When Joash was still a baby
When Joash was still a baby

When Joash was still a baby, his aunt Jehoshabeath and his nurse took him to the high priest for protection. For seven years, the high priest hid Joash in the Temple (2 Kings 11:1--16:20; 2 Chronicles 22:9-12; 23:1-15, 21).

joash; jehoshabeath; nurse; high priest; temple; 2 Kings 11:1--16:20; 2 Chronicles 22:9-12; 23:1-15; 21; protect; protects; protected; protecting; protection; defend; bulwark; cover; fend; guard; safeguard; screen; secure; shield; preserve; flank; ensconce; attend; fortify; shelter; save; harbor; house; tend; cherish; hide; foster; champion; patronize; conserve; overshadow; befriend; arm; garrison; lodge; cushion; shroud; armor; escort; chaperon; care; conduct; convey; sustain; maintain; camouflage; certainty; safekeeping; assurance; invulnerability; impregnability; reassurance; security; stability; strength; defense; armament; ward; aid; support; guidance; ministry; custody; auspices; oversight; supervision; surveillance; immunity; sanctuary; asylum; shade; rock; anchor; fence; retreat; buckler; fortification; hiding place; haven; nurses; temples; protections; bulwarks; covers; guards; safeguards; screens; shields; flanks; shelters; harbors; houses; hides; champions; arms; garrisons; lodges; shrouds; escorts; cares; camouflages; certainties; securities; stabilities; strengths; wards; supports; ministries; supervisions; immunities; sanctuaries; shades; rocks; anchors; fences; retreats; bucklers; fortifications; havens

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