Serpents: Cursed Above all Creatures
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Genesis 3:14
And the LORD God said to the serpent, Because you have done this, you are cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; on your belly shall you go, and dust shall you eat all the days of your life:
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Protevangelium.
... 12:34, and in the connection of serpents with vipers ... is simply: Thou shalt be more
cursed than all ... song of Deborah, concerning Jael, "Blessed above women shall ...
/.../hengstenberg/christology of the old testament/the protevangelium.htm

... the serpent was: Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle,
and above every beast ... And it is asked: Did not serpents go upon the belly ...
/.../an essay on the mosaic account of the creation and fall of man/essay.htm

The Saints' Rest is not to be Expected on Earth.
... their rest in the wilderness, among serpents, and enemies ... above their spirits, and
their lusts above my Father's ... suffer, and bleed, and die a cursed death; and ...
/.../baxter/the saints everlasting rest/chapter x the saints rest.htm

Chapter iii
... seed," than to think of generations of serpents as yet ... is the fact that "the ground
is cursed." A divine ... contains "the First Gospel." As we showed above, v.20 ...
// of genesis volume 1/chapter iii.htm

Morality and Doctrine
... cabbages, leeks, animals, insects, calves, serpents, fever, pestilence ... dominandi."
[73] Wretched is the cursed land which ... to be humble, and being above them to ...
// vii morality and doctrine.htm

Christ --Perfect through Sufferings
... his own folly, a victim to the serpents, but yet ... "Cursed is every one that hangeth
on the tree," but ... this after all, and before all, and above all, that Jesus ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 8 1863/christperfect through sufferings.htm

A Description of Heart-Purity
... show them their deformities and damnable spots, they would be afraid and fly from
themselves as serpents! ... What a cursed sin is avarice! ... (ii) Above gifts: gifts ...
/.../16 a description of heart-purity.htm

Christian Meekness
... others, will have us wise as serpents' in preserving ... Now the man Moses was very meek,
above all the men ... When Shimei cursed David, and Abishai, one of David's ...
/.../watson/the beatitudes an exposition of matthew 51-12/12 christian meekness.htm

Scriptural Predictions of an Apostasy.
... "Cursed children ... only dwellers among its lonely ruins are wild beasts and hissing
serpents. ... not these demonstrated harlots and abominations in the above passage ...
/.../orr/the gospel day /chapter ii scriptural predictions of.htm

The Use of Fear in Religion.
... they know not what they do: Ye serpents, ye generation of ... is one part of man's sinful
and cursed life which ... Faith in Christ lifts the soul above all fears, and ...
/...// to the natural man/the use of fear in.htm



Serpents were often Enchanted or Fascinated

Serpents: (Poisonous Bite of) Baneful Effects of Wine

Serpents: (Sharp Tongue of) Malice of the Wicked

Serpents: All Kinds of, Can be Tamed

Serpents: Called Crooked

Serpents: Characterised As Subtle

Serpents: Created by God

Serpents: Cursed Above all Creatures

Serpents: Dangerous to Travellers

Serpents: Doomed to Creep on Their Belly

Serpents: Doomed to Eat Their Food Mingled With Dust

Serpents: Infest: Deserts

Serpents: Infest: Hedges

Serpents: Infest: Holes in Walls

Serpents: Man's Aversion and Hatred To

Serpents: Many Kinds of Poisonous

Serpents: Miracles Connected With: Israelites Cured by Looking at One of Brass

Serpents: Miracles Connected With: Moses' Rod Turned Into

Serpents: Miracles Connected With: Power Over, Given to the Disciples

Serpents: of Enemies Who Harass and Destroy

Serpents: of Hypocrites

Serpents: of the Devil

Serpents: of the Tribe of Dan

Serpents: Often Sent As a Punishment

Serpents: Produced from Eggs

Serpents: Unclean and Unfit for Food

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