Gaebelein's Annotated Bible And he arose from thence, and cometh into the coasts of Judaea by the farther side of Jordan: and the people resort unto him again; and, as he was wont, he taught them again. Chapter 10.In Judea 1. The question concerning Divorce. (Mark 10:1-12. Matthew 19:1-9. 2. Children are blessed by Him. (Mark 10:13-16. Matthew 19:13-15; Luke 18:15-17. 3. The rich young Ruler and Warning against Riches. (Mark 10:17-27. Matthew 19:16-26; Luke 18:18-27. 4. Concerning Rewards. (Mark 10:28-31. Matthew 19:27-30; Luke 18:28-30. 5. On to Jerusalem. The third announcement of His death and Resurrection. (Mark 10:32-34. Matthew 20:17-19; Luke 18:31-34. 6. The Desire of James and John. (Mark 10:35-45. Matthew 20:20-28; Luke 22:24-27. 7. At Jericho. The Healing of Bartimaeus. (Mark 10:46-52. Matthew 20:29-34; Luke 18:35-43. 1. The Question concerning Divorce. Mark 10:1-12 The Lord restores in teaching the original meaning of marriage and speaks against divorce Moses had permitted on account of the hardness of their hearts. Thus He restored the original institution of marriage. His ministry is now almost ended and He is on His way to Jerusalem to go to the cross. 2. Children are blest by Him. Mark 10:13-16 Again the disciples failed. They showed a kind of self-importance and dignity in rebuking those who brought the little children. He was indignant. They had no right whatever to rebuke and to shut out from His presence. They usurped His place and by their domineering attitude misrepresented Him. And priestcraft has brought this to perfection. But oh! the contrast. He received them and tenderly took them into His arms to bless them. Such is the Kingdom of God. Sin is in them. But the little children present some characteristics of uncorrupted nature. The way into the Kingdom is the new birth; and that must be received as a little child. 3. The rich young ruler and warnings against Riches. Mark 10:17-27 Here is one, who would inherit eternal life by doing. He “kneeled” (mentioned only by Mark) and showed reverence, and yet he called Him only “Good Master.” He was a moral Young man but unsaved. The reply of the Lord is significant, He refuses the address “Good Master.” The young man did not believe on Him as Son of God. The logic is perfect. If He is not God, He could not be good, and if He is good, then He is God. Yet “Jesus, beholding him, loved him;” a statement found only in Mark. He did not see the truth that man is not good, but a sinner, and salvation cannot be by works but is by Grace. Note the beautiful answer the Lord gave to His disciples. “Who then can be saved?” And Jesus looking upon them saith, “With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible.” Man cannot be saved by what he is or does. Blessed truth. But God has accomplished salvation by the gift of His Son and this salvation is received by faith in Him. 4. Concerning Rewards. Mark 10:28-31 It was a selfish question, which Peter asked. Somehow he would remind the Lord that while the young man refused to part with his riches, they had left all. And the meek and lowly One answers graciously and gives the promise of reward in this life and in the age to come. But it is reward only if it is done for His sake and the Gospel’s. It is a blessed thing to leave the rewards with Him. 5. On to Jerusalem. Third announcement of His death and Resurrection. Mark 10:32-34 But were they willing to leave all for His sake? As the Servant now at the close of His ministry went up to Jerusalem they were amazed at His calmness and determination to go to the place, where death awaited Him, according to His own predictions. They were afraid of their own lives as they followed Him. The Servant went before them in the lead; the frightened group came behind. The third prediction of His death is the completest. 6. The Desire of James and John. Mark 10:35-45 Their fear was short-lived. They did not grasp the solemn announcement that the Son of Man would have to die and did not understand that all the promised blessings could only be realized through His death on the cross. They had faith in a coming Kingdom of Glory, faith in the Servant so lowly to be the King and that they were to reign with Him. The request is stated and answered graciously by the Lord. And the two who were afraid when He turned towards Jerusalem now say that they are able to drink the cup with Him and be baptized with the baptism, which awaited Him, the inward and outward sufferings of the cross. But these two forsook Him a few days later and fled. The others were much displeased, no doubt for selfish reasons, and then still other words of instruction came from His lips. 7. At Jericho. The Healing of Bartimaeus. Mark 10:46-52 This healing stands at the beginning of the end of that blessed life lived on the earth. Up to Mark 10:45 He speaks of Himself as “Son of Man. “ The phrase “Son of David” appears only once in Mark’s Gospel. Bartimaeus calls upon Him by that name and is healed. It is the prelude to the great events in Jerusalem, His presentation as King, rejection, suffering and death. The miracle of Jericho holds the same place in the three Gospels. Israel ‘s condition is easily seen in Bartimaeus’ blindness. The Son of David had come to give sight to the blind and in Jericho (the place of curse) He shows His gracious Power. Bartimaeus followed Him as the blessed witness of His power.