The LORD Reigns! 1God raigneth, the people be in a rage: he sitteth 2God is great in Sion: and high aboue all people.
3They shall prayse thy name great & dreadfull:
4Thou hast ordeyned 5Magnifie God our Lorde: and kneele downe before his footstoole, for it is holy.
6Moyses & Aaron among his priestes, and Samuel among such as call vpon his name:
7He spake vnto them out of the cloudy pyller: for they kept his testimonies, and the lawe 8O God our Lord thou heardest them, O Lorde thou didst forbeare them: and thou tokest auengement for their owne inuentions. 9Magnifie God our Lorde, and kneele downe before his holy hyll: for God our Lorde is holy. |