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International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

wim'-p'l: the Revised Version (British and American) substitutes "shawls" for the King James Version "wimples" in Isaiah 3:22. The precise article of dress intended is unknown.


Strong's Hebrew
4304. mitpachath -- a cloak
... vail, wimple. From taphach; a wide cloak (for a woman) -- vail, wimple. see HEBREW
taphach. 4303, 4304. mitpachath. 4305 . Strong's Numbers.
/hebrew/4304.htm - 6k

Letter Lii to Another Holy virgin.
... Your immoderate laughter, unreserved demeanour, and showy dress would have accorded
better with the wimple [83] than the veil. ... lxiii. [83] Wimple. ...
/.../some letters of saint bernard abbot of clairvaux/letter lii to another holy.htm

... After a time she returned. She had covered her white dress with a mantle of brown
linen and over her head she wore a wimple of the same material. ...
//christianbookshelf.org/miller/the yoke/chapter xxxiv night.htm

At the Well
... small window. The wimple had been thrown back and a single tress of golden
hair had escaped across the forehead. The countenance ...
//christianbookshelf.org/miller/the yoke/chapter xxxvii at the well.htm

Easton's Bible Dictionary
Isaiah 3:22, (R.V., "shawls"), a wrap or veil. The same Hebrew word is rendered "vail" (R.V., "mantle") in Ruth 3:15.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
1. (n.) A covering of silk, linen, or other material, for the neck and chin, formerly worn by women as an outdoor protection, and still retained in the dress of nuns.

2. (n.) A flag or streamer.

3. (v. t.) To clothe with a wimple; to cover, as with a veil; hence, to hoodwink.

4. (v. t.) To draw down, as a veil; to lay in folds or plaits, as a veil.

5. (v. t.) To cause to appear as if laid in folds or plaits; to cause to ripple or undulate; as, the wind wimples the surface of water.

6. (v. i.) To lie in folds; also, to appear as if laid in folds or plaits; to ripple; to undulate.

... 2. (n.) A flag or streamer. 3. (vt) To clothe with a wimple; to cover, as with a
veil; hence, to hoodwink. ... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia. WIMPLE. ...
/w/wimple.htm - 7k

Wily (2 Occurrences)

/w/wily.htm - 7k

Wimples (1 Occurrence)

/w/wimples.htm - 6k

Dress (38 Occurrences)
... 5:3). But peculiar to females were (1) the "veil" or "wimple," a kind of shawl
(Ruth 3:15; rendered "mantle, " RV, Isaiah 3:22); (2) the "mantle," also a ...
/d/dress.htm - 53k



Wimple: (A Cloth Covering That Was Worn Over the Head and Around the Neck and Chin))

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Wily (2 Occurrences)

Wimples (1 Occurrence)

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