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International Standard Bible Encyclopedia


Hosea 4:13 the King James Version, but in the Revised Version (British and American)

TEREBINTH (which see).

Strong's Hebrew
8410. tidhar -- (name of a tree) probably elm
... 8409, 8410. tidhar. 8411 . (name of a tree) probably elm. Transliteration:
tidhar Phonetic Spelling: (tid-hawr') Short Definition: box. ...
/hebrew/8410.htm - 6k

424. elah -- a terebinth
... elm, oak, teil-tree. Feminine of 'ayil; an oak or other strong tree -- elm, oak,
teil-tree. see HEBREW 'ayil. 423, 424. elah. 425 . Strong's Numbers.
/hebrew/424.htm - 6k


A Monster Elm
... Chapter 16. Windsor Park; Wesley as Art Critic; Glasgow and Perth; At 70,
Wesley Preaches to 30,000 People A Monster Elm. Monday, 11 ...
//christianbookshelf.org/wesley/the journal of john wesley/a monster elm.htm

As the vine is Supported by the Elm, So is the Rich Man Helped by ...
... The Pastor: Book Third."Similitudes. Similitude Second. As the Vine is Supported
by the Elm, So is the Rich Man Helped by the Prayer of the Poor. ...
/.../pastor/the pastor books first second third/similitude second as the vine.htm

A Man Expects to Reap the Same Kind as He Sows.
... sow. Plant wheat and you reap wheat, plant an acorn and there comes up
an oak, plant a little elm and in time you have a big elm. ...
//christianbookshelf.org/moody/sowing and reaping/chapter iv a man expects.htm

That Christ is the Hand and Arm of God.
... I will establish in the land of drought the cedar-tree and the box-tree, and the
myrtle and the cypress, and the elm [3953] and the poplar, that they may see ...
/.../cyprian/three books of testimonies against the jews/4 that christ is the.htm

But Why do I Speak of These Trifles? what Man is There who is ...
... read germani servuli vita without meaning, corrected as above by Gelenius, Canterus,
Elm., and Oberthür, ut a g. servulo, and ut a g. servulis--"by the slaves ...
/.../arnobius/the seven books of arnobius against the heathen/7 but why do i.htm

We Would Here, as if all Nations on the Earth were Present...
... [4676] The ms. reads his--"these", emended, as above, vobis in the margin of Ursinus,
Elm., and LB. [4677] Lit., "and humble.". [4678] ie, a respectable woman. ...
/.../the seven books of arnobius against the heathen/14 we would here as.htm

Now, if this be not the Case, all Hope of Help is Taken Away...
... nothing. Footnotes: [4592] So the margin of Ursinus, Elm., LB., and Orelli,
with Meursius, reading audiamini for the ms. audiamur ...
/.../arnobius/the seven books of arnobius against the heathen/5 now if this be.htm

... clothes the spirit. Every fruitful vine has a strong elm to which it clings;
every strong elm supports a fruitful vine. One important ...
//christianbookshelf.org/arnot/the parables of our lord/introduction.htm

The Pastor: Books First, Second, Third
... City. Similitude Second. As the Vine is Supported by the Elm, So is the Rich
Man Helped by the Prayer of the Poor. Similitude Third. ...
//christianbookshelf.org/pastor/the pastor books first second third/

On Easter
... Mingled together, the willow, the fir, the hazel, the osier, [2117] the elm, the
maple, the walnut, each tree applauds, delightful with its leaves. ...
//christianbookshelf.org/venantius/on easter/on easter.htm

Smith's Bible Dictionary

(Hosea 4:13) [See OAK]

ATS Bible Dictionary

Hosea 4:13. The original Hebrew word here, elsewhere translated oak, probably denotes the terebinth. See OAK.

Easton's Bible Dictionary
Hosea 4:13; rendered "terebinth" in the Revised Version. It is the Pistacia terebinthus of Linn., a tree common in Palestine, long-lived, and therefore often employed for landmarks and in designating places (Genesis 35:4; Judges 6:11, 19. Rendered "oak" in both A.V. and R.V.). (see TEIL TREE.)
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
(n.) A tree of the genus Ulmus, of several species, much used as a shade tree, particularly in America. The English elm is Ulmus campestris; the common American or white elm is U. Americana; the slippery or red elm, U. fulva.
... The English elm is Ulmus campestris; the common American or white elm is U. Americana;
the slippery or red elm, U. fulva. Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia. ELM. ...
/e/elm.htm - 7k

Pine (28 Occurrences)
... northern slopes of Lebanon. Some suppose that the elm, others that the oak,
or holm, or ilex, is meant by the Hebrew word. In Nehemiah 8 ...
/p/pine.htm - 17k

... In Isaiah 61:3 it is rendered in the plural "trees;" Hosea 4:13, "elm"
(RV, "terebinth"). Hosea 4:13, "elm" (RV, "terebinth"). In ...
/t/teil.htm - 7k

Tree (245 Occurrences)
... tidhhar (Isaiah 41:19, margin "plane"; Isaiah 60:13); peuke, "fir." Lagarde, from
similarity of tidhhar to the Syriac deddar, usually the "elm," considers this ...
/t/tree.htm - 75k

Winged (69 Occurrences)
... 5. (a.) Wounded or hurt in the wing. 6. (a.) Furnished with a leaflike appendage,
as the fruit of the elm and the ash, or the stem in certain plants. ...
/w/winged.htm - 26k

Rise (417 Occurrences)
... in the air. 4. (v.) To grow upward; to attain a certain height; as, this
elm rises to the height of seventy feet. 5. (v.) To reach ...
/r/rise.htm - 39k

Ella'sar (2 Occurrences)
Ella'sar. El-lasar, Ella'sar. Elm . Multi-Version Concordance Ella'sar (2
Occurrences). ... (See RSV). El-lasar, Ella'sar. Elm . Reference Bible.
/e/ella'sar.htm - 6k

Elmadam (1 Occurrence)

/e/elmadam.htm - 6k

... The southern hackberry or nettle tree (Celtis australis; Arabic mais) a member of
the Urticaceae closely allied to the elm, is an indigenous tree which is ...
/b/botany.htm - 38k



Elm: General Scriptures Concerning

Related Terms

Pine (28 Occurrences)


Tree (245 Occurrences)

Winged (69 Occurrences)

Rise (417 Occurrences)

Ella'sar (2 Occurrences)

Elmadam (1 Occurrence)


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