Offerings: Human Sacrifices: Forbidden
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Leviticus 18:21
And you shall not let any of your seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shall you profane the name of your God: I am the LORD.
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Leviticus 20:2-5
Again, you shall say to the children of Israel, Whoever he be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that gives any of his seed to Molech; he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones.
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Deuteronomy 12:31
You shall not do so to the LORD your God: for every abomination to the LORD, which he hates, have they done to their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods.
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Whether a Suitable Cause Can be Assigned for the Ceremonies which ...
... This was denoted in the offerings and sacrifices, by the ... Thy hand." Wherefore in
offering up sacrifices man made ... And since, for the human mind to be directed ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether a suitable cause can.htm

Some Gospel Truths Opened, According to the Scriptures; Or, the ...
... godly conversation, and his ability to preach the gospel, not by human art, but ... another,
as the blood of bulls, and lambs, and goats: Also sacrifices of divers ...
/.../the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/some gospel truths opened according.htm

Balak's Inquiries Relative to the Service of God, and Balaam's ...
... If common offerings, and the usual number of victims ... The sacrifices of old derived
all their value from ... Human victims, the most costly, and therefore supposed ...
/.../sermon xviii balaks inquiries relative.htm

... Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves of ... be coaxed and flattered
round by sacrifices to do ... Oh, if all this is not poor human nature, drawn ...
/.../kingsley/the gospel of the pentateuch/sermon xiv balaam.htm

... guilt offering, the priests' share of the sacrifices, the period ... share of the meal
and peace offerings, x.12 ... for the detection of leprosy in the human body, xiii ...
/.../ to the old testament/leviticus.htm

The Danger of Deviating from Divine Institutions.
... of God"a mere matter of human invention ... their gratitude, and smell a sweet savor
in their sacrifices. ... mostly taken from among men, the offerings were adapted ...
/.../lee/sermons on various important subjects/sermon xxviii the danger of.htm

And yet it is Perhaps Straining Too Far for those who do Believe ...
... of living animals and the polluted offerings on their ... and dwelt among us in His human
nature, all ... was the customary round of their sacrifices throughout the ...
/.../gregory/gregory of nyssa dogmatic treatises etc/chapter xviii and yet it.htm

The Temples and the Gods of Chaldaea
... and gifts made to them"Sacrifices, the expiation ... to have been mostly ex-voto offerings
placed somewhere ... and more especially those splendid human-headed bulls ...
/.../chapter iithe temples and the.htm

Jeremiah and Deuteronomy. (Chs. vii, viii. 8, xi. )
... at the Exodus concerning burnt-offerings and sacrifices ... the abolition of animal
sacrifices, Jeremiah, by his ... the substitute for them"the human sacrifice, the ...
// jeremiah and deuteronomy chs.htm

The Spiritual Life
... is able from natural freedom to shun these same evils because of their being contrary
to human laws. ... "Sacrifices," "meat offerings," "incense," "new moons ...
/.../swedenborg/spiritual life and the word of god/part firstthe spiritual life.htm



Offerings: All Animal Sacrifices Must be Eight Days Old or More

Offerings: Animal Sacrifices: A Type of Christ

Offerings: Antiquity of

Offerings: Burnt

Offerings: Burnt: Accompanied by Other offerings

Offerings: Burnt: Its Purpose Was to Make an Atonement for Sin

Offerings: Burnt: Music With

Offerings: Burnt: Offered Daily, Morning and Evening

Offerings: Burnt: Ordinances Concerning

Offerings: Burnt: Skins of, Belonged to Priests

Offerings: Christ's offering of Himself

Offerings: Could not Make the offerer Perfect

Offerings: Declared to be Most Holy

Offerings: Different Kinds of Burnt

Offerings: Different Kinds of Drink

Offerings: Different Kinds of First-Fruits

Offerings: Different Kinds of Free-Will

Offerings: Different Kinds of Gifts

Offerings: Different Kinds of Heave

Offerings: Different Kinds of Incense

Offerings: Different Kinds of Jealousy

Offerings: Different Kinds of Meat

Offerings: Different Kinds of Peace

Offerings: Different Kinds of Personal, for Redemption

Offerings: Different Kinds of Sin

Offerings: Different Kinds of Thank

Offerings: Different Kinds of Tithe

Offerings: Different Kinds of Trespass

Offerings: Different Kinds of Wave

Offerings: Drink: Libations of Wine offered With the Sacrifices

Offerings: Eaten

Offerings: Figurative

Offerings: Free Will with Meat and Drink offerings

Offerings: Free Will: Must be Perfect (Whole, Complete)

