
For twenty years Jacob worked for his father-in-law Laban, who cheated him again and again. At last Jacob and his wives decided to run away. But Laban caught up with them (Genesis 31:26-55).

jacob; laban; Genesis 31:26-55; run away; ran away; escaped; cheat; cheated; cheating; fool; fudge; con; short; double-cross; mislead; chicane; chicanery; dishonesty; double-dealing; hanky-panky; trickery; deceit; deception; fraud; gyp; hoax; put-on; beat; bilk; chisel; swindle; beguile; dupe; befool; inveigle; outwit; delude; hoodwink; fleece; ensnare; entrap; entice; cajole; play false; wheedle; baffle; foil; frustrate; cross; circumvent; rob of; disappoint; cheats; fools; cons; dishonesties; trickeries; deceits; deceptions; frauds; chisels; dupes; fleeces; foils; crosses

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