Altars of Samuel
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
1 Samuel 7:17
And his return was to Ramah; for there was his house; and there he judged Israel; and there he built an altar to the LORD.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Child Samuel.
... and rams and goats, and burnt their flesh on the great altars, believing that ... a certain
man named Elkanah, whose wife Hannah had a little boy named Samuel. ...
/.../anonymous/children of the old testament/the child samuel.htm

Honour Your Youthful Bishop.
... [648] Samuel also, when he was but a ... [651] The latter, coming to the throne when
eight years old [652] cast down the altars and temples [of the idols], and ...
/.../chapter iii honour your youthful bishop.htm

Come, Let us Hear How they Contend for victory: the Guilty Ones ...
... S., Solomon who snatched from thy mouth, a child by his judgment: him in his old
age I made a builder of idol-altars."18. D., Samuel who in respect of gold ...
/.../ephraim/hymns and homilies of ephraim the syrian/hymn liii come let us.htm

Introductory Notice to the Early Liturgies.
... we shall better comprehend the era of which, under God, Samuel was the ... sacrifices
of their fathers, Noah and Abraham, who reared their altars everywhere, as ...
/.../various/early liturgies/introductory notice to the early.htm

Obadiah; Or, Early Piety Eminent Piety
... Israel became disgusted with the wickedness of Eli's sons the child Samuel ministered
before ... it was a child, Josiah by name, that broke down the altars of Baal ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 30 1884/obadiah or early piety eminent.htm

Instances from Scripture of Divine Judgments Upon the Self ...
... They have one single fire in public"on the altars; no water even in their platters. ...
1 Kings) iv. 13. [1112] 1 Samuel 4:17-21. [1113] 1 Samuel 2:12-17, 22-25. ...
/.../chapter xvi instances from scripture of.htm

The Earlier Hebrew Histories.
... "Samuel," says Professor Robertson Smith, "sacrifices on many high places, Saul
builds altars, David and his son Solomon permit the worship at the high places ...
/.../gladden/who wrote the bible/chapter iv the earlier hebrew.htm

... The book of Kings, like Joshua, Judges and Samuel (in part), has been subjected ... The
Elijah narratives not only recognize the existence of altars all over the ...
// to the old testament/kings.htm

The Same Subject Continued.
... yea, while yet an infant he slays their priests, and overturns their altars, and
defiles ... according to the flesh, while yet a youth is anointed by Samuel to be ...
/.../chapter iv the same subject continued.htm

Book 4 Footnotes
... See Genesis 15;16; 1 Samuel 15:18, 33; Apost ... to that of Ezekiel, which was expressly
to be gone up to by steps, ch.43:17; but rather to occasional altars of any ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/book 4 footnotes.htm



Altars for Burnt-Offering

Altars for Idolatrous Worship, often Erected on Roofs of Houses

Altars for Idolatrous Worship, to be Destroyed

Altars for Incense

Altars of Abraham

Altars of Ahaz

Altars of Balaam

Altars of Brick, Hateful to God

Altars of David

Altars of Gideon

Altars of Isaac

Altars of Jacob

Altars of Jeroboam at Bethel

Altars of Joshua

Altars of Moses

Altars of Noah

Altars of Reubenites East of Jordan

Altars of Samuel

Altars of the Athenians

Altars of the People of Israel

Altars of the Second Temple

Altars of the Temple of Solomon

Altars were not to Have Steps up to Them

Altars: Afforded No Protection to Murderers

Altars: Designed for Sacrifice

Altars: Idolaters Planted Groves Near

Altars: Natural Rocks Sometimes Used As

Altars: Probable Origin of Inscriptions On

Altars: Protection Afforded By

Altars: The Jews not to Plant Groves Near

Altars: To be Made of Earth, or Unhewn Stone

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