Musical Instruments
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Musical Instruments


mu'-zi-kal in'-stroo-ments (shiddah we-shiddoth): "I gat me.... musical instruments, and that of all sorts" (Ecclesiastes 2:8). Thus the King James Version and the American Standard Revised Version; the English Revised Version and the American Revised Version margin "concubines very many." The word occurs only here; the meaning is not certain, but it has nothing to do with music.

5567. psallo -- to pull, twitch, twang, play, sing
... instrument. 5567 -- properly, pluck a musical instrument (like a harp);
used of " with instruments"; "to ," or simply . Word Origin ...
// - 7k
Strong's Hebrew
7991b. shalish -- (a musical instrument) perhaps a sistrum
... Word Origin from the same as shalosh Definition (a musical instrument) perhaps a
sistrum NASB Word Usage musical instruments (1). 7991a, 7991b. ...
/hebrew/7991b.htm - 5k

The Test by Fire
... it is commanded, O peoples, nations: 'The moment you hear the sound of the trumpet,
flute, lute, harp, bagpipe, and all kinds of musical instruments, you shall ...
// childrens bible/the test by fire.htm

Whether God Should be Praised with Song?
... Objection 4: Further, in the Old Law God was praised with musical instruments and
human song, according to Ps.32:2,3: "Give praise to the Lord on the harp ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether god should be praised 2.htm

Psalm CL.
... His righteousness. These same saints are signified by all the musical
instruments in succession, to praise God in. For what the ...
/...// on the book of psalms/psalm cl.htm

Death and Life from the Ark
... Who ever heard of fir-wood musical instruments? The specified ones which follow
were certainly not made of it, and songs could scarcely fail to be mentioned. ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture f/death and life from the.htm

Composition and Style
... Secondly, because we are naturally affected by harmony, otherwise the sounds of
musical instruments, tho they express no words, would not excite in us so great ...
/.../kleiser/the training of a public speaker/composition and style.htm

On the Psalms. I.
... This book of Psalms before us has also been called by the prophet the "Psalter,"
because, as they say, the psaltery alone among musical instruments gives back ...
/.../hippolytus/the extant works and fragments of hippolytus/on the psalms i.htm

So Also were Sacrifices and Oblations.
... who eat the lambs out of the flock, and the sucking calves out of the midst of the
herd; who applaud at the sound of the musical instruments; they reckon them ...
/.../chapter xxii so also were sacrifices.htm

But Let There Be, as You Wish, Honour in Wine and in Incense...
... Footnotes: [4916] Symphoniæ. Evidently musical instruments; but while Isidore speaks
of them as a kind of drum, other writers call them trumpets and pipes. ...
/.../the seven books of arnobius against the heathen/32 but let there be.htm

Home and the Home-Maker.
... original pencil designs, queer calendars, odd pictures; the dresser and stand are
lined with books and magazines, with worn-out musical instruments, art gifts ...
/.../questionable amusements and worthy substitutes/x home and the home-maker.htm

On Singing and Music.
... If singing by tune is to be practised, why should not the highest style of art,
aided by musical instruments, be made use of, so as more effectively to ...
// singing and music/on singing and music.htm



Musical Instruments

Musical Instruments of the Hebrews

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