Luke 21:16
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Luke 21:16 You will be betrayed even by parents and brothers and relatives and friends, and some of you will be put to death.

BSB:  You will be betrayed even by parents and brothers and relatives and friends, and some of you will be put to death.
KJV:  And ye shall be betrayed both by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolks, and friends; and some of you shall they cause to be put to death.
DRB:  And you shall be betrayed by your parents and brethren, and kinsmen and friends; and some of you they will put to death.
DBT:  But ye will be delivered up even by parents and brethren and relations and friends, and they shall put to death some from among you,
ERV:  But ye shall be delivered up even by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolk, and friends; and some of you shall they cause to be put to death.
WBT:  And ye will be betrayed both by parents, and brethren, and kinsmen, and friends; and some of you will they cause to be put to death.
WEB:  You will be handed over even by parents, brothers, relatives, and friends. They will cause some of you to be put to death.
YLT:  'And ye shall be delivered up also by parents, and brothers, and kindred, and friends, and they shall put of you to death;
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