands had derived from this money-making
and money-lending community, was very desirous to recall them to England ...
// book of religions/jews.htm

Psalm LV.
... For he that in his house doth any evil thing, however for his evil thing doth blush:
"In the streets thereof usury and deceit." Money-lending [2028] even hath ...
/...// on the book of psalms/psalm lv.htm

Excursus on Usury.
... is supported by the language of the council of Orleans (ad538), which appears to
imply that deacons were not prohibited from lending money at interest, "Et ...
/.../schaff/the seven ecumenical councils/excursus on usury.htm

Forasmuch as Many Enrolled among the Clergy, Following ...
... covetousness and lust of gain, have forgotten the divine Scripture, which says,
"He hath not given his money upon usury," and in lending money ask the ...
/.../schaff/the seven ecumenical councils/canon xvii forasmuch as many.htm

Awake! Awake!
... And you who think there is anything to be got by lending your money at usury will
not be content with lending what you have, but you will be extorting and ...
/.../ sermons volume 3 1857/awake awake.htm

On the Third Part of the Psalm.
... it were to give thee for that small sum a great villa, worth incomparably more money
than thou ... Hear what possession He to whom thou hast been lending bestows. ...
/.../augustine/exposition on the book of psalms/on the third part of.htm

Topical Bible Verses
Exodus 22:25
If you lend money to any of my people that is poor by you, you shall not be to him as an usurer, neither shall you lay on him usury.

Deuteronomy 23:19
You shall not lend on usury to your brother; usury of money, usury of victuals, usury of any thing that is lent on usury:

Proverbs 22:7
The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

Proverbs 19:17
He that has pity on the poor lends to the LORD; and that which he has given will he pay him again.




Economics: Household

Economics: Political



Money Changers

Money Changers: General Scriptures Concerning

Money Lending

Money Management

Money of the Jews Regulated by the Standard of Sanctuary

Money of the Romans, Stamped With the Image of Caesar

Money Problems

Money Stewardship

Money was Current With the Merchants

Money was Given for Lands

Money was Given for Merchandise

Money was Given for Slaves

Money was Given for Tribute

Money was Given: As Alms

Money was Given: As offerings

Money was Given: As Wages

Money was Given: Custom of Presenting a Piece of

Money was Given: Love of, the Root of all Evil

Money was Given: Power and Usefulness of

Money: Atonement

Money: Brass Introduced As, by the Romans

Money: Changing of, a Trade

Money: Conscience

Money: Copper Used As

Money: Gold and Silver Used As

Money: Gold Used As

Money: Image On

Money: Jews Forbidden to Take Usury For

Money: Love of, the Root of Evil

Money: Originally Stamped With the Image of a Lamb

Money: Pieces of Mentioned: Farthing

Money: Pieces of Mentioned: Fourth of a Shekel

Money: Pieces of Mentioned: Gerah the Twentieth of a Shekel

Money: Pieces of Mentioned: Half Shekel or Bekah

Money: Pieces of Mentioned: Mite

Money: Pieces of Mentioned: Penny

Money: Pieces of Mentioned: Pound

Money: Pieces of Mentioned: Shekel of Silver

Money: Pieces of Mentioned: Talent of Gold

Money: Pieces of Mentioned: Talent of Silver

Money: Pieces of Mentioned: Third of a Shekel

Money: Silver Used As

Money: Sin

Money: Usually Taken by Weight

Money: Value of, Varied Corruptly

Money: Weighed

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