Ajalon or Aijalon
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Strong's Hebrew
357. Ayyalon -- "deer," the name of several cities in Palestine
... NASB Word Usage Aijalon (10). Aijalon, Ajalon. From 'ayal; deer-field; Ajalon, the
name of five places in Palestine -- Aijalon, Ajalon. see HEBREW 'ayal. ...
/hebrew/357.htm - 6k
ATS Bible Dictionary
Ajalon or Aijalon

1. A town in the tribe of Dan, assigned to the Levites, sons of Kohath, Joshua 21:24. It was not far from Timnath, and was taken by the Philistines from Ahaz, 2 Chronicles 28:18. It lay in or near a valley, not far from the valley of Gibeon, and is recognized in the modern village of Yalo. The valley lies towards the north, and is the place where Joshua commanded the sun and moon to stand still, and they obeyed him, Joshua 10:12

2. A town in Benjamin, some three miles east of Bethel. It was fortified by Rehoboam, 2 Chronicles 11:10 3. In the tribe of Zebulun, the place of Elon's burial, Jud 2:12.


Aj Alon


Ajalon or Aijalon

Ajalon: A City of Dan

Ajalon: A City of Dan: Amorites of, not Exterminated

Ajalon: A City of Dan: Assigned to the Levites. a City of Refuge

Ajalon: A City of Judah

Ajalon: A City of Zebulun

Ajalon: A Valley

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