Wilderness Of Sin
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Wilderness Of Sin

a tract of the wilderness which the Israelites reached after leaving the encampment by the Red Sea. (Numbers 33:11,23) Their next halting-place, (Exodus 16:1; 17:1) was Rephidim, probably the Wady Feiran [REPHIDIM]; on which supposition it would follow that Sin must lie between that way and the coast of the Gulf of Suez, and of course west of Sinai. In the wilderness of Sin the manna was first gathered, and those who adopt the supposition that this was merely the natural product of the tarfa bush find from the abundance of that shrub in Wady es-Sheikh , southeast of Wady Ghurundel , a proof of local identity.

Strong's Hebrew
5512b. Sin -- wilderness between Elim and Sinai.
... 5512a, 5512b. Sin. 5513 . wilderness between Elim and Sinai.
Transliteration: Sin Short Definition: Sin. Word Origin of foreign ...
/hebrew/5512b.htm - 5k

The Voice in the Wilderness
... the enjoyments and luxuries of life for the stern discipline of the wilderness. ... to
withstand temptation, and shrank from constant contact with sin, lest he ...
//christianbookshelf.org/white/the desire of ages/chapter 10 the voice in.htm

The Wilderness State
... way in the wilderness," and were variously tempted and distressed. In like manner,
after God has delivered them that fear him from the bondage of sin and Satan ...
/.../wesley/sermons on several occasions/sermon 46 the wilderness state.htm

Earth's Ugliest, Deepest Scar.
... chosen selfishly. This is the wilderness, sin's wilderness, whither the
Holy Spirit led Jesus for the tempter's assault. No man ...
/.../gordon/quiet talks about jesus/earths ugliest deepest scar.htm

Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness.
... a table in the wilderness (Psalm 78:19). We, too, have abundant reason for a like
trust. God gave us our lives, and gave his Son to redeem them from sin. ...
/.../mcgarvey/the four-fold gospel/xix jesus tempted in the.htm

Marah; Or, the Bitter Waters Sweetened
... who looks for the streams of Lebanon? who hopes to find Canaan's fruits
in the wilderness of Sin? As well seek to gather from the ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 17 1871/marah or the bitter waters.htm

Great Voices from Heaven
... the scenery, so to speak; but the scenery is symbolic, and the call is really one
to prepare the way of the Lord in the wilderness of human sin, by raising up ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture h/great voices from heaven.htm

Who is this that Cometh up from the Wilderness, Replete with ...
... 5. Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, replete with delights, leaning ...
from the spoiled and corrupted nature which thy mother gave thee by her sin. ...
//christianbookshelf.org/guyon/song of songs of solomon/5 who is this that.htm

Christ all and in All.
... Are you a professed Christian but one who is a slave to some besetting sin? ... He has
brought us through the Red Sea right out into the wilderness, and opened up ...
/.../moody/the way to god and how to find it/chapter viii christ all and.htm

The Wilderness
... place shall be glad for the saints of God, and in the wilderness shall waters ... But
that when sin came in, and deformed the fair image, men became as the woman ...
/.../bevan/three friends of god/chapter xxxi the wilderness.htm

The University of Arabia.
... of life," refers to what is out "in the world." It touches only two of these three:
sin in one's ... The going into the wilderness was planned by the Holy Spirit. ...
/.../gordon/quiet talks about jesus/the university of arabia.htm



Wilderness Of Sin

Wilderness of the Wandering

Wilderness: Jesus' Temptation In

Wilderness: Typical of the Sinner's State

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