Two types of whips
Two types of whips

Two types of whips, the gentle whip that Jesus used to drive the moneychangers and merchants from the temple, John 2:13-22, and the whip with metal pieces that the Roman soldiers used to tear Jesus' flesh when he was scourged, John 19:1.

whip; lead-tipped; John 19:1; flogged; beaten; cruel; crueler; cruelest; cruelty; cruelness; fierce; barbarous; fell; ferocious; grim; inhuman; inhumane; savage; wolfish; brutal; merciless; pitiless; tyrannical; inexorable; disposed to inflict suffering; sadistic; vicious; indifferent to suffering; fiendish; unfeeling; ruthless; atrocious; bloodthirsty; cold-blooded; hard-hearted; uncompassionate; unrelenting; unkind; implacable; diabolical; devilish; demoniac; hellish; infernal; malevolent; remorseless; brutish; heartless; bitter; cold; inclement; sharp; painful; acute; stinging; biting; excruciating; raw; sore; agonizing; torturous; spiteful; depraved; wicked; vengeful; evil; sinful; degenerate; sensual; rampant; outrageous; gross; demoralized; rancorous; rough; wild; bestial; monstrous; debased; destructive; pernicious; callous; unnatural; unyielding; obdurate; inflexible; stony; unconcerned; without pity; whips; cruelties; savages; sores; evils

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