When Jehu became king of Israel
When Jehu became king of Israel

When Jehu became king of Israel, he ordered the Baal worshipers killed, and destroyed the temple and idols of Baal (2 Kings 10:17-36).

jehu; king of israel; baal; 2 Kings 10:17-36; kill; kills; killed; killing; killer; killer's; killers'; slay; murder; assassinate; destroy; massacre; butcher; hang; electrocute; slaughter; dispatch; shoot; strangle; stifle; choke; suffocate; asphyxiate; drown; smother; execute; behead; disembowel; bayonet; saber; finish; veto; negative; lynch; knife; sacrifice; poison; hack; crucify; dismember; decapitate; victimize; exterminate; stab; mangle; decimate; liquidate; starve; bludgeon; erase; ruin; annihilate; annul; nullify; counteract; stop; cancel; prohibit; refuse; blot out; silence; cut off; stone; throttle; burn; wound mortally; impale; pierce; spear; extinguish; quench; quell; check; arrest; stall; mortal; lethal; fatal; homicide; bloodshed; foul play; carnage; martyrdom; capital; punishment; flaying; strangling; patricide; matricide; suicide; infanticide; elimination; holocaust; deadly; devastating; sanguinary; sanguine; destructive; gory; manslaughter; killers; murders; massacres; dispatches; shoots; bayonets; sabers; finishes; vetoes; knives; sacrifices; poisons; stabs; bludgeons; ruins; stops; silences; stones; throttles; burns; spears; checks; stalls; mortals; capitals; punishments; suicides

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