Serpent: Curse Upon
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Genesis 3:14,15
And the LORD God said to the serpent, Because you have done this, you are cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; on your belly shall you go, and dust shall you eat all the days of your life:
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Genesis 49:17
Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that bites the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.
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Faustus Abhors Moses for the Awful Curse He Has Pronounced Upon ...
... are not healed of the poison of the serpent, as we ... to those who are praised only
as dependent upon Him ... the ingenuity of his objection to the curse pronounced by ...
/.../faustus abhors moses for the.htm

Arguments in Opposition to Tatian, Showing that it was Consonant ...
... be led to despise God. But the curse in all its fulness fell upon the serpent,
which had beguiled them. "And God," it is declared ...
/.../irenaeus/against heresies/chapter xxiii arguments in opposition to.htm

The Serpent Lifted Up
... CHAPTER XV THE SERPENT LIFTED UP. ... bound us in our sins, when He was bound on the
cross for us " how the curse and the wrath of God that lay upon us was ...
/.../bevan/three friends of god/chapter xv the serpent lifted.htm

With Some Such Object as this in view Does Celsus Seem to have ...
... such is his character, and worthy of execration in the opinion of those who so regard
him, inasmuch as he pronounced a curse upon the serpent, who introduced ...
/.../origen/origen against celsus/chapter xxviii with some such.htm

Adam's Sin
... So much for the occasion of Adam's sin, or his being tempted by the serpent. ... that
sin of Adam, that could poison all mankind, and bring a curse upon them, till ...
// body of divinity/2 adams sin.htm

The Punishment of the Deceiver and the Deceived.
... But the serpent who was the first to incite them to this offence, is punished by
a lasting curse. ... counsels, for as they bring punishment upon their authors ...
/.../cassian/the works of john cassian /chapter xi the punishment of.htm

The Redeemer's Return is Necessitated by the Lamentation of all ...
... Eve sinned, God not only pronounced sentence upon them and the Serpent but He ... the
highest of all God's creatures brought down a Divine curse upon those worlds ...
/.../pink/the redeemers return/viii the redeemers return is.htm

From Kadesh to the Death of Moses.
... (3) The sending of the fiery serpents and the brazen serpent as a remedy. ... He sought
at any cost to have him cripple Israel by placing a curse upon them. ...
/.../tidwell/the bible period by period/chapter vii from kadesh to.htm

From the Creation to the Fall.
... The temptation had several elements: (1) The talking serpent was to her in the nature
of a miracle; (2) Eve ... (9) The nature and results of the curse upon the man ...
/.../tidwell/the bible period by period/chapter i from the creation.htm

The Doctrine of Man
... Adam is the rational part of man; Eve, the sensual; the serpent, external excitements ...
The curse upon the man, upon the woman, and upon the ground are certainly ...
/.../evans/the great doctrines of the bible/the doctrine of man.htm



Serpent Worship

Serpent: Constriction of

Serpent: Curse Upon

Serpent: Feeds Upon the Dust

Serpent: Fiery (Poisonous), Sent As a Plague Upon the Israelites

Serpent: Figurative

Serpent: Mentioned in Solomon's Riddle

Serpent: Satan Appears to Eve in the Form of

Serpent: Sea Serpent

Serpent: Subtlety of

Serpent: The Apostles Given Power Over

Serpent: The Charming of

Serpent: The Seventy Disciples (The Best Mss Have "Seventy-Two") Endued With Power Over

Serpent: The Staff of Moses Transformed Into

Serpent: The Wound of, Miraculously Healed by Looking Upon the Bronze Snake, Erected by Moses

Serpent: Unfit for Food

Serpent: Venom of

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