
The Pharisees and Sadducees were jealous of the popularity of Peter and John, so the high priest ordered guards to arrest the two and throw them into jail (Acts 5:21-42).

pharisees; sadducees; peter; john; high priest; Acts 5:21-42; jealous; jealousy; envious; covetous; invidious; suspicious; jaundiced; distrustful; mistrustful; doubting; doubtful; dubious; possessive; green-eyed; demanding; monopolizing; watchful; resentful; skeptical; apprehensive; spiteful; grudging; anxious; vigilant; careful; concerned; wary; wakeful; sleepless; advertent; heedful; prudent; regardful; painstaking; mindful; scrupulous; alert; cautious; precautious; solicitude; vexation; misgiving; hatred; qualm; fearfulness; ill will; bitterness; foreboding; chagrin; humiliation; jealousies; vexations; misgivings; qualms; forebodings; humiliations

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