Bishops' Bible of 1568 | Par ▾ |
Waiting on God 1To the chiefe musition vpon Iudethun, a psalme of Dauid. My soule truly only stayeth vpon the Lorde: for of him commeth my saluation.
2He onlye is my rocke and my sauing helpe: he is my refuge, so that I can not be remoued greatly.
3Howe long wyll ye imagine mischiefe against euery man? ye shalbe slayne all the sort of you: ye shalbe as a tottering wall, and like a broken hedge.
4They deuise only howe to thrust him from his promotion: they delight in a lye, they blesse with their mouth, and curse with their heart. Selah.
5Neuerthelesse O my soule, stay thou only vpon the Lorde: for my confidence is in him.
6He only is my rocke and my sauing helpe: he is my refuge, so that I can not be remoued.
7In the Lorde is my health and my glory: my trust is in the Lorde the fortresse of my force.
8O ye people, put your trust in hym alway: powre out your heartes before him, for the Lorde is our hope. Selah.
9As for the chyldren of men, they be onlye but vanitie, the chyldren of lordes be but a lye: vpon the wayghtes they be altogether lighter then vanitie in selfe.
10O trust not in wrong dealing and spoyling: geue not your selues vnto vanitie, if riches encrease, set not your heart vpon them.
11The Lord spake it once, but I haue hearde it twise, that power and mercy belongeth to thee O Lorde God:
12(62:11) for thou rewardest euery man according to his worke.
Bishops' Bible of 1568 Section Headings Courtesy Berean Bible