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International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

do-sith'-e-us (Dositheos):

(1) A captain of Judas Maccabeus (2 Maccabees 12:19-25); along with Sosipater he captured Timotheus after the battle of Carnion, but granted him his life and freedom on the representation that "he had in his power the parents of many of them and the brethren of some," who, if they put him to death, should "be disregarded."

(2) A soldier in the army of Judas Maccabeus (2 Maccabees 12:35); he made a special attack upon Gorgias, governor of Idumaea, the opposing general, and would have taken the "accursed man" prisoner but for the interference of a Thracian horseman.

(3) A Jew, son of Drimylus (3 Maccabees 1:3) who rescued Ptolemy Philopator from a plot of Theodotus. He afterward proved an apostate from Judaism.

(4) A Levite priest who "in the 4th year of the reign of Ptolemy and Cleopatra" carried the translation of the Book of Esther to Alexandria (Additions to Esther 11:1).

J. Hutchison


Simon Magus, at the Head of the Sect of Dositheus.
... Book II. Chapter XI."Simon Magus, at the Head of the Sect of Dositheus.
"Meantime, at the outset, as soon as he was reckoned among ...
/.../unknown/recognitions of clement /chapter xi simon magus at the.htm

The Synod of Jerusalem and the Confession of Dositheus, AD 1672.
... A HISTORY OF THE CREEDS OF CHRISTENDOM 17. The Synod of Jerusalem and the Confession
of Dositheus, AD 1672. Hardouin: Acta Conciliorum (Paris, 1715), Tom. XI. ...
/.../creeds of christendom with a history and critical notes/ 17 the synod of.htm

Electioneering Stratagems.
... Homily II. Chapter XXIV."Electioneering Stratagems. "He being absent in Egypt for
the practice of magic, and John being killed, Dositheus desiring the ...
/.../unknown/the clementine homilies/chapter xxiv electioneering stratagems.htm

Simon Magus: his History.
... Book II. Chapter VIII."Simon Magus: His History. "For after that John the Baptist
was killed, as you yourself also know, when Dositheus had broached his ...
/.../unknown/recognitions of clement /chapter viii simon magus his history.htm

How Herod Slew Hyrcanus and Then Hasted Away to Caesar, and ...
... but would always be speaking to him about these matters, and about Herod's treacherous
designs, she at last prevailed with him to intrust Dositheus, one of his ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 6 how herod slew.htm

Jewish Sects.
... under the promise of a reward. The first author of this opinion was Dositheus;
[585] the second was Simon. Another schism is that of ...
/.../unknown/recognitions of clement /chapter liv jewish sects.htm

Hegesippus and the Events which He Mentions.
... sects [1233] among the people, like Simon, [1234] from whom came the Simonians,
and Cleobius, [1235] from whom came the Cleobians, and Dositheus, [1236] from ...
/.../pamphilius/church history/chapter xxii hegesippus and the events.htm

... 363]576; of Brandenburg, [364]554; of Bremen, [365]564; Congregational, [366]828;
Cumberland Presbyterian, 815; of Cyril Lucar, [367]54; of Dositheus (Synod of ...
/.../creeds of christendom with a history and critical notes/index to vol i.htm

Recognitions of Clement.
... Chapter X.--Simon Magus: His Deception. Chapter XI.--Simon Magus, at the Head
of the Sect of Dositheus. Chapter XII.--Simon Magus and Luna. ...
// of clement /

Earliest Heretics:
... For of Judaism's heretics I am silent"Dositheus the Samaritan, I mean, who was the
first who had the hardihood to repudiate the prophets, on the ground that ...
/.../tertullian/against all heresies/chapter i earliest heretics .htm

Smith's Bible Dictionary

a "priest and Levite" who carried the translation of Esther to Egypt. (Esther 11:1,2)

... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia DOSITHEUS. do-sith'-e-us (Dositheos): (1)
A captain of Judas Maccabeus (2 Maccabees 12:19-25); along ...
/d/dositheus.htm - 7k

... the Jewish temple of Leontopolis near Hellopolis was founded in 154 BC (Josephus,
Ant, XIII, iii, 1), and two Jewish generals, Onias and Dositheus, were at the ...
/p/ptolemy.htm - 17k

... What is there said of him is, that he studied at Alexandria, and that he had been,
along with the heresiarch Dositheus, a disciple of John the Baptist. ...
/m/magus.htm - 23k

... was to show them that, at his command, the walls of Jerusalem would fall down (BJ,
II, xiii, 5). Of another class was the Samaritan Dositheus, with whom Simon ...
/f/false..htm - 16k

Timotheus (24 Occurrences)
... But in 2 Maccabees 12:2 he is again at liberty as an opponent of the Jews, and in
12:24 he falls into the hands of Dositheus and Sosipater, but by representing ...
/t/timotheus.htm - 15k

Dost (1950 Occurrences)

/d/dost.htm - 6k


/d/dorymenes.htm - 6k

Mareshah (8 Occurrences)
... margin). Hither Gorgias escaped, having been rescued from the hands of
Dositheus by a Thracian horseman (2 Maccabees 12:35). It ...
/m/mareshah.htm - 11k

Christs (2 Occurrences)
... was to show them that, at his command, the walls of Jerusalem would fall down (BJ,
II, xiii, 5). Of another class was the Samaritan Dositheus, with whom Simon ...
/c/christs.htm - 14k

Simon (75 Occurrences)
... What is there said of him is, that he studied at Alexandria, and that he had been,
along with the heresiarch Dositheus, a disciple of John the Baptist. ...
/s/simon.htm - 91k



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Timotheus (24 Occurrences)

Dost (1950 Occurrences)


Mareshah (8 Occurrences)

Christs (2 Occurrences)

Simon (75 Occurrences)

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