
The religious leaders watched with hard hearts to see if Jesus would heal the cripped woman on the Sabbath. They thought it was a sin to do any work, even healing, on the Sabbath. But of course Jesus saw a woman in great need and healed her (Luke 13:10-17).

sabbath; religious leaders; heal; work; Luke 13:10-17; compassion; compassioned; compassionate; compassionately; cripple; crippled woman; healed; healing; heals; compassion; sympathy; pity; clemency; kindness; commiseration; tenderness; fellow-feeling; empathy; consideration; mercy; grace; charity; condolence; gentleness; favor; mildness; indulgence; soft-heartedness; long-suffering; forbearance; heart; tender-heartedness; bowels of compassion; lenience; benevolence; toleration; forgivingness; liberality; yearning; magnanimity; chivalry; humanity; pardoning; moderate; touched; responsive; warm; warm-hearted; sabbaths; works; compassions; cripples; sympathies; pities; clemencies; kindnesses; considerations; mercies; graces; charities; favors; indulgences; forbearances; hearts; yearnings; humanities; moderates

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The Law of Moses
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