Antiochus Vii
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The History of the Prophetic Sermons, Epistles, and Apocalypses
Jews as a result of the relentless persecutions of Antiochus Epiphanes, between ...
/.../the origin and permanent value of the old testament/vii the history of the.htm

In Judæa and through Samaria - a Sketch of Samaritan History and ...
... CHAPTER VII. ... After that it enjoyed a season of quiet under Egyptian rule, till the
reign of Antiochus (III.) the Great, when it again passed temporarily, and ...
/.../edersheim/the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter vii in judaea and.htm

Two Famous Versions of the Scriptures
... CHAPTER VII TWO FAMOUS VERSIONS OF THE SCRIPTURES. ... About a hundred years before the
days of Antiochus (of whom we read in our last chapter) a company of Jews ...
/.../duff/the bible in its making/chapter vii two famous versions.htm

... horn" of viii.9 is the same as the little horn of vii.8, 20 ... of the temple, the abolition
of the sacrifice"is an undisguised allusion to Antiochus Epiphanes in ...
// to the old testament/daniel.htm

Basil: Letters and Select Works
... Letter VI. To the wife of Nectarius. Letter VII. To Gregory my friend. Letter VIII. ...
Letter CXLVI. To Antiochus. Letter CXLVII. To Aburgius. Letter CXLVIII. ...
// letters and select works/

That it was Before Predicted that the World Would Hold us in ...
... suffer these things." [3797] Assuredly his faith was sincere and his virtue sound,
and abundantly pure, not to have regarded king Antiochus, but God the ... vii. ...
/.../cyprian/the treatises of cyprian/11 that it was before.htm

Life and Writings of Sulpitius Severus.
... Chapter VII. Those, therefore, who were possessed of power along with him� ... For, first
of all, under king Seleucus, the son of Antiochus the great� ...
// and writings of sulpitius severus /

Apion Book 2 Footnotes
... to have described the famous profanation of the Jewish temple by Antiochus Epiphanes,
should ... hundred in the Greek, contrary to the twenty in the War, B. VII. ...
// apion/apion book 2 footnotes.htm

What Charge David Gave Tohis Son Solomon at the Approach of his ...
... BOOK VII. ... at by what I shall now say; for a thousand and three hundred years afterward
Hyrcanus the high priest, when he was besieged by Antiochus, that was ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 15 what charge david.htm

The Ecclesiastical History of Theodoret
... V. Festal. VI. Festal. VII. To Theonilla. VIII. To Eugraphia. ... To Protogenes The Præfect.
XCV. To the Præfect Antiochus. XCVI. To Nomus the Patrician. XCVII. ...
// ecclesiastical history of theodoret/

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
Antiochus Vii


(Surnamed Sidetes, Sidetes, after Sida in Pamphylia, where he was educated): Younger son of Demetrius Soter and brother of Demetrius Nicator, whose wife, Cleopatra, he married when Demetrius was taken prisoner by the Parthians. Antiochus overthrew the usurper, Tryphon, and ascended the throne himself and reigned from 139 to 130 B.C. He defeated John Maccabeus and besieged Jerusalem (Ant., XIII, viii, 2), but concluded a favorable peace (Ant., XIII, viii, 3) from fear of Rome. Later he waged war with the Parthians and was slain in battle (1 Maccabees 15:2-9, 28-31).

J. E. Harry



Antiochus Epiphanes

Antiochus I

Antiochus Ii

Antiochus Iii

Antiochus Iv

Antiochus V

Antiochus Vi

Antiochus Vii

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