2 Maccabees 11:13
Good News Translation
Lysias was no fool. As he thought about the defeat he had suffered, he realized it was because the mighty God had fought for the Jews, making it impossible for them to be defeated. So he sent a message to the Jews,

New Revised Standard Version
As he was not without intelligence, he pondered over the defeat that had befallen him, and realized that the Hebrews were invincible because the mighty God fought on their side. So he sent to them

Contemporary English Version
Lysias was a smart man, and he kept thinking about the defeat he had just suffered. Finally, he realized he could never destroy the Jewish people. After all, God All-Powerful fought on our side. So he wrote a letter

New American Bible
But Lysias was not a stupid man. He reflected on the defeat he had suffered, and came to realize that the Hebrews were invincible because the mighty God was their ally. He therefore sent a message

Douay-Rheims Bible
And as he was a man of understanding, considering with himself the loss he had suffered, and perceiving that the Hebrews could not be overcome, because they relied upon the help of the Almighty God, he sent to them:

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

And as he was a man of understanding, considering with himself the loss he had suffered, and perceiving that the Hebrews could not be overcome, because they relied upon the help of the Almighty God, he sent to them:

2 Maccabees 11:11
And rushing violently upon the enemy, like lions, they slew of them eleven thousand footmen, and one thousand six hundred horsemen:

2 Maccabees 11:12
And put all the rest to flight; and many of them being wounded, escaped naked: Yea, and Lysias himself fled away shamefully, and escaped.

2 Maccabees 11:14
And promised that he would agree to all things that are just, and that he would persuade the king to be their friend.

2 Maccabees 11:15
Then Machabeus consented to the request of Lysias, providing for the common good in all things; and whatsoever Machabeus wrote to Lysias, concerning the Jews, the king allowed of.

2 Maccabees 11
12And put all the rest to flight; and many of them being wounded, escaped naked: Yea, and Lysias himself fled away shamefully, and escaped. 13And as he was a man of understanding, considering with himself the loss he had suffered, and perceiving that the Hebrews could not be overcome, because they relied upon the help of the Almighty God, he sent to them: 14And promised that he would agree to all things that are just, and that he would persuade the king to be their friend.…
Cross References
2 Maccabees 11:11
And rushing violently upon the enemy, like lions, they slew of them eleven thousand footmen, and one thousand six hundred horsemen:

2 Maccabees 11:12
And put all the rest to flight; and many of them being wounded, escaped naked: Yea, and Lysias himself fled away shamefully, and escaped.

2 Maccabees 11:14
And promised that he would agree to all things that are just, and that he would persuade the king to be their friend.

2 Maccabees 11:15
Then Machabeus consented to the request of Lysias, providing for the common good in all things; and whatsoever Machabeus wrote to Lysias, concerning the Jews, the king allowed of.

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2 Maccabees 11:12
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