Being Sober
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3525. nepho -- to be sober, to abstain from wine
... 3525 ("be sober, unintoxicated") refers to having (clear judgment), enabling someone
to be ... one's wits (faculties) about them," which is the opposite of being . ...
// - 7k

1594. eknepho -- to become sober (after drunkenness)
... wholly out of" and 3525 , "be sober") -- properly, delivered out of drunkenness
and to sobriety (seriousness), ie with the awareness of being responsibly aware ...
// - 7k

4994. sophronizo -- to recall one to his senses, admonish
... fron-id'-zo) Short Definition: I admonish Definition: I make sober-minded, admonish,
control. Cognate: 4994 (from 4998 , "truly ") -- being radically-moderate ...
// - 8k

4998. sophron -- of sound mind, self-controlled
... temperate Definition: of sound mind, self-controlled, temperate, sober-minded, modest ...
correctly (divinely) balanced (which is far more than being "the middle of ...
// - 8k


Hope Perfectly
... exhortations which precede that to hope are subsidiary to it, for we ought to read,
'Wherefore, girding up the loins of your mind, and being sober, hope.' That ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture ephesians peter/hope perfectly.htm

Rom. xii. 1
... meaning by sobriety (sophrosune) here not that virtue which contrasts with lewdness,
nor the being free from intemperance, but being sober and healthful in mind ...
/.../chrysostom/homilies on acts and romans/homily xx rom xii 1.htm

"Behold what Indignation. "
... what good things ye have been seduced, and by whom ye have been deceived, and for
what punishment ye are prepared; and thus, your mind being sober, and kindled ...
/.../unknown/the clementine homilies/chapter iii behold what indignation.htm

2 Timothy iii. 16, 17
... How? by being sober and watchful. This might have sufficed for the consolation of
his disciples, but he further adds the rewards. And what are these? ...
/.../homily ix 2 timothy iii.htm

"Be Ye Therefore Sober, and Watch unto Prayer. "
... That prayer may be in good health, a man must keep a diet and be sober, sobriety
conduces so much to its well-being, and insobriety makes prayer fail. ...
/.../binning/the works of the rev hugh binning/sermon xxii be ye therefore.htm

... it a strange thing for a man to boast that he made no profession of being a gentleman,
or no profession of being honest, or no profession of being sober, or no ...
/.../ sermons volume 3 1857/instability.htm

Sober Thinking
... estimate of themselves. This sober estimate is here regarded as being important
chiefly as an aid to right service. It is immediately ...
/.../maclaren/romans corinthians to ii corinthians chap v/sober thinking.htm

Of the Conversion of Evodius, and the Death of his Mother when ...
... For when she, as being a sober maiden, was as usual bidden by her parents to draw
wine from the cask, the vessel being held under the opening, before she ...
/.../the confessions and letters of st/chapter viii of the conversion of.htm

From Fasts Absolute Tertullian Comes to Partial Ones and ...
... or ascend unto the sacrificial altar; and ye shall not die." [1074] So true is it,
that such as shall have ministered in the Church, being not sober, shall "die ...
/.../chapter ix from fasts absolute tertullian.htm

A Discourse Concerning the Being and Attributes of God
... X. Proposition X. That the self-existent being must be all-powerful. XI. ... Fifthly,
As this revelation, to the judgment of right and sober reason,. XV. ...
/.../clarke/a discourse concerning the being and attributes of god/

Topical Bible Verses
2 Timothy 4:5
But watch you in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of your ministry.

1 Peter 5:8
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour:

1 Peter 4:7
But the end of all things is at hand: be you therefore sober, and watch to prayer.

Ephesians 5:18
And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;

Proverbs 20:1
Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whoever is deceived thereby is not wise.



Being a Christian

Being a Dad

Being a Deacon

Being a Disciple

Being a Father

Being a Friend

Being a Good Christian

Being a Good Example

Being a Good Father

Being a Good Husband

Being a Good Leader

Being a Good Mother

Being a Good Parent

Being a Good Steward

Being a Good Wife

Being a Good Witness

Being a Pilgrim

Being a Servant

Being a Soldier

Being a Teacher

Being Afraid

Being Alone

Being Angry

Being Anxious

Being Ashamed

Being Ashamed of God

Being Baptized

Being Betrayed

Being Bitter

Being Blamed

Being Blessed

Being Born Again

Being Born in to Sin

Being Busy

Being Careful

Being Chosen

Being Clean

Being Confident

Being Consistent

Being Content

Being Deceitful

Being Deceived

Being Delayed

Being Depressed

Being Different

Being Diligent

Being Disciplined

Being Disobedient

Being Disrespectful

Being Distracted

Being Drunk

Being Emotionally Whole

Being Engaged

Being Envious

Being Equally Yoked

Being Faithful

Being Falsely Accused

Being Fat

Being Focused

Being Friends With Non Christians

Being Grateful

Being Greedy

Being Happy

Being Healthy

Being Holy

Being Honest

Being Humble

Being Ignorant

Being Ignored

Being in Debt

Being in Love

Being Insecure

Being Irresponsible

Being Jealous

Being Judgmental

Being Kind

Being Late

Being Lazy

Being Like Christ

Being Like the World

Being Lonely

Being Lucky

Being Lukewarm

Being Mad

Being Materialistic

Being Mean

Being Meek

Being Modest

Being Naive

Being Negative

Being Neutral

Being Nice

Being Obedient

Being offended

Being Old

Being Oppressed

Being Organized

Being Overweight

Being Overwhelmed

Being Patient

Being Perfect

Being Persecuted

Being Poor

Being Popular

Being Positive

Being Possessed

Being Pregnant

Being Prepared

Being Prideful

Being Privy To Privy

Being Proud

Being Pure

Being Quiet

Being Ready

Being Rejuvenated

Being Reliable

Being Responsible

Being Restored

Being Rich

Being Rude

Being Sad

Being Saved

Being Scared

Being Self Centered

Being Selfish

Being Separate

Being Sick

Being Silent

Being Single

Being Slain in the Spirit

Being Sober

Being Spiritually Awake

Being Steadfast

Being Stingy

Being Stressed

Being Strong

Being Stubborn

Being Stupid

Being Successful

Being Taken Advantage of

Being Thankful

Being There for One Another

Being Thirsty

Being Tired

Being Too Busy

Being Ugly

Being Unclean

Being Unequally Yoked

Being Unfair

Being Unique

Being Unmarried

Being Vindictive

Being Wealthy

Being Weary

Being Whole

Being With God

Being With Jesus

Being Worried

Being Wronged

Being Yourself

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