
Megiddo, Tell El Mutesellim, is in the Plain of Esdraelon, often thought to be the Armageddon of Revelation 16:16. Megiddo guarded the caravan route from Gaza in the south to Damascus in the north, strategic for the movement of goods and armies. Near here, Deborah and Barak won a great battle (Judges 5:19, 20), Gideon defeated the Midianites (Judges 6:33), and Saul died in battle (1 Samuel 31). Today Megiddo is only a tell, ruins of many periods of history in different layers. It was excavated by the Oriental Institute of Chicago, starting in 1925. City water system, 9th century B. C. --entrance.

megiddo; tell; el; mutesellim; water; system; 9th; century; b. c. ; plain; esdraelon; armageddon; caravan; route; deborah; barak; battle; gideon; midianites; saul; death; dying; ruin; archaeology; antiquity; artifacts; excavation; oriental; institute; waters; systems; centuries; plains; caravans; routes; battles; deaths; ruins; excavations; orientals; institutes

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