Afflicted Saints: Examples of Afflicted Saints: Apostles
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
1 Corinthians 4:13
Being defamed, we entreat: we are made as the filth of the world, and are the offscouring of all things to this day.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

2 Corinthians 6:4-10
But in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God, in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses,
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Psalms and Hymns of Isaac Watts
... PSALM 102 PART 1 A prayer of the afflicted. PSALM 102 PART 2 Prayer heard, and
Zion restored. ... HYMN 140 The examples of Christ and the saints. ...
// psalms and hymns of isaac watts/

Perseverance of Saints.
... 6. Now these things were our examples, to the ... feet, if she have relieved the afflicted,
if she ... individuals they addressed were ever true saints, but meaning ...
/.../finney/systematic theology/lecture li perseverance of saints.htm

Letter v. Prayer and Fasting.
... to the extent of his requirement; that afflicted saints may be ... over the lives of
the old Testament saints, you will ... We have also examples in the Acts of the ...
/.../letter v prayer and fasting.htm

The Resemblance Between the Old Testament and the New.
... Continuation of the fourth proof from the examples of Isaac and Jacob ... to heaven,
they saw that the period during which the Lord afflicted his saints was but ...
/.../the institutes of the christian religion/chapter 10 the resemblance between.htm

A Cloud of Witnesses.
... in sheepskins, in goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, evil-entreated ... on the faith
of the other saints of the ... as much of an accumulation of examples as of ...
/.../the expositors bible the epistle to the hebrews/chapter xiii a cloud of.htm

Hebrews xi. 37, 38
... reflect upon the achievements of the saints, it comes ... sins, but always doing rightly
and yet always afflicted. ... this passage, and in him his examples end: which ...
/.../homilies on the gospel of st john and hebrews/homily xxviii hebrews xi 37.htm

Articles vii and viii: of the Church.
... glorified is the same Christ who was before afflicted. ... so called, is the congregation
of saints [of those ... teaching, but also through these examples they might ...
/.../melanchthon/the apology of the augsburg confession/part 11 articles vii and.htm

Weak Hands and Feeble Knees
... being hard and untender towards those who are so afflicted. ... Surely the examples of
eminent saints should spur us ... Why look upon the saints of olden time as if ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 5 1859/weak hands and feeble knees.htm

In the Second Place, Repentance and Grace are Obscured. ...
... From these examples they derive the universal rule that ... Job is excused that he was
not afflicted on account of ... and John the Baptist and other saints were killed ...
/.../melanchthon/the apology of the augsburg confession/part 17 in the second.htm

Of the Modes of Supplementing Satisfaction --viz. Indulgences and ...
... He also writes to the Corinthians: "Whether we be afflicted, it is ... only are passages
of Scripture wanting, but in the examples of all the saints of whom we ...
/.../calvin/the institutes of the christian religion/chapter 5 of the modes.htm



Afflicted Saints: Christ Comforts

Afflicted Saints: Christ Delivers

Afflicted Saints: Christ is With

Afflicted Saints: Christ Preserves

Afflicted Saints: Christ Supports

Afflicted Saints: Examples of Afflicted Saints: Apostles

Afflicted Saints: Examples of Afflicted Saints: David

Afflicted Saints: Examples of Afflicted Saints: Eli

Afflicted Saints: Examples of Afflicted Saints: Job

Afflicted Saints: Examples of Afflicted Saints: Joseph

Afflicted Saints: Examples of Afflicted Saints: Moses

Afflicted Saints: Examples of Afflicted Saints: Nehemiah

Afflicted Saints: Examples of Afflicted Saints: Paul

Afflicted Saints: God Comforts

Afflicted Saints: God Delivers

Afflicted Saints: God is a Refuge and Strength To

Afflicted Saints: God is With

Afflicted Saints: God Preserves

Afflicted Saints: should Acknowledge the Justice of Their Chastisements

Afflicted Saints: should Avoid Sin

Afflicted Saints: should be Frequent in Prayer

Afflicted Saints: should be Patient

Afflicted Saints: should be Resigned

Afflicted Saints: should Imitate Christ

Afflicted Saints: should Imitate the Prophets

Afflicted Saints: should Keep the Pious Resolutions Made During Afflictions

Afflicted Saints: should not Despise Chastening

Afflicted Saints: should Praise God

Afflicted Saints: should Take Encouragement from Former Mercies

Afflicted Saints: should Trust in the Goodness of God

Afflicted Saints: should Turn and Devote Themselves to God

Afflicted: Duty to The

Duty Toward The Afflicted: To Bear Them in Mind

Duty Toward The Afflicted: To Comfort Them

Duty Toward The Afflicted: To Pity Them

Duty Toward The Afflicted: To Pray for Them

Duty Toward The Afflicted: To Protect Them

Duty Toward The Afflicted: To Relieve Them

Duty Toward The Afflicted: To Sympathise With Them

Duty Toward The Afflicted: To Visit Them

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