Serpents: Infest: Holes in Walls
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Amos 5:19
As if a man did flee from a lion, and a bear met him; or went into the house, and leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Nile and Egypt
... the other hand, most of the serpents, large and ... below Aswan, but it continues to
infest Nubia, and ... porcelain, or terra-cotta, pierced with holes, through which ...
/.../chapter i the nile and egypt.htm



Serpents were often Enchanted or Fascinated

Serpents: (Poisonous Bite of) Baneful Effects of Wine

Serpents: (Sharp Tongue of) Malice of the Wicked

Serpents: All Kinds of, Can be Tamed

Serpents: Called Crooked

Serpents: Characterised As Subtle

Serpents: Created by God

Serpents: Cursed Above all Creatures

Serpents: Dangerous to Travellers

Serpents: Doomed to Creep on Their Belly

Serpents: Doomed to Eat Their Food Mingled With Dust

Serpents: Infest: Deserts

Serpents: Infest: Hedges

Serpents: Infest: Holes in Walls

Serpents: Man's Aversion and Hatred To

Serpents: Many Kinds of Poisonous

Serpents: Miracles Connected With: Israelites Cured by Looking at One of Brass

Serpents: Miracles Connected With: Moses' Rod Turned Into

Serpents: Miracles Connected With: Power Over, Given to the Disciples

Serpents: of Enemies Who Harass and Destroy

Serpents: of Hypocrites

Serpents: of the Devil

Serpents: of the Tribe of Dan

Serpents: Often Sent As a Punishment

Serpents: Produced from Eggs

Serpents: Unclean and Unfit for Food

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