Offerings: Free Will: Obligatory when Signified in a Vow

Offerings: Free Will: To be Eaten by Priests

Offerings: Heave in Certain Instances This offering Was Brought to the Tabernacle, or Temple

Offerings: Heave: Consecrated by Being Elevated by the Priest

Offerings: Heave: Consisted of the Right Thigh or Hind Quarter (R. V.)

Offerings: Heave: Given to the Priests' Families As Part of Their Benefits

Offerings: Heave: Plunder, Including Captives and Other Articles of War

Offerings: Heave: To be offered on Taking Possession of the Land of Canaan

Offerings: Heave: when offered

Offerings: Hezekiah Prepared Chambers For

Offerings: Human Sacrifices: Abraham

Offerings: Human Sacrifices: Canaanites

Offerings: Human Sacrifices: Forbidden

Offerings: Human Sacrifices: Israelites

Offerings: Human Sacrifices: Moabites

Offerings: Human Sacrifices: Offered to Baal

Offerings: Human Sacrifices: Offered to Demons

Offerings: Human Sacrifices: The Sepharvites to Idols

Offerings: Insufficiency of

Offerings: Laid up in the Temple

Offerings: Made by Strangers, to be the Same As by the Jews

Offerings: Many Offenses Under the Law, Beyond the Efficacy of

Offerings: Meat: Not Mixed With Leaven (Yeast)

Offerings: Meat: Offered With the Sacrifices

Offerings: Meat: Ordinances Concerning

Offerings: Meat: Provided for in the Vision of Ezekiel

Offerings: Meat: Storage Rooms For, in the Temple Reconstructed by Ezra

Offerings: Meat: To be Eaten in the Holy Place

Offerings: Must be without Leaven (Yeast)

Offerings: Must Be: Accompanied With Leaven (Yeast)

Offerings: Must Be: Salted

Offerings: Offered at the Door of the Tabernacle

Offerings: Offered at the Door of the Temple

Offerings: Ordinance Relating to the Scapegoat

Offerings: Peace: Laws Concerning

Offerings: Required to Be: Brought in a Clean Vessel

Offerings: Required to Be: Brought to the Place Appointed of God

Offerings: Required to Be: Brought Without Delay

Offerings: Required to Be: Laid Before the Altar

Offerings: Required to Be: Offered in Love and Charity

Offerings: Required to Be: Offered in Righteous

Offerings: Required to Be: Offered Willingly

Offerings: Required to Be: Perfect

Offerings: Required to Be: Presented by the Priest

Offerings: Required to Be: The Best of Their Kind

Offerings: Sin: Ordinances Concerning

Offerings: Sin: Temporary

Offerings: Thank: Ordinances Concerning

Offerings: The Conversion of the Gentiles

Offerings: The Conversion of the Jews

Offerings: The Jews often: Abhorred, on Account of the Sins of the Priests

Offerings: The Jews often: Defrauded God of

Offerings: The Jews often: Gave the Worst They had As

Offerings: The Jews often: Presented to Idols

Offerings: The Jews often: Rejected In, Because of Sin

Offerings: The Jews often: Slow in Presenting

Offerings: Things Forbidden as The Price of a Dog

Offerings: Things Forbidden as The Price of Fornication

Offerings: Things Forbidden as Whatever Was Blemished

Offerings: Things Forbidden as Whatever Was Imperfect

Offerings: Things Forbidden as Whatever Was Unclean

Offerings: To be Made to God Alone

Offerings: Trespass: Offered by Idolaters

Offerings: Trespass: Ordinances Concerning

Offerings: Trespass: To be Eaten by the Priests

Offerings: Unacceptable, Without Gratitude

Offerings: Useless when not Accompanied by Genuine Piety

Offerings: Vow

Offerings: Wave: Belonged to the Priests

Offerings: Wave: Ordinances Concerning

Offerings: Wave: To be Eaten

Offerings: Wood: Fuel for the Temple

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